Music Banter - Conversation Between someonecompletelyrandom and Janszoon Music Banter

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Conversation Between someonecompletelyrandom and Janszoon
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Janszoon
    02-24-2011 03:30 PM - permalink
  2. someonecompletelyrandom
    02-24-2011 03:15 PM - permalink
    You beat me to that post whore by a fraction of a second.
  3. Janszoon
    12-30-2010 01:50 PM - permalink
  4. someonecompletelyrandom
    12-29-2010 09:58 PM - permalink
    new avatar is glorious
  5. someonecompletelyrandom
    11-30-2009 11:15 PM - permalink
    somebody got it already/ thx though.... hey could you delete my older journal? it's called Conan's Completely Original Give Me an Album and I'll review it thread.
  6. Janszoon
    11-30-2009 10:58 PM - permalink
    I'd be happy to approve it but I can't find it. Is this something that's in the Member's Journal section? I don't see anything with that title in there.
  7. someonecompletelyrandom
    11-29-2009 09:01 PM - permalink
    hey man... just requesting a journal approval/deletion of my Conan's Completly Original Review journal. I'm sorry to bug you I'm just really excited about my new one... I think I may have found my niche here :D

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