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TumorAttitude TumorAttitude is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 331
  1. TheCunningStunt
    09-01-2010 05:06 AM - permalink
    I'm distraught.
    I'm suing them, using my name. What bastards.
    It looks Hip-Hoppy/Jaz, going out of yer comfort zone just so you can listen to me. I'm touched. In the "by an angel" way, not the "Uncle Billy" way.
  2. fritter
    08-31-2010 11:55 PM - permalink
    Oh yeah and I see you like Karp. You might like the band Nashville Pussy. Even though they are redneck pricks :P. YouTube - Nashville Pussy - She's Got The Drugs
  3. fritter
    08-31-2010 11:50 PM - permalink
    well that means there's at least two Motley Crue fans here. Only several hundred left to go. \m/
  4. Dylanist
    08-31-2010 11:44 PM - permalink
    I'm not as new as you might think ;)
  5. TumorAttitude
    08-31-2010 11:21 PM - permalink
    Dude, I would totally understand if everyone on this forum hates me. All I do is come here and spew horrible acid everywhere......
  6. TumorAttitude
    08-31-2010 10:22 PM - permalink
    I hate everything. I wish I was dead/in college.
    What is death like? Everyone says nothing's going to happen. Just live and enjoy it....nah. No. Can't. Not when I picture death that way. Death's gotta be peaceful or something. At least there's a sense of peace when your soul leaves your body. When you git gone forever. Whatever. I'm not going to kill myself. I'll just....uhhh.....

    I miss hedoism so much......
  7. glastonelle
    08-31-2010 03:08 AM - permalink
    Gracias signorita. Cant say I've ever been through an emoish faze, but all those who I know that went through one are complete tossers. You strike me as much cooler than that. I mean, All Time Low. Jesus. Thank God.
  8. hissundaygirl09.
    08-30-2010 09:51 PM - permalink
    yeahhh that could that one guy who thought it was funny to stuff when i was drunk
  9. glastonelle
    08-30-2010 05:15 AM - permalink
    I see, profound. You were one of those scene kids with the hardcore haircuts?

    And its just Glaston, as in Glastonbury, and Elle, as in my name. I thought it was the cats pyjamas at the time but now I just feel like a prick.
  10. hissundaygirl09.
    08-29-2010 08:17 PM - permalink
    yeahh that explains the hickey

About Me

  • About TumorAttitude
    I hate you.
    Killing my skin cells.
    Brave Little Toaster
    Favorite Group
    Favorite Genre
    Genres are queer.


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  • Last Activity: 06-20-2012 10:01 AM
  • Join Date: 12-26-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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