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Necromancer 06-22-2011 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075275)
If you read carefully, I said people. Not just your queen of pop Madonna. I wasn't spreading trash, but only answering your incessant questions. My opinion on her differs from your own. Yet you're calling my answers "spreading negativity trash". Quit fueling the fire, man. I said my opinion and I'm done answering your inquires about someone you clearly think highly of.

Well OK then, lets just slow down and have a decent debate. Lets take a breath of fresh air, for just a second or two, and just calm down.:)

Alright! Here's what your totally wrong about, in everything possible thing you say about Madonna. And when you say "I'm fueling the Fire"! If that's not negativity and nothing but complete sarcasm, as far as I'm concerned, then what is it? You said it, and as far as I can see, you are Wrong! So better explain and give me your real reason, in musical terms. as to why you hate her so much? Lots of people like Madonna as the best of the Best performers of all-time! (And she is very Talented).

___ 06-22-2011 07:21 PM

Okay, you keep saying that "lots of people like Madonna and think she is very talented" I get that, quit being repetitive. And I never said I hated her. Get that straight right now. Why can you just accept the fact that I, personally, do not like her. I do not like her singing, her lyrics, how she acts/performs. She as a performer and a person does not attract me or interest me. I do not know much about her, but that is because I do not want to know anything about her. And if I need to know anything else about her just to debate on liking/disliking her, that's ridiculous. The fact that I have limited knowledge about her shouldn't factor on my opinion. Because, let me say again, I do not care for her, so I do not want to know anything about her. I do not want to hear her songs. I do not want to see her at all.

Necromancer 06-22-2011 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by ___ (Post 1075295)
Okay, you keep saying that "lots of people like Madonna and think she is very talented" I get that, quit being repetitive. And I never said I hated her. Get that straight right now. Why can you just accept the fact that I, personally, do not like her. I do not like her singing, her lyrics, how she acts/performs. She as a performer and a person does not attract me or interest me. I do not know much about her, but that is because I do not want to know anything about her. And if I need to know anything else about her just to debate on liking/disliking her, that's ridiculous. The fact that I have limited knowledge about her shouldn't factor on my opinion. Because, let me say again, I do not care for her, so I do not want to know anything about her. I do not want to hear her songs. I do not want to see her at all.

Well in the first place, I didn't say Madonna was very talented, I said she might be very talented. that's the difference. And I cant accept the fact that you say you just dis-like her, without any kind of explanation concerning her music, not one explained reason do you even produce, as to the question, Why!? :crazy: You don't even know why you don't like Madonna, what is your reason? Just because you don't know very much about her, doesn't mean that you cant come to like her and her music eventually someday, everyone does.

___ 06-22-2011 07:50 PM

I just said I can not stand her singing voice. I can not stand her lyrics. I can not enjoy her performances. The fact that I can't sit and listen while her songs are on should be good enough to not like her. And if I'm missing out on some great talent, oh well. That's all on me and my own fault, but do you think I care? This why there is opinions about music artists, you either respect/enjoy/love/dislike/hate/can't stand/ et cetera their work. I'm not going to listen to everything she has released just to prove that I still don't like her. That's not how it works. When you can't stand to listen to a music artist, you simply stop listening to them. And it's partly true that when you feel like you do not like the work of a musical artist, that later on in life you find that your views change. But you can't say that everyone who doesn't like her music eventually does a complete 360.

Let's just end this right here. Or better yet, officially on the record, I'm going to stop. My opinion is I do not like her work as a musical artist. Plain and simple.

You need to let it go, you're sounding like her spokesperson.

Consolator 06-23-2011 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Necromancer (Post 1075319)
I just hope that someday you will realize like everybody else does sooner or later, and becomes a Fan Of Madonna, not just for us here at FOM. But for yourself.

:laughing: Although I do like her stuff a lot, I can easily understand why someone wouldn't like Madonna. No need to go nuts on someone who doesn't care for her.

