Music Banter - View Profile: Farfisa Music Banter

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Farfisa Farfisa is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 130
  1. someonecompletelyrandom
    06-01-2011 10:52 AM - permalink
    Nope, Janszoon changed it. I'm pretty sure he's just exacting Big3's revenge by proxy.
  2. Insane Guest
    05-27-2011 04:46 PM - permalink
    Insane Guest
    Checked out your EP in your sig, you have made your way into my library, it's really good. That proves you don't need to have music in your head to make good music!
  3. Dayvan Cowboy
    05-27-2011 04:41 PM - permalink
    Dayvan Cowboy
    I was using a french keyboard. leave me alone :(
  4. Dayvan Cowboy
    05-27-2011 08:58 AM - permalink
    Dayvan Cowboy
    I`m a ginger I`m allowed to bully,
  5. Dayvan Cowboy
    05-26-2011 11:49 AM - permalink
    Dayvan Cowboy
  6. Dayvan Cowboy
    05-25-2011 08:10 PM - permalink
    Dayvan Cowboy
    would you like me to misspell your name, too?
  7. Dayvan Cowboy
    05-22-2011 03:58 PM - permalink
    Dayvan Cowboy
    because I'm a ginger.
  8. Dayvan Cowboy
    05-22-2011 01:07 PM - permalink
    Dayvan Cowboy
    is your username long enough?
  9. someonecompletelyrandom
    05-02-2011 11:20 PM - permalink

    I just want you to know you scared a lot of people. Don't ever leave us again. If you ban yourself again, I'll ban you.
  10. sabee
    04-30-2011 12:50 AM - permalink
    hy ?


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-20-2012 10:22 PM
  • Join Date: 02-03-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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