90's pop song about family
The video starts in black and white and is about a woman that is searching for a husband on the streets and all the men there are holding a sign with their job written on it. They all have nice jobs, but she is not really interested in them. Then after a while, she sees a guy that is a little bit hidden and has “unemployed” (or something similar) on his sign. After that, they fall in love, marry each other and start a family and the video becomes in color again and you see them grow old happily. I also remember that the lyrics was about “family”.
I don’t know how the lyrics of the song went and would probably not even recognize it on the radio, but I do remember I really liked it and I have been searching for it for years.
The song was around 1998 in Belgium's top 40, but it was not very popular.
Disclaimer: some details could be wrong as it has been almost 25 years since I have seen this video clip.