I didn't care for her early work too much. Her first five albums were very bleh. I did like a lot of her more recent albums, though. Her Erotica album definitely had some nice tracks, as did Bedtime Stories. I enjoyed most of Ray of Light. I'd probably say her Ray of Light album is my favorite. Music would have been great if it wasn't so half-baked (or short) and if she hadn't chose the most god awful song to grace the earth as the lead single. American Life was definitely underrated in some aspects imo, especially considering the warmth and introspective nature of some of the songs (Intervention, X-Static Process, Nothing Fails, and Easy Ride come to mind.) Confessions On A Dance Floor was definitely fun, though I was listening to it the other day and felt it already sounded pretty dated. I did really like Forbidden Love from that album, though. Hard Candy was a huge letdown. HUGE letdown. When I heard it, it was like a bad joke. It was nothing more than a desperate attempt to remain hip / trendy / relevant. That's not to say what she usually does isn't a desperate attempt to remain relevant, but she is usually at least somewhat clever at masking it. The only song I liked was Miles Away, though that was definitely more poignant than the rest of the album.

Her live stuff is interesting. I really really liked her Re-Invention Tour, but not really anything before that. In her Re-Invention Tour, I liked how her producers remixed her old stuff. In addition to that, she didn't sing in the super high nasal-ey voice that she used to. Confessions Tour wasn't terrible by any means, I guess I just felt it lacked diversity in the sound. I don't know what the correct terminology to use to describe the effect they used on her voice in that tour, but whatever it was, I loved it. It wasn't auto-tune I don't think. It corrected her pitch and made her sound slightly robotic. Sticky & Sweet Tour was too contrived, much like her Hard Candy album. Don't get me wrong, there were certainly some gems from that tour (You Must Love Me, Into The Groove, Vogue, and Like A Prayer), but for each gem there were several duds, too.

starrynight 06-23-2011 05:09 AM

I like some things by her, but often these big American icons (Presley, Jackson, Madonna, Gaga hasn't been around long enough yet) seem very hyped up beyond what I see as their achievement.

Necromancer 06-23-2011 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 1075469)
I didn't care for her early work too much. Her first five albums were very bleh. I did like a lot of her more recent albums, though. Her Erotica album definitely had some nice tracks, as did Bedtime Stories. I enjoyed most of Ray of Light. I'd probably say her Ray of Light album is my favorite. Music would have been great if it wasn't so half-baked (or short) and if she hadn't chose the most god awful song to grace the earth as the lead single. American Life was definitely underrated in some aspects imo, especially considering the warmth and introspective nature of some of the songs (Intervention, X-Static Process, Nothing Fails, and Easy Ride come to mind.) Confessions On A Dance Floor was definitely fun, though I was listening to it the other day and felt it already sounded pretty dated. I did really like Forbidden Love from that album, though. Hard Candy was a huge letdown. HUGE letdown. When I heard it, it was like a bad joke. It was nothing more than a desperate attempt to remain hip / trendy / relevant. That's not to say what she usually does isn't a desperate attempt to remain relevant, but she is usually at least somewhat clever at masking it. The only song I liked was Miles Away, though that was definitely more poignant than the rest of the album.

Her live stuff is interesting. I really really liked her Re-Invention Tour, but not really anything before that. In her Re-Invention Tour, I liked how her producers remixed her old stuff. In addition to that, she didn't sing in the super high nasal-ey voice that she used to. Confessions Tour wasn't terrible by any means, I guess I just felt it lacked diversity in the sound. I don't know what the correct terminology to use to describe the effect they used on her voice in that tour, but whatever it was, I loved it. It wasn't auto-tune I don't think. It corrected her pitch and made her sound slightly robotic. Sticky & Sweet Tour was too contrived, much like her Hard Candy album. Don't get me wrong, there were certainly some gems from that tour (You Must Love Me, Into The Groove, Vogue, and Like A Prayer), but for each gem there were several duds, too.

