GAZZILION hints! Someone anyone?
I was ravaged when i heard the jam. Never saved it. Its foggy but amazing enough that ive looked for 4 years for it! SONG: rock/alternative-ish but slightly jarrydjames-ish
Quite possibly on the same u tube channel as someone on Jarrydjames channel. Just more of an altermative sound. quite possibly IRISH or SCOTTISH but im not 100%. Guys- was annihilated! But.... heres the kicker.....
SO WAS HE. In the video the guy, hes not singing the whole song. Maybe none of it. Maybe just a few words or some, but hes walking from bar to bar and hes getting righteously lit. Hes a young lad, clean cut hair, rocking a hoodie or a white shirt i think. and he is NOT out FOR a lay and a hoot. He wants to forget. Hes out to drown himself. He has that devastatingly tragic look to him like he just had to kill the think he loved most before she killed him. Its part of what moved me so much and i have to get back to it. The whole video is this journey of his night getting wasted, getting into a brawl, cocaine, cops busting him maybe, then he and some sweetie get it on in the bar and he sort of throws her off after and then hes done and i think he goes home or something. Cheers to all who try to help. What a great site!