PLEASE SOMEONE! I can't remember the name of this power foreign rock / metal band
It was used as a background song for some random MMORPG boss fight and I got the name from one of the comments, which was years ago. I looked long and hard for the same video again but realized it has long since been deleted! Anyway, here's what I remember from the musical video : 1) The main vocalist sang in Dutch or Hungarian, or probably in a Scandinavian language. 2) He was muscular with a small beard and a shaved head. 3) I think he and the band were performing in a cave or a prison. The screen was black-yellowish. 4) While the vocalist sang, we were shown his twin or somebody that looked like him, secluded alone in a cell made of hard rock. Towards the end of the music video, the same guy starts breaking the wall with his bare hands whilst the band is performing and joins them in the middle as the second vocalist.
This is all I can remember. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I keep wasting 2 hours everyday looking for it. That's how much I liked it.
Last edited by Pyramid_Head; 05-05-2015 at 02:01 AM.