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Moomoofish 12-04-2010 06:09 PM

It wa absolute sellouttish and pussy, it personally wanted to decimate the anusholes of every single member of that band.

Farfisa 12-05-2010 09:28 AM

Ha! They were always "sell-outs", it was always about fabricating shallow pop songs and having an image that young kids could relate to. Well, only now are they just trying to keep up with the trends to keep themselves relevant...

Killerkyle1994 12-09-2010 10:00 PM

i hate myself for liking them because my whole life i bashed on em and bashed on em and now i find myself enjoying the hell out of em, i personally liked the reimage of the band, Danger Days is awesome, its for once MUSIC and not just song, but the first album wasn't that good... i mean i like a few songs but what they thought was "punk" sounded remotley emo/screamo, but meh idc, they're my guilty pleasure

JVB 12-11-2010 01:49 PM

they're my guilty pleasure too. altough i saw them live a couple of years back and i was quite disappointed. partly because the whole room was full of screeming teens and i just felt old and out of place. me and my sis were like two out of five people in there allowed to buy beer.

DoucheGuy 12-16-2010 09:16 PM

They seem to be going in the right direction.

helterskelter 12-20-2010 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Scenekidsaregay (Post 972694)
MCR ****ing sucks

It appears to me that you judge a band based on its fanbase.

Mangaeyes 12-25-2010 01:29 PM

Definitely The Black Parade.

Teenagers, Sleep, Famous Last Words and The Sharpest Lives are my favourites by them.

FaSho 12-25-2010 07:42 PM

Teenagers is not only the worst MCR song (well, on the first three albums at least), but one of the worst songs ever recorded.

clutnuckle 12-25-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 975044)
Teenagers is not only the worst MCR song (well, on the first three albums at least), but one of the worst songs ever recorded.

Nothing particularly repulsive about that song, aside from it borrowing various cliches from 70s/80s rock and having some facepalm-worthy lyrics. What instills such hatred for it in you?

MCREatSum41Yellowcards 03-10-2011 01:15 PM

I see that there are some mixed feelings on this thread about MCR. -_-

I didn't start liking them until recently. What I love about the band, especially Gerard Way, is that they are exceptional musicians and the albums tell a story. They're continue to master the art of the concept album quite well and I like how every album has a really cool story (such as, for example, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, which is about a dude who died and made a deal with the Devil to see his lover again, but must first bring the "souls of a thousand evil men" to ****ing epic! ^_^).

I also like their new album. It's actually their most well-crafted album that they put out and I can sing along to every song on it (and Gerard Way calls himself "Party Poison" in this latest concept album. That's a cool name. ^^).

The Batlord 09-17-2012 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by MCREatSum41Yellowcards (Post 1016363)
(such as, for example, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, which is about a dude who died and made a deal with the Devil to see his lover again, but must first bring the "souls of a thousand evil men" to ****ing epic! ^_^).

Isn't that just a blatant rip off of Spawn?

AndrahilAdrian 09-28-2012 05:22 PM

I generally don't like them, but even I have to admit that the first minute or so of "Famous Last Words" is really great. But then the singer jumps in with that rediculous screamo chorus. I AM NOT AFRAID TO KEEP ON LIVING, I AM NOT AFRAID TO WALK THIS WORLD ALONE! Er, good for you, I guess? Doubtless it's become an anthem for recently dumped 14 year olds everywhere. At any rate, they're a tad overblown for my taste.

Howard the Duck 09-28-2012 09:51 PM

i quite like Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

Isbjørn 09-29-2012 11:35 AM

Best band to ever walk the earth, in my opinion.
Three Cheers is a GREAT album, anyone who hasn't heard it should totally check it out!
Their newest album is ambitious, but except for a few good songs I don't really think it's anything to shout about.

Padjo1986 10-14-2012 07:33 AM

MCR was in my top 10 fave bands when i went through my emo haze. and 5 years later i still like listening to their songs.

GuitarHeroFan101 10-14-2012 11:21 AM

After hearing "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)", I am starting to get into MCR. I will download some of their songs later today. What songs would any of you MCR fans suggest?

Isbjørn 10-18-2012 07:37 AM

-Helena (So Long And Goodnight)
Some guy placed this song on a "top emo songs" list. Doesn't really fit there, but it's great
and brutally catchy.

-You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us in Prison
Hard to mini-review it, you'll have to hear it yourself. Great song.

OK, I know that a lot of people doesn't like this song, but I think it's pretty cool.
Not really their style though.

-Welcome to The Black Parade
I love every part. The intro, the verse, the chorus, the transition between intro
and verse...

Piano ballad, but great lyrics and melody. Worth a listen.

Beautiful melody on this song. One of my favourites from The Black Parade.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-19-2012 10:27 PM

How is this thread not in the pop forum.

Oh Danny Boy 10-20-2012 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Briks (Post 1236038)
Best band to ever walk the earth, in my opinion.

Isbjørn 10-20-2012 10:47 AM

Aypothic 11-12-2012 01:04 AM

Oh, I used to love MCR. My big obsession has died down a lot since I discovered other artists, but I still listen to them when they pop up on my Pandora Radio, or my music playlists. I found out about them through my childhood friend who had a huge crush on Gerard Way. Lol :P One of my favorite songs from them is "Disenchanted".

Isbjørn 11-12-2012 08:23 AM

Oooh, Disenchanted is such a great song! Definitely one of my favourites from The Black Parade. :)

neondemon 11-21-2012 12:45 PM

Ah, it's been ages since anyone's posted on this I think, but MCR are an excellent band still! It makes me kinda sad to think I didn't even know they existed when Three Cheers came out... *sigh*
Amazing lyrics, awesome sound, lovely people. :D

Crinn 11-23-2012 08:12 PM

*guilty pleasure alert* all except for one of my metalhead friends HATE this about me, but I've loved MCR's music since about...2004, and I don't like them any less then I did back then.

