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Urban Hat€monger ? 03-27-2009 11:59 AM

I can understand why his record sales are up and I can understand why he could easily sell out 50 nights. He has been away for a long time & people want to see him again.

But he's been living off his back catalogue for over a decade now and I don't see how he can sustain it past these gigs. I mean how many times would even the most diehard Jacko fan need to buy Thriller.

It's what happens after these gigs that'll define how his career goes.

And farewell tours sell more tickets. Just ask Ozzy Osbourne or The Rolling Stones and they don't seem to be giving up anytime soon.

scottsy 03-27-2009 12:00 PM

Thats not a comeback then, its a farewell... damn this is a banal argument.

Mojo 03-27-2009 12:13 PM

It never was a comeback really, its just that seemed to be the word you were using. Oh yeah, if you werent already aware he's booked the gigs as a farewell to his fans and at least as of right now there are no more scheduled. I think, health providing there will be more though. I doubt he would just want to do a run in England and go nowhere else.

At least I can understand your point now though if you were under the impression this was the start of something rather than the end of something. :)

scottsy 03-28-2009 09:13 AM

Why is it a scandal... did he actually ever get convicted of anything indecent? I don't like MJ that much, and think he is one of the most quietly pompous people in the world... but if he isn't a criminal then he has the same right to adopt as you and I do. As well as being subject to the same scrutiny from the adoption agencies... there is no real scandal then, really...

kniff0311 03-29-2009 11:35 AM

i think he is an odd character but he's a hell of a performer though.

scottsy 03-30-2009 10:47 AM

Odd character is an understatement... a fruit loop is closer to the mark...

SydMM 03-30-2009 05:27 PM

Michael couldn't get it back since Invincible. It was horrible and I think he just doesn't fit into the music scene anymore. This so-called "comeback" is just money into his pockets cause he's broke. Don't get me wrong, I like his older music but come on, seriously?

scottsy 03-30-2009 08:32 PM

He has been losing ground since the first round of molestation charges... ground I don't think anyone in his position could have ever regained, regardless of their guilt or innocence...

Whatsitoosit 03-31-2009 01:40 PM

Michael Jackson is HIStory.

NSW 03-31-2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 626284)
Michael Jackson is HIStory.

SHUT that Whatsitoosit??? For realz??? where you been?

Whatsitoosit 03-31-2009 01:44 PM

I've been around, reading up on the forum and such... been a bit busy in general. This thread provided me with many laughs last week... the fanboyism is off the charts.

NSW 03-31-2009 01:46 PM

Well...welcome back to the realm of posters. :)

Whatsitoosit 03-31-2009 01:47 PM

:) thank you very much.

barbarella 04-04-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 36724)
Off The Wall is a work of genius , no matter what you might think of the guy & far far superior to Thriller.

Agreed! I think he was still in touch with his beginnings when he made Off The Wall, if you get what I mean. Apart from the track Thriller itself I could never get into that album, and I far prefer the stuff he did when he was a member of the Jacksons. Skywriter and Lookin' Through The Windows are stand-out tracks for me.

yomaster 04-06-2009 08:01 AM

He has some great tunes. But with all the embarrassments and media attention its hard for me to take him seriously. It's very hard to separate the mj wacko from the mj the musician because the guy has become such a joke. He needs to completely disappear for 10 years and then maybe his music can be serious to me again.

coryallen2 04-06-2009 08:04 AM

beat it and thrilelr only good songs when he was still had skin pigment

yomaster 04-06-2009 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by coryallen2 (Post 631062)
beat it and thrilelr only good songs when he was still had skin pigment

2 songs? lol. Come on. Go browse his discography. Trust me you will find more than two.

coryallen2 04-06-2009 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by yomaster (Post 631069)
2 songs? lol. Come on. Go browse his discography. Trust me you will find more than two.

i have a mom that is in her 30s i have heard everything

scottsy 04-06-2009 04:03 PM

Ughh, please don't think all parents that are in their thirties have such bad taste in music... pleeeeeaaaasssee... that, of course is my demographic bracket and I listen to music that I believe is great... hopefully I am,not *ahem* deluded...

Janszoon 04-06-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 631360)
Ughh, please don't think all parents that are in their thirties have such bad taste in music... pleeeeeaaaasssee... that, of course is my demographic bracket and I listen to music that I believe is great... hopefully I am,not *ahem* deluded...

