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Cold 09-01-2009 07:15 AM

What is your opinion of her as an artist?

Janszoon 09-01-2009 07:18 AM

She's an amazing businesswoman no doubt about it.

Neapolitan 09-01-2009 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 727933)
She's an amazing businesswoman no doubt about it.

Yes as a business woman she's shrewd
but the way she dresses & dance
her stage act can be kinda lewd
She's like a virgin but
you could never call her a prude
She wrote a childrens and that's a little skewed
from her other work where
She appeared in the nude

sidewinder 09-01-2009 09:10 AM

Meh. I liked some of her songs when I was young, when she was at her prime. She needs to retire, or at least quit trying to act like she's still in her 20s.

Grotesque Head 09-01-2009 09:13 AM

Her Ray Of Light album is mighty fine - thanks mostly to William Orbit, I'm sure.

knj27 09-01-2009 04:52 PM

NumberNineDream 09-01-2009 08:20 PM

All I know is that people keep saying that she redefined pop with Michel Jackson. But no one explains the reason of that saying.

guineapig64 09-02-2009 08:05 AM

When it comes to Madonna, I like her 80's music the most. The songs I have from her are "Borderline", "Burning Up", "Dress You Up In My Love", "Get Into The Groove", "Like A Virgin", "Lucky Star", "Material Girl", and "Open Your Heart To Me". I also have another song from her which is called "4 Minutes" but I think it's okay.

FETCHER. 09-02-2009 08:34 AM

i agree with the amazing buisness woman comment, not one song of hers comes to mind. except like a virgin which was way before my time. but she should give the leotard a by.
and give up the gym.
everytime i see her in a celeb magazine her appearance makes me shudder.
not attractive in the slightest.

sidewinder 09-02-2009 12:19 PM

Lol that picture always makes me think of Iggy Pop.

FETCHER. 09-02-2009 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 728454)
Lol that picture always makes me think of Iggy Pop.

now you mention it...

Engine 09-02-2009 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 728454)
Lol that picture always makes me think of Iggy Pop.

Madonna and Iggy should arm wrestle

FETCHER. 09-02-2009 01:12 PM

madonna would tan iggy pops arse at an arm wrestle :laughing:

PinkCigarette 09-02-2009 03:11 PM

Madonna is awesome. Particularly her classic 80's tunes and early 90's.

I don't mind her new stuff but it doesn't have the same quality as her old material. It's also kinda....weird (for me, anyways) to know that a 51 year old woman is singing songs that are played in a club....I mean, good for her, but it almost comes across as so damn fake, for some reason. She walks around in these skimpy outfits and still uses sex to sell and it's retarded because she's 51....just, no.

sidewinder 09-02-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Patton (Post 728547)
She walks around in these skimpy outfits and still uses sex to sell and it's retarded because she's 51....just, no.

For real. And your new avatar is hot. :o:

Scarlett O'Hara 06-14-2010 03:50 AM

I so don't get the claim that Madonna is the queen of pop. Other than her being overly sexualised during times when it wasn't the norm, how is she so? Some of her videos are pretty well made, but it wasn't exactly her input, she just represented them.

Goblin Tears 06-14-2010 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 882206)
I so don't get the claim that Madonna is the queen of pop. Other than her being overly sexualised during times when it wasn't the norm, how is she so? Some of her videos are pretty well made, but it wasn't exactly her input, she just represented them.

I agree that that's the case with some of her videos. Like the Hollywood one...she pretty much stole it from a photographer.

But she's not without her merits. For some of her videos, she had so much input that she may as well have directed them. Like, in Express Yourself, she did basically everything, from costume selection, to casting and set-design.

Still, she's a covetous bitch. :laughing:

glastonelle 06-16-2010 12:29 AM

She looks scary now, but back in the day she was amazing. Her music still makes me smile though, espescially the 80s stuff.

Janszoon 06-16-2010 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 882206)
I so don't get the claim that Madonna is the queen of pop. Other than her being overly sexualised during times when it wasn't the norm, how is she so? Some of her videos are pretty well made, but it wasn't exactly her input, she just represented them.

Well, she's probably the the most successful female pop singer of the past 30 years if not of all time. I'd imagine that's why someone would call her the queen of pop.

Edit: Some info from her Wikipedis entry...


Recognized as one of the biggest-selling artists in music history, Madonna has sold more than 250 million records within 20 years of her career. She is ranked by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) as the best-selling female rock artist of the 20th century, and the second top-selling female artist in the United States behind Barbra Streisand, with 64 million certified albums. Guinness World Records listed her as the world's most successful female recording artist of all time. In 2008, Billboard magazine ranked Madonna at number two behind only The Beatles, on the "Billboard Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists", making her the most successful solo artist in the history of the chart.

mohtaref 06-17-2010 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 727949)
Meh. I liked some of her songs when I was young, when she was at her prime. She needs to retire, or at least quit trying to act like she's still in her 20s.

i agree with you :thumb:

thomasglickman 06-17-2010 06:22 AM

she looks ugly in that picture although I find her pretty in several magazines.

Nadia 06-17-2010 06:58 AM

I think she's very clever - she knew what she wanted to do and she did it - but as a musician, I don't think she's exceptional. Her songs are really good (or at least her old ones are, can't say much for the new ones) but I've never been amazed by her voice as I am with some of the other people on the charts.

Necromancer 06-22-2011 03:22 PM

Madonna's choreography was well done. Her music was exciting (danceable) to say the least. She is still the Queen of Pop.

