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Sansa Stark 05-20-2013 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by sopsych (Post 1321405)
Madonna, at the Billboard Music Awards, again dwarfing her musical credibility by trying to look years younger than she is. At the same time, she seemed weirdly nervous, like she's uncomfortable giving public speeches when she's just being herself rather than playing a role. A very interesting mess of a woman she is.

I agree, I think she should just step out of the public eye and let more competent people take her place. She's done enough already. Especially with that bull**** in Malawi.

Ass Napkin Ed 05-20-2013 12:50 PM

Madonna was my first celebrity crush. I saw a picture of her in a the paper today & she's still hot for her age.

I saw her sticky & sweet tour and she was amazing so in my book she'll always be an icon.

Sansa Stark 05-20-2013 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ass napkin ed (Post 1321474)
Madonna was my first celebrity crush. I saw a picture of her in a the paper today & she's still hot for her age.

I saw her sticky & sweet tour and she was amazing so in my book she'll always be an icon.

That's also true. She's actually responsible for one of my first memories and also eventually making me a feminist. :beer:

Ass Napkin Ed 05-20-2013 12:55 PM

Can you explain feminism to me & I'm not trying to be an ass, but I just don't see the point?

Sansa Stark 05-20-2013 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ass napkin ed (Post 1321482)
Can you explain feminism to me & I'm not trying to be an ass, but I just don't see the point?

Of course Ass napkin ed. I'd be happy to. Feminism, is just the belief that women should be treated as human beings. Simply, that's all it is. Stupid ignorant **** ups like to purport that it's all about giving rights to women that men have, like we want to steal them. But that's ridiculous, you can't steal something someone is born with, it's like in Harry Potter (idk if you've read it but a lot of people have, if you haven't you should) it was suggested that "Muggle borns" (people without magical blood) were worthless because they weren't born with the "right" blood. But any sane person would note that that is ridiculous, you can't help what you were born with. And we are not defined by how we were born, but the choices we make. Anyone who thinks differently is a fucking idiot and worthless as a human being in particular :)

Ass Napkin Ed 05-20-2013 01:23 PM the goal is for women to have the same rights in all expects of life as men, yeah that's silly. & I'm being serious, it won't benefit you guys.

Sansa Stark 05-20-2013 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ass napkin ed (Post 1321494) the goal is for women to have the same rights in all expects of life as men, yeah that's silly. & I'm being serious, it won't benefit you guys.

It also benefits men since men are primarily governed by patriarchy expectations of what "masculinity" means and because it's such a rigid box to fit into, feminism is basically working on making the box larger for everyone else to fit into. Basically. But this is just my opinion, of course. I'd encourage you to do your own research if you really want to know more.

tolgafiratoglu 05-20-2013 01:44 PM

I think she was better in 90's. Her secret is working with a good team. I think she was best when she was working with Babyface.

Ass Napkin Ed 05-20-2013 01:50 PM

^I agree, her production team is the best. The only thing I dislike about Madonna now is how political she gets. She rearranges every hit song and she makes it sound like some sort of anti-gov't song, I don't like that.

No research is needed, my perspective on the matter is accurate.

Sansa Stark 05-20-2013 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ass napkin ed (Post 1321512)
^I agree, her production team is the best. The only thing I dislike about Madonna now is how political she gets. She rearranges every hit song and she makes it sound like some sort of anti-gov't song, I don't like that.

No research is needed, my perspective on the matter is accurate.

I trust your judgment, as you've shown good judgment in the past few days.

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