Music Banter - Conversation Between Sansa Stark and Mojo Music Banter

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Conversation Between Sansa Stark and Mojo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. Mojo
    07-12-2014 11:59 AM - permalink
    Yeah I find myself with little patience around these parts as of late. Better to pop in for two minutes, check Albums You're Digging, the World Cup thread and piss off again than involve myself in any of the discussion and end up calling someone a ****. Haha.
  2. Sansa Stark
    07-09-2014 07:49 PM - permalink
    Sansa Stark
    Miss seeing you around duder!
  3. Mojo
    07-05-2014 09:54 AM - permalink
    Yes IT'S ME! :-p
  4. Sansa Stark
    07-04-2014 06:02 AM - permalink
    Sansa Stark

    hay IT YOU
  5. Mojo
    07-10-2013 01:45 AM - permalink
    Maybe I can get a pink one.
  6. Sansa Stark
    07-09-2013 04:34 PM - permalink
    Sansa Stark
    It's so weird not to see your name in blue
  7. Mojo
    04-06-2011 09:31 PM - permalink
  8. Mojo
    09-15-2010 03:55 AM - permalink
    Ugly bastard removal approved. :D
  9. Sansa Stark
    05-26-2010 08:00 PM - permalink
    Sansa Stark
  10. Mojo
    05-26-2010 06:31 PM - permalink

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