I'm in my 30s too, but I'm not a parent. I think I have a decent taste in music. :)

Soulflower 04-09-2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 623459)
Maybe I should read posts, mate. Selling out seats, however, does not maketh a comeback. There's a whole lot more needed... for one the guy needs to show and quit blabbering about his health. Then what about actual material that people other tghan hardcore fans care about... then maybe your approaching the edges of small time come back....

Well Michael Jackson never said he wanted to make a "comeback". The MEDIA is proclaiming that. An artist like Michael Jackson does not have to come back to anything but just return to making music but anybody can read whatever they want to read in that.

Last I checked Michael has never "blabbed" about his health and if you have heard anything once again its coming from the media which does not speak for Michael Jackson.


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 626293)
I've been around, reading up on the forum and such... been a bit busy in general. This thread provided me with many laughs last week... the fanboyism is off the charts.

Whats wrong with liking Michael Jackson? His a great artist. This IS a Michael Jackson thread so you might find some fans here like you might find some fans in whatever section on the forum. Why is that a problem?

Whatsitoosit 04-09-2009 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 633533)
Whats wrong with liking Michael Jackson? His a great artist. This IS a Michael Jackson thread so you might find some fans here like you might find some fans in whatever section on the forum. Why is that a problem?

being a fan is one thing... denying the obvious and pretending all is fine and dandy in never never land is another. He does need to make a come back because his last album was a flop and his reputation is tarnished... for the King of Pop, this is unacceptable. His ability to be the artist he once was is questionable, so no... he doesn't just need to show up and perform, he needs to make "a comeback". I like his music... I just find the rose tinted blinders some people have on amusing, that's all.

Soulflower 04-09-2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 633661)
being a fan is one thing... denying the obvious and pretending all is fine and dandy in never never land is another. He does need to make a come back because his last album was a flop and his reputation is tarnished... for the King of Pop, this is unacceptable. His ability to be the artist he once was is questionable, so no... he doesn't just need to show up and perform, he needs to make "a comeback". I like his music... I just find the rose tinted blinders some people have on amusing, that's all.

Of course but that goes for ANY artist who has hardcore fans. They probably would not be like that if people would stop wearing blinders when it comes to "Michael Jackson as the artist". So it really can go both ways. Most of what is already obvious you mention in your post. People know his reputation is tarnish and people know even though his concerts sales are a success it will never equal to his peak. Thats true and people KNOW that already. Its a fact, the same with older artists such as Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney and Prince. So to keep mentioning it as an excuse to downplay his success with the concerts is ignorant.

His last album was not a flop but since the media loves to put Michael Jackson on a pedestal with his older material they said that.
Invincible sold about 2 million in the United States(1 million sold in a America equals platinum) and well over 8 million worldwide. Now in a industry that is poor on record sales thats good. Also he was competing with current artists. Not to mention Invincible only had one music video and 2 singles. It sold pretty damn well if you ask me for the circumstances it was in. Its not as nearly a success as his older works but it still sold pretty good.

Also, the recent Thriller25 C.D. sold well over 2 million in the United States and worldwide. An artist like Michael Jackson is guarentee at least 2-4 million because of his fanbase and that guarentees platinum everytime. Michael has done that with every album so he really does not have to make a "comeback" Just return to making music.

Whatsitoosit 04-10-2009 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 634030)
An artist like Michael Jackson is guarentee at least 2-4 million because of his fanbase and that guarentees platinum everytime

You just answered your own question... he made platinum from his last album due to his fan base... not the actual music itself. You're probably right though... he can just jump on a stage and everybody will go nuts because of who he is. A true comeback in my mind would be him releasing an album of a "Dangerous" caliber where he isn't repeating past glories and he isn't trying to be something he isn't. Invincible was a flop by Michael Jackson standards... forget the numbers. Had some unknown artist made that album, perhaps it would have worked better (perhaps it would have been easier forgotten)... the style and sounds just didn't work for him.

SydMM 04-10-2009 08:57 AM

Whenever he needs money, he'll do a tour.

boo boo 04-10-2009 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by coryallen2 (Post 631062)
beat it and thrilelr only good songs when he was still had skin pigment

Try not to type when you're obviously inebriated.

Soulflower 04-10-2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 634588)
You just answered your own question... he made platinum from his last album due to his fan base... not the actual music itself. You're probably right though... he can just jump on a stage and everybody will go nuts because of who he is. A true comeback in my mind would be him releasing an album of a "Dangerous" caliber where he isn't repeating past glories and he isn't trying to be something he isn't. Invincible was a flop by Michael Jackson standards... forget the numbers. Had some unknown artist made that album, perhaps it would have worked better (perhaps it would have been easier forgotten)... the style and sounds just didn't work for him.

