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LoathsomePete 10-23-2011 01:22 PM

Tom Waits - Bad As Me

01. Chicago
02. Raised Right Men
03. Talking At the Same Time
04. Get Lost
05. Face To the Highway
06. Pay Me
07. Back in the Crowd
08. Bad As Me
09. Kiss Me
10. Satisfied
11. Last Leaf
12. Hell Broke Luce
13. New Year's Eve

The Monkey 10-26-2011 04:52 PM

Need to pick it up soon, it has been getting raving reviews. It will be the first album I actually payed for since I was about 13. I feel I owe Mr. Wait some money at this point.

Janszoon 10-26-2011 06:36 PM

I'm digging it a lot, especially the first few songs. I could do without a few of the draggy ballads in the middle of the album, but that's an ongoing disagreement Mr. Waits and I have been having for many, many years. It's also interesting to me that, after about a quarter century of progressively getting dirtier and dirtier sounding with each album, this one has the cleanest production since Swordfishtrombones. I was a little surprised by this but it actually sounds great.

someonecompletelyrandom 10-26-2011 06:44 PM

Heard it before it was released through the advanced streaming program they were doing and loved every minute of it. Definitely going to have to pay for this one.


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1113909)
It's also interesting to me that, after about a quarter century of progressively getting dirtier and dirtier sounding with each album, this one has the cleanest production since Swordfishtrombones. I was a little surprised by this but it actually sounds great.

Interestingly, this is my only contention with the album. I love the dirty production of his albums, especially on Mule Variations, and it's absence here takes the album from Perfect to Great. The production still has that signature post-Swordfishtrombones Waits album sound though, and the songwriting is incredibly strong. I half agree about the ballads, but I've always liked the ballads of his post-James Taylor clone days. The ones on Mule Variations are his strongest, in my opinion.

debaserr 10-28-2011 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1113909)
I'm digging it a lot, especially the first few songs. I could do without a few of the draggy ballads in the middle of the album, but that's an ongoing disagreement Mr. Waits and I have been having for many, many years. It's also interesting to me that, after about a quarter century of progressively getting dirtier and dirtier sounding with each album, this one has the cleanest production since Swordfishtrombones. I was a little surprised by this but it actually sounds great.

I feel the same way about the ballads, but everything else is brilliant. AOTY contender for me.

SATCHMO 10-28-2011 12:09 AM

Y'know, I've always had this line drawn in the sand when it comes to the later works of Mr. Waits (and by later I mean post-Rain Dogs). I usually stick to his earliest of early works, but I'm thinking I might wanna give this a shot.

Janszoon 10-28-2011 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1113910)
Interestingly, this is my only contention with the album. I love the dirty production of his albums, especially on Mule Variations, and it's absence here takes the album from Perfect to Great. The production still has that signature post-Swordfishtrombones Waits album sound though, and the songwriting is incredibly strong.

I definitely can understand why you wouldn't like the production, dirtiness is such a key component of his style after all. Honestly, if you told me before listened to it that the album had clean production I would have predicted that I wouldn't like it, I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed that aspect though.


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1113910)
I half agree about the ballads, but I've always liked the ballads of his post-James Taylor clone days. The ones on Mule Variations are his strongest, in my opinion.

I agree with you about the Mule Variations ballads, they are definitely a cut above, especially "Picture in a Frame" and "Take It With Me". Except for that album and a few other ballads here and there by him, I generally wish he steered clear of that style. Alice, for example, is my least favorite of his albums because it's almost entirely filled with ballads.

someonecompletelyrandom 10-28-2011 10:29 AM

Ah, you know I haven't heard Alice. I heard that it wasn't worth getting so I never did.

Janszoon 10-28-2011 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1114372)
Ah, you know I haven't heard Alice. I heard that it wasn't worth getting so I never did.

I suppose it's worth getting. I mean even a bad Tom Waits album has some redeeming features but Blood Money, which came out at the same time, is definitely the far superior album.

someonecompletelyrandom 10-28-2011 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1114380)
I suppose it's worth getting. I mean even a bad Tom Waits album has some redeeming features but Blood Money, which came out at the same time, is definitely the far superior album.