I enjoyed reading your post. I think all artist have "duds" that go along with the gems as well. Its just that maybe some bands may have more or less (duds/gems) than certain other bands do/and vice versa. It goes along with the game.


Originally Posted by Consolator (Post 1075469)
:laughing: Although I do like her stuff a lot, I can easily understand why someone wouldn't like Madonna. No need to go nuts on someone who doesn't care for her.

I was only joking around, having fun. I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings, just fishing a little and I got a bite, as we say on the islands.:D

chipper 06-23-2011 07:31 PM

she sings live... people may have different opinions about her singing voice but the mere fact she sings live shows you the kind of respect she has for her craft and her audience.

and i respect her for it.

ShowScoop 05-20-2012 08:32 PM

obviously shes a very recognizable name, mainly for her early stuff, but some of the new stuff ive heard from her Ive been disappointed with. namely, the song with mia and nicky minaj

Jim Colyer 05-22-2012 08:22 PM

Madonna still sucks ****.

Jim Colyer 05-22-2012 08:23 PM

This goddamn website sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janszoon 05-22-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Colyer (Post 1191670)
This goddamn website sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because of Madonna?

Arya Stark 05-22-2012 10:52 PM

I don't understand why people are saying she needs to retire. I think she's doing just fine.

musicfan1010 05-24-2012 03:39 AM

Her new album isn't the best but it's still got some good tunes on there!

James 06-04-2012 04:53 PM

Like A Prayer is a proper good song. Been playing it a lot lately.

f bomb 07-28-2012 07:28 AM

No Fear
What a joke...The Madwoman is so full of ****. I saw her at a club once. She was with Bruce Willis around the time he broke up with Demi(who knows what was going on there?). I know it was a long time ago but while I was leaving the club one of her bouncers made a wise crack directed at me(there were witnesses...) as to I should be making a hasty exit or something like that. She prances around onstage with "NO FEAR" painted on her back and toting fake guns onstage. She's gonna make someone a nice catch someday...ugh...Now dodging water bottles instead of applause...and her show has gone from little miss innocent to burlesque and a stripper show. With no respect for anyone's culture in whatever country she will be fun to see what she blows all that money she's making on and what boy toy she trades in on next. :rofl:

Duraddict 07-28-2012 07:46 AM

Nothing you just said made any sense.

f bomb 07-28-2012 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Duraddict (Post 1212949)
Nothing you just said made any sense.

I guess you buy into her act...she thinks she's all that.Just another stupid dame.

Duraddict 07-28-2012 08:44 AM

Well, I am a pretty big fan. But more importantly, I don't know what you were trying to say because it was poorly written and difficult to understand.

Be critical all you want. Lord knows I am. But do it with some sense of literacy.

f bomb 07-28-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Duraddict (Post 1212968)
Well, I am a pretty big fan. But more importantly, I don't know what you were trying to say because it was poorly written and difficult to understand.

Be critical all you want. Lord knows I am. But do it with some sense of literacy.

You obviously have not had as close an encounter with her as I have. As for understanding what I said...I guess you had to be there.

Janszoon 07-28-2012 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by f bomb (Post 1212985)
You obviously have not had as close an encounter with her as I have. As for understanding what I said...I guess you had to be there.

Seeing her perform in some club hardly seems like a "close encounter".

Duraddict 07-28-2012 10:12 AM

If you're saying that I don't understand how petulant, rude and bitchy she is... you have another thing coming. I love her DESPITE of that.

Neapolitan 07-28-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by f bomb (Post 1212963)
I guess you buy into her act...she thinks she's all that. Just another stupid dame.

And where were you before you step out of your time machine - the 1940's?

Alfred 07-28-2012 09:52 PM

I would have no interest in such a show, but this makes me a little bit angry.

Madonna booed after 45-minute Paris concert - Times LIVE

45 minutes including boring stage banter? I don't blame her fans for being pissed. For an artist as big as Madonna and the price of those tickets, she should have performed for twice that amount of time, at least.

