Music Banter - Conversation Between TumorAttitude and Nadia Music Banter

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Conversation Between TumorAttitude and Nadia
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Nadia
    06-19-2010 10:04 AM - permalink
    at the moment, probably muse, but it changes every 7 minutes or so =)
    So how would carnivorous ears work, exactly??
  2. TumorAttitude
    06-18-2010 04:57 PM - permalink
    My ears are carnivorous.
    ENTERTAIN ME, BITCH. Fave band?
  3. Nadia
    06-18-2010 04:50 PM - permalink
    They are indeed very awesome... on a plate... =P
    Sorry, I've been raised as a carnivore!!
  4. TumorAttitude
    06-18-2010 03:06 PM - permalink
    BITCH! COWS ARE AWESOME! Case in point:
    YouTube - Cows "Mine"

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