Basically repeating what you said earlier.

My only arguement was his a great artist and just because his last album did not do so well according to MJ standards and his tarnish image, does not mean his a bad artist or takes away from his success period. People bring this up ALL the time and it is never going to take away from MJ's success as an artist.
His past glories and classics will always be more successful which me and you both agreed with and is true. Michael is just trying to make music and people are trying to compete Michael with Michael. Just enjoy Michael Jackson as an artist. So what if his next album does not do so well and if it is a success good for him. Its just nice to see a great artist/ performer returning to what he does best and not the scandels.

Whatsitoosit 04-10-2009 12:50 PM

well if that's the case, he needs to return to the plastic surgery clinic because that seems to be what he does best these days ;) Honestly, he should just tour and stop making new music for when he is gone history will be kinder on him.

Soulflower 04-14-2009 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 634777)
well if that's the case, he needs to return to the plastic surgery clinic because that seems to be what he does best these days ;) Honestly, he should just tour and stop making new music for when he is gone history will be kinder on him.

Well going by that distorted logic, I guess Prince should stop making music because it will never be as good as his old material. I guess Stevie Wonder should stop making records because it will never be as good as his old classics. I guess James Brown should have stopped performing because he was well over 50. Thats a ignorant logic because these legends do what they do because they ENJOY it. Its YOUR choice how you rate them and the pedestal you sit them on but their going to continue to do their thing.

scottsy 04-16-2009 10:47 AM

hehehehehehehe...who knows whhat goes on in that magical room in the neverland ranch with all the murals of Michael adorning the walls... Halloween, every single day...

boo boo 04-16-2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 638306)
Well going by that distorted logic, I guess Prince should stop making music because it will never be as good as his old material. I guess Stevie Wonder should stop making records because it will never be as good as his old classics. I guess James Brown should have stopped performing because he was well over 50. Thats a ignorant logic because these legends do what they do because they ENJOY it. Its YOUR choice how you rate them and the pedestal you sit them on but their going to continue to do their thing.

Look I'm a big Jackson fan but I agree with whatsitoosit, there comes a time for every famous artist and band that once they fade away or are way past their prime, the fans don't want to hear their new songs anymore. If people go to a Jackson concert nowadays they don't want to hear some crappy new Timberlake-lite songs he wrote, they want Billie Jean and Beat It, Smooth Criminal and Bad, Don't Stop Til You Get Enough and Off The Wall, the classics. That's the case for most old bands that are still together, weither it be Genesis or Van Halen, they can throw in some new songs but what people really want are the oldies.

There's nothing wrong if Jackson were to just accept that, there was a time when he ruled the pop industry, but that time has passed. Nowadays he'd do just fine being a human jukebox.

Janszoon 04-16-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 639674)
There's nothing wrong if Jackson were to just accept that, there was a time when he ruled the pop industry, but that time has passed. Nowadays he'd do just fine being a human jukebox.

I don't know, he's pretty good at being a human train wreck.

boo boo 04-16-2009 03:30 PM

Well it's been so long since he last performed, so it's hard to say how his voice and dance moves have held up. It's a pipe dream for sure but I say, let the guy have another shot.

David Bowie being on enough coke to kill a herd of elephants didn't stop him from making awesome records like Low and Heroes, though of course he had help. And Jackson would need a LOT of it.

Soulflower 04-17-2009 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 639674)
Look I'm a big Jackson fan but I agree with whatsitoosit, there comes a time for every famous artist and band that once they fade away or are way past their prime, the fans don't want to hear their new songs anymore.

Exactly some fans DO want to hear new music from Michael Jackson.


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 639674)
If people go to a Jackson concert nowadays they don't want to hear some crappy new Timberlake-lite songs he wrote, they want Billie Jean and Beat It, Smooth Criminal and Bad, Don't Stop Til You Get Enough and Off The Wall, the classics. That's the case for most old bands that are still together, weither it be Genesis or Van Halen, they can throw in some new songs but what people really want are the oldies.

There's nothing wrong if Jackson were to just accept that, there was a time when he ruled the pop industry, but that time has passed. Nowadays he'd do just fine being a human jukebox

I never disagreed with that truth and thats OBVIOUS so why keep mentioning? Thats not going to stop him from making new material and why should he? His an artist that has been in the game for his entire life, so if he wants to continue to make music because that is something he enjoys than why stop him? Just because it wont be as successful as his older works does not mean he should throw in the towel for making new music.
And it also does not mean that his new material will be bad but if you dont want to by the C.D. because its not up to part with his older work then dont buy it.
It does not matter what the media or public thinks. Utimately his going to do what he wants to do.... and it should be that way.

scottsy 04-17-2009 09:09 AM

I think its every die hard fan's dream to hear something new from their favorite artists / band... but that doesn't mean the general populace wants it... I for one would love to hear new material from a band like Genesis... it would thrill the daylights outta me...but I really don't know how the rest of the world would feel or even if they'd care...

