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James James is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 187
  1. TheCunningStunt
    10-11-2010 03:22 PM - permalink
    I like the mini review song thread.
    You should do a 'rate the album above you' thread.
    I was gonna do it, but I didn't want to blatantly rip off your idea.
    Top foruming James *thumbs up*
  2. Queen Boo
    10-08-2010 03:04 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
    That sounds disgusting and not vegan at all.

  3. Queen Boo
    10-07-2010 05:06 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
    Never tried them.

    Tofu buffolo wings.
  4. Queen Boo
    10-06-2010 07:19 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
    I love them.

    Chick peas.
  5. Sansa Stark
    09-28-2010 05:23 PM - permalink
    Sansa Stark
    The Thousand Lives of Jacob De Zoet - David Mitchell
    Bright Lights, Big City - Jay McInerney
    A Widow for One Year - John Irving
    Glamorama - Bret Easton Ellis

  6. Violent & Funky
    09-27-2010 04:11 PM - permalink
    Violent & Funky
    Agreed. It's pure MUSICBANTER: listen to a song and decide which one you like better.

    Well, for the record I preferred 'The Classical'. It was kinda funky and had a nice groove. The Chameleions had waaay too much synth and sounded too 80s-y.
  7. Violent & Funky
    09-27-2010 01:46 PM - permalink
    Violent & Funky
    Nobody seems willing to listen to your songs in the Song Wars! thread... :(
  8. duga
    09-24-2010 10:46 AM - permalink
    I'll get back to you on that this weekend. I was unexpectedly super swamped at work and at home the past couple weeks but it should slow down this weekend. I don't mind getting the last few picks as far as songs go...I can work with anything.
  9. sleepy jack
    09-23-2010 09:35 PM - permalink
    sleepy jack
    yeah i can see that, though he's written several good records, and been around awhile and done a lot. i think there's way worse offenders out there though.
  10. sleepy jack
    09-22-2010 08:57 PM - permalink
    sleepy jack
    nice to meet you too. i agreed with your opinion about the silver jews being way better then pavement, though i think you were a bit harsh on will oldham.

About Me

  • About James
    Music, Drama and playing the bass
    in school
    Favorite Group
    The clash
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  • Last Activity: 03-24-2016 05:24 PM
  • Join Date: 10-10-2009
  • Referrals: 1


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