Conversation Between TumorAttitude and Nine Black Poppies
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
I can see that, although I'm not sure why either. It IS a pretty clever show, if sometimes only for their ability to combine totally unrelated pop-culture/news events into one story.
It was time for a change though, so now I'm rockin' Scott Pilgrim style.
I think that's why I lurk--I don't feel like I have much to say usually. But sometimes I get in a talkative sort of mood. Hehe.
I dunno what it is but I thought southpark avy=teenybopper even though South Park is one of the most intellegent and well written shows on television.
But you're fucking smart.
I stopped lurking. My posts are stupid shiyet naow.
Thanks. I try :)
*also lurks*
mighty **** you're smart