Searching for punk song
I used to have an iPod from 2005 that has since died a few years ago, but there was a song on there that I would listen to all the time. I had never thought about looking up the song elsewhere. My brother had put most of the music on there for me since I wasn't tech-savy. I need help finding this song.
I remember that it's a Punk song, no more than 3 minutes long, has a quick melody then hits hard with power chords, this song is for sure released before 2005 and some of the lyrics that I can remember is "Betty rage" "she stands there in the snow like an angel lark" "holds a snowboard like she holds my heart" "she is the hottest girl in the park" chorus was something like "hey! hey! where did she go now? Hey! hey! what was her name? Oh, damn! think I lost her" I've done all I can to find this song and don't know where else to go to, if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated