Music Banter

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hayven109 10-22-2005 09:02 PM

oh and for you, guy who started this thread, try listening to Emery, Silverstien, and Underoath, then get back to me and tell me if you like emo or not :) oh and some of Underoath is Hardcore Emo or Screamo so try and listen to there softer stuff, that will be the emo stuff, ha fun man:)

sleepy jack 10-22-2005 11:44 PM

hayven109 im not gonna bother pointing out how wrong your post is.

Im just gonna say go to hell.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 10-22-2005 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by hayven109
you guys are fricken puthetic, all of you dont have to bash the other person for asking questions, especaily you misfitpunk, no one cares about you piss head remarks. you think us teens are stupid, look at yourself, its just a fricken forum lol its not you big chance to be the cool guy you never were lol.

theres one main problem i see are probably older than misfits....:D

and also ......."your" has an "R" on the end..

hayven109 10-23-2005 12:30 AM

nice man lol i dont care, and i had thought that misfit was older because of the way he had said something in a post before, no worries, hes still just as anioing lol! and i know im a ****ty speller, but thats me and i dont care, il just be myself :) have fun guys!

Scarlett O'Hara 10-23-2005 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by hayven109
you guys are fricken puthetic, all of you dont have to bash the other person for asking questions, especaily you misfitpunk, no one cares about you piss head remarks. you think us teens are stupid, look at yourself, its just a fricken forum lol its not you big chance to be the cool guy you never were lol.

I think musfitpunk is ****ing funny. He realises how OTT you are being, like I really give a **** whether I'm cool or not, that's you, you think that being Emo will earn you brownie points off strangers on a message board. Reality check, you don't know what you're talking about, **** you can't even spell it.

/flamed steak and cheese burger

riseagainstrocks 10-23-2005 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by hayven109
nice man lol i dont care, and i had thought that misfit was older because of the way he had said something in a post before, no worries, hes still just as anioing lol! and i know im a ****ty speller, but thats me and i dont care, il just be myself :) have fun guys!

you know, you started out ok. a little misguided, but ok. but now, you are just being lame. and lame kids get put in the Music Banter woodchipper. well, once I have it built

SharksAndDanger 10-23-2005 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by hayven109
you guys are fricken puthetic, all of you dont have to bash the other person for asking questions, especaily you misfitpunk, no one cares about you piss head remarks. you think us teens are stupid, look at yourself, its just a fricken forum lol its not you big chance to be the cool guy you never were lol.

it was ok until it stopped making sense at
"no one cares about you piss head remarks. you think us teens are stupid, look at yourself, its just a fricken forum lol its not you big chance to be the cool guy you never were lol"

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 10-23-2005 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
you know, you started out ok. a little misguided, but ok. but now, you are just being lame. and lame kids get put in the Music Banter woodchipper. well, once I have it built

i'd be glad to help you built it.

*reaches into magic mary poppins bag and pulls out all necesary parts to make a woodchipper one by one*

HollywoodPeace 10-24-2005 05:16 PM

This damn thread was about MCR being emo or not, how'd it turn into this? Anyway, who cares about what they are....if you like em them just listen. Is there a really a need to know the "genre"?

gabbagabba_hey 10-24-2005 06:23 PM

you know what i just realized.............

i dont think i've ever been bashed by misfits before!!!!

sleepy jack 10-24-2005 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by gabbagabba_hey
you know what i just realized.............

i dont think i've ever been bashed by misfits before!!!!

Thats amazing.

Your a stupid moron.


im just kidding you know i love you.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 10-24-2005 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by HollywoodPeace
This damn thread was about MCR being emo or not, how'd it turn into this? Anyway, who cares about what they are....if you like em them just listen. Is there a really a need to know the "genre"?

it turned into this because this thread has been done 2304993874087203847 times, and we've established that if you like them...then you can go ahead and listen to them and if you dont, well then dont. we try to turn the thread thats been outdone....and frankly is a waste of our time...into a conversation about something else.

see how that works?

hiu 10-25-2005 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by HollywoodPeace
This damn thread was about MCR being emo or not, how'd it turn into this? Anyway, who cares about what they are....if you like em them just listen. Is there a really a need to know the "genre"?

How about people learn to make threads in the right forum and then there will be no arguements.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 10-25-2005 04:07 AM

^Techincally this is in the right forum. They're asking what is emo, and putting it in the emo forum seems to make sense to me.


Originally Posted by HollywoodPeace
This damn thread was about MCR being emo or not, how'd it turn into this? Anyway, who cares about what they are....if you like em them just listen. Is there a really a need to know the "genre"?

Yes, some kids need to listen to the right music to be in the scene. Didnt you know? Sheesh, where've you been...

matt.r 10-25-2005 04:56 AM

not emo in original terms but wot people consider emo now yes they are

Expletive Deleted 10-25-2005 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by matt.r
not emo in original terms but wot people consider emo now yes they are

They're not even considered emo that way. I've heard tons of "emo" kids get pissed because someone called MCR emo.

matt.r 10-25-2005 08:58 AM

that cuz theyre tryin to be cool scenesters

sleepy jack 10-25-2005 11:02 AM

I think this thread should be closed its just gonna be the emo nazis whining about how MCR isnt emo and some noob going 'but leik dey are' over and over.

inside_out 10-25-2005 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
I think this thread should be closed its just gonna be the emo nazis whining about how MCR isnt emo and some noob going 'but leik dey are' over and over.


Gracie* 10-28-2005 04:56 AM

yeah,but my chemical romance are pop , with some punk/rock influences ,they say so themselves,and they say they are definatly not emo.
who knows any better than the actual band that plays the music?
im going to see them in less than 2 weeks by the way

Broken_Angel 10-28-2005 07:18 AM

Id call them poser emos

Sneer 10-28-2005 07:49 AM

to me MCR is guitar led pop with an attitude. i dont mean pop in terms of the actual music, i mean pop within the idea of them being a popular band.

