Hi guys new from Italy here

Hope and fingers crossed, maybe you can help me. I saw an Instagram story in August 2022 in which a song was playing at a nightclub. Given isn’t my type of music at all i can’t say if it was techno or prog or disco (listening to some YouTube stuff I think it's a progressive techno, typical disco club music, with a smooth feeling, the beat and the rhyme were sung by a female voice). The song (was only some seconds) got some lyrics that could be ‘make (made? Take?) my day (way?), make (again, see the previous possibilities) me XXXX (an unclear Word) now, make me say (sad?)’. I did try to search with YouTube but i simply cannot find it. I've tried some "lyrics) site but no match. Isn't an '80s song (as many linked to me, thinking was one of the first "make my day" song you can find googling it) Can someone here help me? Don’t even know if it’s a 2022 song. Thank you!