In general I think I've just avoided his material that was written for plays. I don't know why, I guess I assumed it wouldn't be as personal or quality, but listening to some of the songs on YouTube I think I've probably been missing out.

The Monkey 10-28-2011 02:50 PM

You people are insane, Alice is his best album since Bone Machine. I think the ballads in his 70s and 80s album are of filler quality, but since the 90s they have been excellent.

As for the new album, after two listens I'm loving it. "Hell broke Luce" is probably my favourite track at the moment. The lyrics are a bit hard to hear throughout the album as is usual with modern era Waits album, but I usually pick up on them on further listening.

Janszoon 10-28-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1114400)
In general I think I've just avoided his material that was written for plays. I don't know why, I guess I assumed it wouldn't be as personal or quality, but listening to some of the songs on YouTube I think I've probably been missing out.

Yeah, Blood Money, Black Rider and Frank's Wild Years are all great albums. If you haven't heard them, they're definitely worth your while.

Howard the Duck 10-29-2011 05:51 AM

i voted "great" as well

not as strong as Rain Dogs or Bone Machine but still pretty damn good

has a similar vibe to Rain Dogs, stripped down chords and nifty ballads

someonecompletelyrandom 10-29-2011 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1114485)
Yeah, Blood Money, Black Rider and Frank's Wild Years are all great albums. If you haven't heard them, they're definitely worth your while.

You know, I've heard Frank's Wild Years and really enjoyed it. Didnt even know it was for a play.

The Monkey 10-30-2011 05:17 AM

Tom Waits - Hell Broke Luce - YouTube

Probably the hardest song ever to come out of my speakers.

Janszoon 10-30-2011 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 1114412)
You people are insane, Alice is his best album since Bone Machine. I think the ballads in his 70s and 80s album are of filler quality, but since the 90s they have been excellent.

So you disagree then that the weakest songs on this album are "Pay Me" and "Last Leaf"? Those two are definite skippers for me. Some of the other ballads are good though, like "Face to the Highway".


Originally Posted by The Monkey (Post 1114412)
As for the new album, after two listens I'm loving it. "Hell broke Luce" is probably my favourite track at the moment. The lyrics are a bit hard to hear throughout the album as is usual with modern era Waits album, but I usually pick up on them on further listening.

I like "Hell Broke Luce" a lot too. I don't have any trouble understanding the lyrics though, never have with his songs in general. Maybe it's just the faux-southern accent on songs like that make him harder to understand if English isn't you first language?

Anyway, yeah, "Hell Broke Luce" is great, as you say one of the heaviest songs he's ever done, and it's hilarious to hear him swearing so much in a song. My other nomination for best song on the album are the first four tracks, "Chicago", "Raised Right Men", "Talking at the Same Time", and "Get Lost".

Howard the Duck 12-04-2011 01:55 AM

i just acquired his entire discography

will assimilate them and see how this one compares

Mrd00d 12-04-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1114765)
So you disagree then that the weakest songs on this album are "Pay Me" and "Last Leaf"? Those two are definite skippers for me. Some of the other ballads are good though, like "Face to the Highway".

I like "Hell Broke Luce" a lot too. I don't have any trouble understanding the lyrics though, never have with his songs in general. Maybe it's just the faux-southern accent on songs like that make him harder to understand if English isn't you first language?

Anyway, yeah, "Hell Broke Luce" is great, as you say one of the heaviest songs he's ever done, and it's hilarious to hear him swearing so much in a song. My other nomination for best song on the album are the first four tracks, "Chicago", "Raised Right Men", "Talking at the Same Time", and "Get Lost".

I'd rather listen to "Pay Me" than "Kiss Me" or "Tell Me".

"Hell Broke Luce", "Satisfied", "Bad As Me", "Get Lost", and "Talking at the Same Time" are getting thoroughly stuck in my head and I like it.

