Hello everybody ^^
So there was this song i've been looking for for around 5 years now, it was on my old computer, it was electro, and I was NEVER ABLE to find it again... So if you want to help me, i tried (really tried, but it's not that nice xD) to record the tune on a piano online, so go on this website of virtualpiano and paste this : jgj|[ff]fjgj|[ff]|jjj|hhhhhh|gg jjj|hhh j|gg|jj zzz [jj]jzzz [jj]|zzzz ccxx z|jj|z[zz] z [xc]cx x z jj g|gg|g in the recorder ^^. So basically, all you have to do is to imagine that the piano was something electro xD
If someone can help, thanks, it's torturing me :c