Does anyone know this song?
I'm looking for a song I've heard a LOONGG time ago. Some of the lyrics was "as I lay/lie here in my darkest hour", or "we can lie here and talk for hours".
I also remember it is a very deep and sad-ish song and the video was of a woman singing it laying on the beach, and the video was black n whitish. Her voice sounded in between Enya to Celine Dion-ish and Jennifer Lopez when she sang the sad songs on the movie "Selena". I hope someone/anyone know's the song I am talking about...he chords were pretty slow like: " in my darkest..hour".. just a sweet, soft melody.
The music of it sounds like the first one when you type in "Absolutely INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY" on youtube (since I can't place url's to other site on here yet). But it's the beat from 0:49 to 1:00.
Am hoping someone/anyone knows what song I am talking about..I heard and saw it only once when I was a kid and now it just seems lost...