I thought "Last Leaf" wasn't bad, myself. "She Stole the Blush" is a bit more shrug worthy to me...

10thLineStudio 01-21-2012 03:41 PM

Got the album, paid for it of course, but still can't get around "Glitter and Doom". That live album is gonna be hard to beat!!!

TheBig3 01-21-2012 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by 10thLineStudio (Post 1144915)
Got the album, paid for it of course, but still can't get around "Glitter and Doom". That live album is gonna be hard to beat!!!

Well that might say more about this album than Glitter and Doom. I was not thrilled when I got through it. New Years Eve was the best for me.

guest_star 01-23-2012 06:45 AM


TheBig3 01-23-2012 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by guest_star (Post 1145312)

It is really cool. I also don't plan to buy anything, read any reviews, or contact anyone. Sorry for that non sequitur, just hit me right then.

Janszoon 01-23-2012 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by TheBig3 (Post 1145317)
It is really cool. I also don't plan to buy anything, read any reviews, or contact anyone. Sorry for that non sequitur, just hit me right then.


eurochild 01-23-2012 08:32 AM

Definetly the coolest album of 2011. Love the clean, but un-polished sound. I really like 'Raised Right Men' and 'Talking at the Same Time', but the whole album is great. Got the deluxe edition for Yol, with artwork and lyrics. Love it :)

TheBig3 01-23-2012 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by eurochild (Post 1145333)
Definetly the coolest album of 2011. Love the clean, but un-polished sound. I really like 'Raised Right Men' and 'Talking at the Same Time', but the whole album is great. Got the deluxe edition for Yol, with artwork and lyrics. Love it :)

It just felt like almost all of the songs were the same, there was no real musical experimentation, no style change-ups, no arrangements worth noting, and while I've only given it a few spins so far, not really the writing I was looking for. (Lyrics wise).

Unrelenting 01-26-2012 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3 (Post 1145334)
It just felt like almost all of the songs were the same, there was no real musical experimentation, no style change-ups, no arrangements worth noting, and while I've only given it a few spins so far, not really the writing I was looking for. (Lyrics wise).

I dunno, in Chicago using the horns as rhythm instruments was pretty interesting, and maybe it's just me but Hell Broke Luce had really good lyrics for me.

eurochild 01-27-2012 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Unrelenting (Post 1146634)
I dunno, in Chicago using the horns as rhythm instruments was pretty interesting, and maybe it's just me but Hell Broke Luce had really good lyrics for me.

Yup. And I don't think all the songs sound the same. They have the same atmosphere, but it gives it a very cinematic feeling. Everytime I listen to it, I feel like I'm joining Mr. Waits on a long journey (to Chicago?) But I understand what you mean, TheBig3, though I do not fully agree with you.

Some of the songs in the middle of the album could've been excluded, though.

TheBig3 06-05-2012 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by eurochild (Post 1146888)
Yup. And I don't think all the songs sound the same. They have the same atmosphere, but it gives it a very cinematic feeling. Everytime I listen to it, I feel like I'm joining Mr. Waits on a long journey (to Chicago?) But I understand what you mean, TheBig3, though I do not fully agree with you.

Some of the songs in the middle of the album could've been excluded, though.

i think it was a slicked-up blood money, as interesting as any other sinner who's become born again - which is to say not at all.

I liked 2 or 3 but they wouldn't be in my top 25 songs I'd imagine (haven't really done that chart though.)

someonecompletelyrandom 06-05-2012 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3 (Post 1196495)
i think it was a slicked-up blood money, as interesting as any other sinner who's become born again - which is to say not at all.

I liked 2 or 3 but they wouldn't be in my top 25 songs I'd imagine (haven't really done that chart though.)

Personally, I f'ing loved Blood Money. This one seemed to fall short of that album for me. It was great as a whole, there just weren't many memorable moments in particular, like God's Away On Business or Misery is the River of the World from Blood Money.

