Conversation Between TumorAttitude and James
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
Yeah, what's wrong with that?
You like Big Black but you hate Nirvana.........................
Shoulditalkslowerlikeyou'rearetardshoulditalkslowe rlikeyou'reretardedyotheythinkyou'redumbithinkyou' resmartohwaitiliedithinkyou'redumbgetit?getit?geti t?YOUJUSTDON'TGETIT!getit?getit?getit?
Oh good, you went off I hope you start feeling better, you scare me more than usual like this :/
Why don't you just go play with your neckfat and extra neckskin while you listen to "Modern Life is Rubbish" for the 23 time this week, you stereotype.
I don't flirt that much compared to people like Urban and Loose Lips. But your not fat and Lesbians are cool with me. But anyway Go suck off a goat you self loathing spunk rag!
You're just really abrasive and you flirt with people all the time and shit.
Come up with something better then that. I'm a n00b, I don't contribute that much to the forum, and I'm kind of fat and kind of a lesbian. Let your hate flag fly.
Why am I a chode. And you want a fight. Well.......stfu you doodoohead.
No, I'm pissed because you're kind of a chode. But its alright. I guess everyone is kind of a chode. You're chodishness is just more apparent.
Fuck. I am so bored. Please fight back.