I like the electric funk bass-line on Into The Groove.

These are a few of my favorite singles by Madonna.

___ 06-22-2011 03:34 PM

Didn't care for her back then, don't care for her now. The only reason I know some of her songs is because:

One) Idiot drunkards sing some of her songs.
Two) Never Been Kissed
Three) That hype when she did that stunt with Britney Spears
Four) James Bond movie.

Necromancer 06-22-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075205)
Didn't care for her back then, don't care for her now. The only reason I know some of her songs is because:

One) Idiot drunkards sing some of her songs.
Two) Never Been Kissed
Three) That hype when she did that stunt with Britney Spears
Four) James Bond movie.

(Idiot Drunkards?):laughing: please enlighten me to who you suggest is a good artist and performer? "by the way, I do love your above list", very informative.:rolleyes:

CHCl3 06-22-2011 04:29 PM

Shouldn't this be in the Pop forum?

Janszoon 06-22-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075205)
Didn't care for her back then, don't care for her now. The only reason I know some of her songs is because:

One) Idiot drunkards sing some of her songs.
Two) Never Been Kissed
Three) That hype when she did that stunt with Britney Spears
Four) James Bond movie.

I would think the fact that she's the best-selling female artist of all time would be the main reason you'd know some of her songs.

___ 06-22-2011 04:55 PM

You can see her as the best selling female performer of "all time" but that doesn't change the fact that I would still know her songs just because of that. As mentioned earlier, those are the reasons why I know her.

I don't care for her at all. Get over it.

Necromancer 06-22-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075229)
You can see her as the best selling female performer of "all time" but that doesn't change the fact that I would still know her songs just because of that. As mentioned earlier, those are the reasons why I know her.

I don't care for her at all. Get over it.

"I don't have to get over it! You! get over it". Mr Blank? or what ever your user name represents?

___ 06-22-2011 05:08 PM

Well be that as it may person from Ohio. There are people who are very much in the spotlight of the media (or have been), it doesn't necessarily mean I would know about them or their career. She never appealed to me.

Necromancer 06-22-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075232)
Well be that as it may person from Ohio. There are people who are very much in the spotlight of the media (or have been), it doesn't necessarily mean I would know about them or their career. She never appealed to me.

:rolleyes:Yes, that may well be, she never appealed to you. But why in the lords name do you dislike her music and as a performer? Answer that mr. smarty? I say she's "The Queen of Pop"!

___ 06-22-2011 05:25 PM

Well, for one, I just said she never appealed to me so that right there means, I do not want to listen to her music, or see her perform. She does not interest me at all. And from the songs that I had to endure I quite disliked. I don't like her voice or anything about her.

You can say and think she is the queen of pop, go ahead, I'm not asking you a million questions to prove your opinion. It's your own.

Janszoon 06-22-2011 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075229)
You can see her as the best selling female performer of "all time" but that doesn't change the fact that I would still know her songs just because of that. As mentioned earlier, those are the reasons why I know her.

It's not just "how I see her", it's actually a fact.


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075229)
I don't care for her at all. Get over it.

I don't care for her either. What's your point?

___ 06-22-2011 05:36 PM

Fact or something, it doesn't change how I came about to know her songs. In my case that's not how it happened just because she became best seller.

Necromancer 06-22-2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075240)
Well, for one, I just said she never appealed to me so that right there means, I do not want to listen to her music, or see her perform. She does not interest me at all. And from the songs that I had to endure I quite disliked. I don't like her voice or anything about her.

You can say and think she is the queen of pop, go ahead, I'm not asking you a million questions to prove your opinion. It's your own.

"I like the way you ask a question when you're really just giving a biased answer". Are you asking me to give you a million answers to your questions? If she does not interest you at all, as you stated, then why do you post negativity about her? You think you can just go around anywhere and say what you "think you think"!? About Madonna (Queen Of POP)!?

___ 06-22-2011 05:48 PM

Man, you just asked why I don't like her. It's going to sound negative. And yeah, I'm entitled to give an opinion about people and their (lack of) talent.

Accept that there is someone out in this world that does not like Madonna nor her music.
It happens.

Janszoon 06-22-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075243)
Fact or something, it doesn't change how I came about to know her songs. In my case that's not how it happened just because she became best seller.


Necromancer 06-22-2011 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075249)
Man, you just asked why I don't like her. It's going to sound negative. And yeah, I'm entitled to give an opinion about people and their (lack of) talent.

Accept that there is someone out in this world that does not like Madonna nor her music.
It happens.

And I despise the way you say "(lack of) talent". And yes you may be entitled to an opinion, but that doesn't mean you can just come around here, spreading nothing but Trash! About Madonna. Why do you sread negativity about such a "GREAT" star? When you know yourself, that she is very talented and great in every aspect as a Star Performer of All-Time!

___ 06-22-2011 06:18 PM

If you read carefully, I said people. Not just your queen of pop Madonna. I wasn't spreading trash, but only answering your incessant questions. My opinion on her differs from your own. Yet you're calling my answers "spreading negativity trash". Quit fueling the fire, man. I said my opinion and I'm done answering your inquires about someone you clearly think highly of.

Crazy8 06-22-2011 06:30 PM

I love Madonna...she's a talented artist and great business woman, but she needs to stop trying to look and act younger than she is. I saw some recent photos of her and was like "what the hell did she do to her face?!"

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