Conversation Between someonecompletelyrandom and storymilo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
Haha whatever, that's cool that you'll be rapping. You'll be better than I could be, I assure you :P
i'll be rapping. the only down side is I'm sure i'll get a good laughing at from my friends.. the very concept of me rapping is probably absurd to them :D
Nice. Are you DJing or actually rapping into a mic?
ha thanks. i'm working on a rap album now
I liked that one and Econos Part IV the most, but I'll probably give it another listen and that'll change.
Just finished listening, and it sounds great. I'm not really one to go to for in-depth advice of any sort though. Anyways nice job:D
thats probably my favorite one off there. i started getting really into droning electronica stuff around that time
Eh it's hardly a problem. They actually sound great on the song I'm listening to now, Tap Water
yeah the drums probably aren't as tight as they should be
Mighty well so far I'll say:)
I don't know anything but it seems like the drums are a bit off in a couple places, but that's the only problem I'm having really. The mixing is done well too
that's cool, I love piano.
yeah I played them all. how i did I'll let you decide