Fandom is a somewhat blinkered thing...

lalasingergirl 04-17-2009 10:51 AM

his music does have a certain may just be from the times of life it reminds me of though. but i do enjoy it!

ChiliColdBlood 04-17-2009 11:47 AM

You guys hear about his canceled Neverland auction?

Watch this.

Whatsitoosit 04-23-2009 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 638306)
Well going by that distorted logic, I guess Prince should stop making music because it will never be as good as his old material. I guess Stevie Wonder should stop making records because it will never be as good as his old classics. I guess James Brown should have stopped performing because he was well over 50. Thats a ignorant logic because these legends do what they do because they ENJOY it. Its YOUR choice how you rate them and the pedestal you sit them on but their going to continue to do their thing.

Yes, they should stop. Spend less time trying to reclaim old glory and more time cashing in on it.


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 639674)
Look I'm a big Jackson fan but I agree with whatsitoosit, there comes a time for every famous artist and band that once they fade away or are way past their prime, the fans don't want to hear their new songs anymore. If people go to a Jackson concert nowadays they don't want to hear some crappy new Timberlake-lite songs he wrote, they want Billie Jean and Beat It, Smooth Criminal and Bad, Don't Stop Til You Get Enough and Off The Wall, the classics. That's the case for most old bands that are still together, weither it be Genesis or Van Halen, they can throw in some new songs but what people really want are the oldies.

There's nothing wrong if Jackson were to just accept that, there was a time when he ruled the pop industry, but that time has passed. Nowadays he'd do just fine being a human jukebox.

the last time I went to see Aerosmith (2004) they pretty much played their newest album with a few hits sprinkles in there. Needless to say it was one of the worst concerts I've ever been to and I would have preferred having my teeth cleaned with an ice pick.


Originally Posted by realtalk92 (Post 640084)
Exactly some fans DO want to hear new music from Michael Jackson.

I never disagreed with that truth and thats OBVIOUS so why keep mentioning? Thats not going to stop him from making new material and why should he? His an artist that has been in the game for his entire life, so if he wants to continue to make music because that is something he enjoys than why stop him? Just because it wont be as successful as his older works does not mean he should throw in the towel for making new music.
And it also does not mean that his new material will be bad but if you dont want to by the C.D. because its not up to part with his older work then dont buy it.
It does not matter what the media or public thinks. Utimately his going to do what he wants to do.... and it should be that way.

here's the problem. In 1982 he was breaking new ground and on the cutting edge of newer sounds and styles. In 2002 he was trying to imitate current styles (which he had a hand in starting - oh the irony) and basically just got sucked in the void of every other artist on the radio that year. It's over... go out there and tour to the hits, moonwalk, grab your crotch, say oooooooh and hee hee 200 times and call it a day.

Soulflower 04-23-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 645070)
Yes, they should stop. Spend less time trying to reclaim old glory and more time cashing in on it.

Trust me Michael Jackson cashes in on his music as well as other artists music as well. Once again his not reclaiming anything, its a FAIRWELL TOUR kinda self explainatory.


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 645070)
here's the problem. In 1982 he was breaking new ground and on the cutting edge of newer sounds and styles. In 2002 he was trying to imitate current styles (which he had a hand in starting - oh the irony)

You keep repeating yourself and I never disagreed with this part once again.


Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit (Post 645070)
and basically just got sucked in the void of every other artist on the radio that year. It's over... go out there and tour to the hits, moonwalk, grab your crotch, say oooooooh and hee hee 200 times and call it a day.

Whats your point??

Thats basically all his doing.

Its a FAIRWELL Tour. His not trying to recapture anything and its not like he has to anyway because he is a legend. The tour will more than likely be his last if he doesnt decide to tour America again, so how is that glorifying anything? Its strictly for the fans.

Whatsitoosit 04-23-2009 02:24 PM

Farewell tour my hiney... as long as he has a pulse and a nose he will keep making a "come back". Anyway, we're going in circles... you are a die hard fan of the pop king and I'm not. Now beat it!!! Just leave me alone!!!!! ooooooooooooh, who's bad?

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