Conversation Between someonecompletelyrandom and IamTimmeh
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
Yeah, I've been trolled on other sites. I don't let it get to me. And I'm used to people banging on my favorite music. Cause I hang around a bunch of punkers...
Yeah I'm hoping to expand my musical world a little bit, and just to talk to others who share some common grounds :D Thanks!
Just have fun and don't get your feelings hurt if someone insults your favorite music. Happens all the time ;)
I've found a lot of great music because of this place. So it's well worth sticking around. Welcome, btw :D
Haha, me either. Love that guy. So I just joined this forum on a whim. Is there anything pertinent I should know?
definetly Conan O'B... and I can't wait. :)
Hello! Are you ready for Conan O' Brien's new show? Starting November 8th? Or are you Conan the Barbarian. I'm so confus.