Neapolitan 07-28-2012 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1213109)
I would have no interest in such a show, but this makes me a little bit angry.

Madonna booed after 45-minute Paris concert - Times LIVE

45 minutes including boring stage banter? I don't blame her fans for being pissed. For an artist as big as Madonna and the price of those tickets, she should have performed for twice that amount of time, at least.

I guess the French people don't like a quicky.

moserw 07-28-2012 11:08 PM

I like her. I don't listen to her now but I did when growing up and pop was my musical fodder.

All said and done you have to admit she was the first marketer and so many of today's stars (I pretty much hate them all) just followed in her footsteps.

With regards to her music... there are a few good ones that I have heard on a loop... I remember I played "Hung Up" that way when it came out.

Janszoon 07-29-2012 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by moserw (Post 1213118)
I like her. I don't listen to her now but I did when growing up and pop was my musical fodder.

All said and done you have to admit she was the first marketer and so many of today's stars (I pretty much hate them all) just followed in her footsteps.

With regards to her music... there are a few good ones that I have heard on a loop... I remember I played "Hung Up" that way when it came out.

She's a smart businesswoman, but she's far from being the first "marketer".

moserw 07-29-2012 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1213142)
She's a smart businesswoman, but she's far from being the first "marketer".

In music???

Janszoon 07-29-2012 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by moserw (Post 1213192)
In music???

Yes, I was talking about music. She's far from the first musician to market themselves.

Duraddict 07-29-2012 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1213109)
I would have no interest in such a show, but this makes me a little bit angry.

Madonna booed after 45-minute Paris concert - Times LIVE

45 minutes including boring stage banter? I don't blame her fans for being pissed. For an artist as big as Madonna and the price of those tickets, she should have performed for twice that amount of time, at least.

The booing was started by a small pocket of drunk idiots and two people from Marine LePen's campaign group. It was a pretty minor incident that the media has run with. The show went off without a hitch.

Duraddict 07-29-2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1213195)
Yes, I was talking about music. She's far from the first musician to market themselves.

Agreed. But I do think she was a cut above the others. Her intelligence is what makes her so special. She's not the strongest singer and she's not the best lyricist. What she is... is clever. And I love her for it. :D

Neapolitan 07-29-2012 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Duraddict (Post 1213238)
Agreed. But I do think she was a cut above the others. Her intelligence is what makes her so special. She's not the strongest singer and she's not the best lyricist. What she is... is clever. And I love her for it. :D

She may be more popular than other female signers/writers but thinking she is a cut above the rest is just an opinion.

Duraddict 07-29-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1213299)
She may be more popular than other female signers/writers but thinking she is a cut above the rest is just an opinion.

...I know. :) But in head, my opinion is the only one that really matters, though.

Neapolitan 07-29-2012 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Duraddict (Post 1213309)
...I know. :) But in head, my opinion is the only one that really matters, though.

As an actress I thought she was OK, too bad she didn't give up her music career in pursuit of an acting career.

f bomb 07-30-2012 07:51 AM

just mean or meaning...




Seems to me she's lost that lovin' feeling...
Well she's always got ROBERT...

Janszoon 07-30-2012 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by f bomb (Post 1213390)




Seems to me she's lost that lovin' feeling...
Well she's always got ROBERT...


f bomb 07-30-2012 07:57 AM

you assume...

Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1212986)
Seeing her perform in some club hardly seems like a "close encounter".

uhh...not even.

Janszoon 07-30-2012 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by f bomb (Post 1213393)
uhh...not even.

Not even what?

f bomb 07-30-2012 08:22 AM

re-read your own comments

Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1213399)
Not even what?

I do not care to explain my encounter(s) with you. Or where I have seen her.

Janszoon 07-30-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by f bomb (Post 1213412)
I do not care to explain my encounter(s) with you. Or where I have seen her.

You already did explain though, and it didn't sound like much of an "encounter".

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