Broken_Angel 10-28-2005 08:00 AM

lol thats funny coz i dont understand what you just said

Sneer 10-28-2005 08:04 AM

do you speak very good english?

inside_out 10-28-2005 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
to me MCR is guitar led pop with an attitude. i dont mean pop in terms of the actual music, i mean pop within the idea of them being a popular band.

I get it and I'd kinda agree.
Though some of their songs are quite pop-ish - in the sense of the music.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 10-28-2005 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
do you speak very good english?

no....she doesnt....

and honestly, havent we already figured out what MCR is classified as...i mean....this is only the 340957049859384059th thread on them.:banghead:

SUICIDALcliche 10-28-2005 10:59 AM


SUICIDALcliche 10-28-2005 11:06 AM


Ginny 10-28-2005 11:18 AM

The video and the band go hand in hand.

They both suck.

Ginny 10-28-2005 11:19 AM


SUICIDALcliche 10-28-2005 12:00 PM

WOW youre very nice arent you?

riseagainstrocks 10-28-2005 12:46 PM

wow you have a very lame username and horrible caps lock problems

but I do like Ireland.

ladyluckrules 10-28-2005 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by riseagainstrocks
wow you have a very lame username and horrible caps lock problems

but I do like Ireland.

Now,now, she has improved on the caps lock due to certain advice.

NoOneLovesEmoKid 10-29-2005 04:50 PM

I don't really like MCR, but i thought the video wasn't bad...

hayven109 10-29-2005 10:33 PM

lol hey new person, prepare to get bashed for everything you say :) well iv acualy never heard MCR before but if it has live instuments playing in it, its not pop. pop is music that is all or mostly done with effects, not guitars,drums,ect. if they have a punk infuence, then they are a strand of punk, not pop. listen to the backsteet boys ( old and new), justin timberlick, and ect. there pop. if this band, MCR, uses live instruments, and it has a punk sound like simple plan, Good Charlette, ect. but is really mellow and and catchy as pop, i would say its acid punk. im not saying that simple plan and them are good punk, but they are punk, acid punk.

sleepy jack 10-29-2005 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by hayven109
lol hey new person, prepare to get bashed for everything you say :) well iv acualy never heard MCR before but if it has live instuments playing in it, its not pop. pop is music that is all or mostly done with effects, not guitars,drums,ect. if they have a punk infuence, then they are a strand of punk, not pop. listen to the backsteet boys ( old and new), justin timberlick, and ect. there pop. if this band, MCR, uses live instruments, and it has a punk sound like simple plan, Good Charlette, ect. but is really mellow and and catchy as pop, i would say its acid punk. im not saying that simple plan and them are good punk, but they are punk, acid punk.


busted play they their own instruments are they not pop?!

and honestly simple plan punk!?!?

Educate yourself n00b.

you are wrong.

riseagainstrocks 10-30-2005 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by hayven109
lol hey new person, prepare to get bashed for everything you say :) well iv acualy never heard MCR before but if it has live instuments playing in it, its not pop. pop is music that is all or mostly done with effects, not guitars,drums,ect. if they have a punk infuence, then they are a strand of punk, not pop. listen to the backsteet boys ( old and new), justin timberlick, and ect. there pop. if this band, MCR, uses live instruments, and it has a punk sound like simple plan, Good Charlette, ect. but is really mellow and and catchy as pop, i would say its acid punk. im not saying that simple plan and them are good punk, but they are punk, acid punk.

what the hell is acid punk? whatever it is it surely is not MCR. and how can you even say anything on the band when you haven't even heard them before? Pop does have guitar in it. Deal with it. Go cut yourself to Hawthorne Heights or something and than try to hide the scars but not really cause scars make you cool. *******.

inside_out 10-30-2005 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by hayven109
lol hey new person, prepare to get bashed for everything you say :) well iv acualy never heard MCR before but if it has live instuments playing in it, its not pop. pop is music that is all or mostly done with effects, not guitars,drums,ect. if they have a punk infuence, then they are a strand of punk, not pop. listen to the backsteet boys ( old and new), justin timberlick, and ect. there pop. if this band, MCR, uses live instruments, and it has a punk sound like simple plan, Good Charlette, ect. but is really mellow and and catchy as pop, i would say its acid punk. im not saying that simple plan and them are good punk, but they are punk, acid punk.


Expletive Deleted 10-30-2005 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by hayven109
lol hey new person, prepare to get bashed for everything you say :) well iv acualy never heard MCR before but if it has live instuments playing in it, its not pop. pop is music that is all or mostly done with effects, not guitars,drums,ect. if they have a punk infuence, then they are a strand of punk, not pop. listen to the backsteet boys ( old and new), justin timberlick, and ect. there pop. if this band, MCR, uses live instruments, and it has a punk sound like simple plan, Good Charlette, ect. but is really mellow and and catchy as pop, i would say its acid punk. im not saying that simple plan and them are good punk, but they are punk, acid punk.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

hayven109 10-30-2005 10:24 AM

k first off misfit shut you fricken mouth! yes simple plan and them are ACID PUNK. no there not punk or punk rock or hardcore punk, but they are Acid punk. so guess wat buddy, deal with it. and for the guy who said that i couldnt call MCR acid punk, fine i wont, i was just taking a guess by how people were explaining it. really i dont care wat they are. really it is puthetic how you people take something such as this so serious. its quite funny becuase if any normal person came on and saw how stupidly serious you guys get theyd think you were looser, puthetic loosers. so chill it just a forum, dont take it so seriouly.

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