14232949 03-23-2013 08:40 AM

My Chemical Romance | My Chemical Romance

So long and goodnight: My Chemical Romance call it a day - News - Music - The Independent

Now I know the majority of you will come in here to make jokes. That's the cool thing to do, right? That validates your existence on a music forum. Displaying your obviously superior musical tastes whilst thrashing bands like My Chemical Romance, but I actually like My Chemical Romance so you can say what you want.

I know this may seem a tad hypocritical considering how many times I've told others on here to take the nostalgia filters off whilst trying to objectively discuss music but the end of this band signals a coming of age for me.
MCR were one of the bands I listened to a lot during my younger days and I suppose since I played Welcome to the Black Parade so many times on my CD player they were one of the bands instrumental in making me the music fan I am today.

They helped me appreciate what an album meant. How I could develop a further understanding of an artist by listening to an album in its entirety instead of just sifting through for the tracks I had heard on Scuzz or MTV: Rock.
Welcome to the Black Parade resonated with me because it was odd; well odd when one considered what was mainstream at the time.
There was the bunch of guys travelling on a dark float wearing skeleton costumes in a post apocalyptic wasteland thrashing their guitars around and brimming with angst.
It was different from everything else I saw on music TV, heard on the radio. And since this was the scope of my musical world at the time, they clicked with me. They were MY band. None of my friends liked them. But I did, to me they said it was okay to be different. Other people might not understand you, but that's okay.

To this day I'll still listen to MCR (not their newer stuff when Gerard dyed his hair red and they all portrayed Power Rangers type alter egos, that was just a desperate attempt to try and stay relevant by reinvention) and not in a 'guilty pleasure' light. I genuinely enjoy them. I've always enjoyed Gerard's vocals, the frantic yet never technically masterful guitars and the whole vibe they give off of unhappy and misunderstood teenagers.

Their break up to me reinforces that this part of my life is over. I would now say I am a music enthusiast and MCR have helped me develop into the fan of music I am today. Yet, I know most of you will be celebrating the news of their demise, why I don't know, it doesn't impact your lives - I will be saluting the fallen. RIP MCR.

sopsych 03-27-2013 10:08 PM

I didn't grow up on MCR, but I quite liked The Black Parade and (look in my profile) "Sing" from the last album. A unique band, I agree, and in my opinion one of the few good bands to become popular in the past decade. I hope MCR returns someday.

XtremeEclectic 03-29-2013 12:51 PM

They were a great band, and I have a lot of respect that they split the way they did, no bull**** hyping or last ditch efforts for that last dime from fans just simply, we are done, thanks for the memories.

scleaves 04-03-2013 07:23 AM

They are decent. My favorite song by them is You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison.

Isbjørn 04-29-2013 12:01 PM

I love it.

Moog Bass 05-02-2013 06:08 AM

Thank f*ck they split up. Utter sh*te:bonkhead:

Metal|Bleed 05-26-2013 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by sopsych (Post 1301379)
I didn't grow up on MCR, but I quite liked The Black Parade and (look in my profile) "Sing" from the last album. A unique band, I agree, and in my opinion one of the few good bands to become popular in the past decade. I hope MCR returns someday.

I only hope it was their decision and they wanted to quit. if they didnt enjoy this anymore and that was the reason - it's fine. but... i don't know. i mean, they were in a process of making 5th record... so what the hell happened?
i'm not so into them, as i used to be, but still... i do feel heartbroken.

Isbjørn 05-27-2013 07:54 AM

Their fifth record is a compilation album which consists of previously unreleased singles.
Conventional Weapons

Powerstars 06-18-2013 05:42 PM


Good band. I really love when they were at the Reading Festival with Brian May.

"Ladies and gentlemen...BRIAN ****ING MAY!"

Isbjørn 06-19-2013 04:46 AM

Ooh, I'd love to see that! Brian May is among my favorite rock guitarists, and My Chemical Romance is pretty good too...

Thinkofthechildren 06-26-2013 06:39 PM

Danger days was good. Apart from Sing....god that is an awful song.

Isbjørn 06-27-2013 01:43 AM

It was alright, I guess. Didn't hear the entire album, but I think it lacked the energy and emotion that was good about the bands music on their previous records.

Drain Bramaged 07-01-2013 04:09 AM

Not really a fan. I thought their first album was pretty good but after that I felt they became really mediocre.

Powerstars 07-03-2013 03:34 PM

Brian May with MCR

Originally Posted by Briks (Post 1334145)
Ooh, I'd love to see that! Brian May is among my favorite rock guitarists, and My Chemical Romance is pretty good too...

They did "We Will Rock You" and "Welcome To The Black Parade."

Oh by the way.

#000000 07-14-2013 07:35 PM

I used to like MCR a lot way back in the day... maybe some 10 years ago before they became huge (great, now I sound like a hipster). Their first record was good and I enjoyed the second one as well even if it was less raw and slightly more polished.

Then The Black Parade happened. I liked it on the first listen but then I stopped. It didn't make that much of an impression on me. Yeah, musically it was alright and I liked the nods to Queen but that was it. The concept behind the album and the sound itself just felt rather try-hard and generic to me.

I wasn't expecting much from Danger Days and just casually listened to it. It seemed like crap on the first few listens but it grew on me, kind of the reverse of The Black Parade. Some songs are pretty good.

dukethenuke 07-17-2013 04:55 PM

MCR used to be so good. It is to bad they went out the way that Green Day did with all the theatrics.

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