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Old 09-01-2009, 10:14 PM   #351 (permalink)
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I'd be disinterested in any solo work from either Gallagher brother... I'm barely interested in anything they did recently as Oasis, so it would have to be something prwtty new, edgy or exciting by either one of them to entice me...
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Old 09-02-2009, 10:44 AM   #352 (permalink)
Nae wains, Great Danes.
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i wouldnt be interested if the Gallagher brothers went solo. in saying that Oasis did produce some really memorable songs for me .

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 09-02-2009, 01:27 PM   #353 (permalink)
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there still kicking? wow... not my cup of tea but good for them
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Old 09-02-2009, 10:17 PM   #354 (permalink)
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Oasis' most memorable music was made a very long time ago though.... on their first two albums.... we're talking a minimum of 15 years ago... I kinda hoped that one day the Gallaghers would again produce memorable music.... alas, if they remain split, it cannot be...
"If you're like me, then it's possible you're a clone generated from my stolen DNA. I suggest you turn yourself in for destruction immediately" - Shaun Micallef.
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Old 09-03-2009, 12:33 PM   #355 (permalink)
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i hope they make a comeback, i would actually like to seem them live.
owell if its not meant to be ...

Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i havent i refuse to in fact. it triggers my ptsd from yrs ago when i thought my ex's anal beads were those edible candy necklaces
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez View Post
Keep it in your pants scottie.
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Old 09-03-2009, 12:37 PM   #356 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by scottsy View Post
Oasis' most memorable music was made a very long time ago though.... on their first two albums.... we're talking a minimum of 15 years ago... I kinda hoped that one day the Gallaghers would again produce memorable music.... alas, if they remain split, it cannot be...
I really can't stand 'What's The Story' at all. I'm by no means an Oasis fan, but to me 'What's The Story' and 'Heathen Chemistry' are truly dreadful. Their debut, as you pointed out, is a solid album and their others have 2 or 3 good tracks each (haven't heard their newest so I can't comment on that).
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Old 09-03-2009, 03:50 PM   #357 (permalink)
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Really? What do you hate about Morning Glory? I can understand people saying its over-rated, I personally don't think so myself but even though it's a tight record it's got nothing on the debut. I could also understand hate for it if you outright hate everything Oasis have ever done but if you like some Oasis then what it is about Morning Glory that would make you single it out over later albums?

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Old 09-03-2009, 04:02 PM   #358 (permalink)
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The other day I dug out my old Oasis albums and gave them another listen, and I was surprised by how poor Morning Glory sounded. I suppose it's much too samey. Of the ballads, Wonderwall and Cast Now Shadow are okay, but I've never liked Don't Look Back In Anger and it's always been one of my least favourite Oasis tracks (and I'm not really much of a fan anyway). Hello, Roll With It, Hey Now, Some Might Say and Morning Glory are all way too similar and I'm sure She's Electric has the exact same chord progression as Married With Children. The only track that stands out as being a brilliant track, to me, is Champagne Supernova.

As poor as they are, at least Be Here Now and Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants have more than one standout between them (probably standout so much because everything else is so poor, to be honest). Don't Believe The Truth has a few decent tracks too (Turn Up The Sun and Part Of The Queue are particular favourites of mine).

If I were going to order them, I'd say:
1. Definitely Maybe
2. Don't Believe The Truth
3. Be Here Now
4. Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants
5. What's The Story (Morning Glory)
6. Heathen Chemistry
(Haven't heard their new one)

But, after Definitely Maybe it's all fairly substandard - and even then I don't think that Definitely maybe is half the album it's made out to be.
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Old 09-03-2009, 04:22 PM   #359 (permalink)
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I think Definitely Maybe is nothing short of brilliant, but each to their own of course.

For me everything released after Whats The Story was a let down, but whereas a lot of people would discredit it all completely I think theres some good stuff in there. Be Here Now was a fairly consistent record and I like it but just seemed to lack in direction and even Noel Gallagher says he can't remember recording it because he was so wasted so I guess that makes sense. After that they made a habit of releasing average to poor records but with a few good tracks in there. The new one was their first one in quite some time that I really liked, even if it isnt exactly mindblowing stuff.

1) Definitely Maybe
2) Morning Glory
3) Be Here Now
4) Dig Out Your Soul
5) Standing On The Shoulder of Giants
6) Don't Believe The Truth
7) Heathen Chemistry

6 and 7 could easily be the other way around to be honest, as could 3 and 4. The Dont Believe The Truth highlights are probably the two tracks just mentioned and the rest doesn't do a whole lot for me. Heathen Chemistry probably had more tracks to keep my interest but was very weak overall. SOTSOG is a record I actually really like. Noel gave instructions for the band (or probably just Liam) to stay sober throughout the recording of it and it marked a turning point I think in Noel growing up a bit and probably not wanting to repeat the Be Here Now sessions. I think he matured well on that record, despite it sounding like he was on more drugs than ever before what with the likes of Gas Panic, Who Feels Love and Roll It Over. I think it's got some great stuff on it but it's just a shame that it also includes quite possibly the two most dreadful Oasis songs ever recorded in Little James and Put Yer Money Where Your Mouth Is.

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Old 09-03-2009, 05:30 PM   #360 (permalink)
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I agree that Be Here Now and Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants aren't quite the travesties they're often made out to be.

Be Here Now is an interesting album, and it's very good in places (I personally like D'You Know What I Mean, Fade-In Out and All Around The World), but it does suffer greatly from being very, very over-produced and being much too long. Noel says it's a poor album, Liam says it's brilliant - when really it's somewhere in between, a pretty average effort really.

Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants sounds like a deliberate reaction to the criticism levelled at Be Here Now. The songs are relatively bare in comparison (though there's still some depth to the production on some tracks) and the album is very short. I really love ****in' In The Bushes, Go Let It Out and Gas Panic!, and a few others are interesting as opposed to good (Who Feels Love? Sunday Morning Call, Roll It Over). I agree that Little James and Put Yer Money Where Yer Mouth Is are truly terrible songs - along with I Can See A Liar.

Heathen Chemistry is just diabolical. I remember about 3 or 4 years ago when I was a big Oasis fan, Heathen Chemistry was my favourite of theirs for a while - god knows how I came to that conclusion.
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