Looking for a mid/late 2010's pop song
Hi all, I'm looking for the name of a certain song. I managed to catch some of the lyrics on a distant speaker.
It goes "wooooaah, woooooah, you make me feel in love!" This is played twice in each chorus. The final part of the chorus could be "you made me feel in love" or "you make me feel the love" but a search on those phrases yeilded wrong results.
The chorus "woooah" part before the final lyrics in each repeat of the chorus sounds very similar to Justin Bieber's "Sorry" when the girl goes "woah." That's about all the information I know about it. I sometimes hear it on modern pop radio but I haven't spent enough time listening to pop radio to find it. Hell, I don't even know if the song is played all that often anymore. All I know is that I've heard it alot circa 2017-19. I just have never gotten a clear enough listen to make out the lyrics. Any help is appreciated.