TheBig3 06-05-2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1196504)
Personally, I f'ing loved Blood Money. This one seemed to fall short of that album for me. It was great as a whole, there just weren't many memorable moments in particular, like God's Away On Business or Misery is the River of the World from Blood Money.

But thats what I mean. Slicked-up wasn't a good thing. I think Blood Money got its personality from its ragged, shambling presence on songs where the protagonist had those qualities. Even songs that were incomplete from BM like "Another Man's Vine" were carried by the production value and vocals adding an extra dimension.

BAM strikes me as someone faking it. Or not that interesting to begin with. There are songs, few strike me as mattering, and its like Blood Money's kid brother tried to get in on the act and ride the last name to stardom.

Mrd00d 06-05-2012 03:38 PM

Most of the songs haven't stood the test of time for me. I was initially enthralled with Hell Broke Luce and Bad As Me most. Now, the only two I really still play are Get Lost and Chicago. It got me into Waits, although admittedly, I could have and should have gotten into him earlier.

Trollheart 06-05-2012 05:47 PM

It's absolutely not the best album to get into Waits for your first time, Mrd00d. If you haven't already heard them, I'd recommend the following as a "lead-in" to the music of Waits:

Small change
Blue valentine
Heartattack and vine
Rain dogs
Frank's wild years
Bone machine
Foreign affairs
Real gone

TheBig3 06-06-2012 11:57 AM

I'd put Blood Money in behind Bone Machine on Trollheart's list

Trollheart 06-06-2012 12:15 PM

I couldn't get into "Blood money" or "Alice". Must give them another shot. Worth it?

TheBig3 06-06-2012 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1196965)
I couldn't get into "Blood money" or "Alice". Must give them another shot. Worth it?

I don't know that you need to re-try Alice.

For Blood Money, try:

Starving in the Belly of a Whale
God's Away on Business
Another Man's Vine
Everything Goes to Hell
Misery is the River of the World

Everything else. (iirc)


If you want to try alice...

Table Top Joe

someonecompletelyrandom 06-06-2012 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3 (Post 1196551)
But thats what I mean. Slicked-up wasn't a good thing. I think Blood Money got its personality from its ragged, shambling presence on songs where the protagonist had those qualities. Even songs that were incomplete from BM like "Another Man's Vine" were carried by the production value and vocals adding an extra dimension.

BAM strikes me as someone faking it. Or not that interesting to begin with. There are songs, few strike me as mattering, and its like Blood Money's kid brother tried to get in on the act and ride the last name to stardom.

I could see that. The production of Waits albums has always been one of my favorite things about his career, as they seem to have character all their own and certainly for me are a big part of his appeal. I suppose the production on Bad As Me is a lot more slick, even his growl seems a little glossed over.

As far as getting into Waits for the first time, a lot of people will say Swordfishtrombones, but as a newbie I found Mule Variations the most listenable. From there it was Bone Machine, and from there everything else.

TheBig3 06-06-2012 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Conan (Post 1196972)
I could see that. The production of Waits albums has always been one of my favorite things about his career, as they seem to have character all their own and certainly for me are a big part of his appeal. I suppose the production on Bad As Me is a lot more slick, even his growl seems a little glossed over.

As far as getting into Waits for the first time, a lot of people will say Swordfishtrombones, but as a newbie I found Mule Variations the most listenable. From there it was Bone Machine, and from there everything else.


I bought Mule Variations first after hearing "House where Nobody lives."

Swordfish trombones might have been revolutionary when it came out in, what, the early 80's? But now its like anything else I watch on VHS. It doesn't hold up. And it doesn't have the song craft of other 80's albums.

Mrd00d 06-06-2012 01:42 PM

After Bad As Me, I started with the boxset Bawlers and Brawlers or some such. Then I hit Blood Money and fell in love. The rest fell into place when I read his biography.

Howard the Duck 06-13-2012 11:28 PM

i'm really loving Heartattack & Vine at the mo'

TheBig3 02-04-2023 08:15 AM

I really liked

12. Hell Broke Luce
13. New Year's Eve

But this might be my least favorite Waits album. This or the Black Rider.

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