someonecompletelyrandom |
10-26-2011 06:44 PM |
Heard it before it was released through the advanced streaming program they were doing and loved every minute of it. Definitely going to have to pay for this one.
Originally Posted by Janszoon
(Post 1113909)
It's also interesting to me that, after about a quarter century of progressively getting dirtier and dirtier sounding with each album, this one has the cleanest production since Swordfishtrombones. I was a little surprised by this but it actually sounds great.
Interestingly, this is my only contention with the album. I love the dirty production of his albums, especially on Mule Variations, and it's absence here takes the album from Perfect to Great. The production still has that signature post-Swordfishtrombones Waits album sound though, and the songwriting is incredibly strong. I half agree about the ballads, but I've always liked the ballads of his post-James Taylor clone days. The ones on Mule Variations are his strongest, in my opinion.