Conversation Between Sansa Stark and NSW
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Oh my god I know right? I'm so lucky I have a job now where I basically have unlimited reading time, lmaoooo. GOT is so good too! If you watched season 1 though I'd start with a Clash of Kings. There's a cookbook of that too btw, it's amazing! It has all recipes from different regions and it's all medieval versions that are true to the theme, but also modernised versions.
I was gonna start the GoT books next too! ****. I'm quitting my job to read.
Thanks lady! I absolutely love getting reccos on goodreads, and that one looks interesting. I've seen it on my GR feed alot too. Probably read it after my current book club book.
Hey lady, I sent you a book rec I think you'll like since you have faith in my taste, haha. Someone else rec'd it to me and I loved it so much it actually woke me out of a book coma I've been having, since I mostly watch TV. But it's really good, if you have an e-reader you can find it for free at! Or a smartphone too actually, if you have the right apps. Let me know if you need help on that, cause I got all that shyt on lock.
It's true...there is no good reason for it. He is just simply hot.
you leave my ovaries be!!
I came for eggs. The easter kind, not the other kind. Just thought you should know. :D