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Farfisa Farfisa is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 130
  1. Zer0
    07-27-2011 05:13 PM - permalink
    Yep. I figured my old username looked like a half-assed spammer name, and it also gives away my age a bit too much. I wanted just 'Zero' but according to Yac that name is already taken by some fool who hasn't logged-in in 7 years!
  2. Kaimon
    07-25-2011 08:37 PM - permalink
    I'm so ronery.
  3. cardboard adolescent
  4. someonecompletelyrandom
    07-11-2011 01:31 PM - permalink
    Agreed. He was a really nice guy despite having the capability to be a completely pretentious snob. Always admired his work.
  5. someonecompletelyrandom
    07-11-2011 12:57 PM - permalink
    Is that John Cage in your avatar?
  6. Paedantic Basterd
  7. Dayvan Cowboy
    06-27-2011 12:03 PM - permalink
    Dayvan Cowboy
  8. cardboard adolescent
    06-20-2011 07:01 PM - permalink
    cardboard adolescent
    If you're getting into Buddhism, you should read some Osho.

    VV That poem is wonderful.
  9. Queen Boo
    06-12-2011 11:43 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
    loose lips eat chips
    loose labia lips
    loose cannons sink ships
    loose lips sink hard dicks
    loose lips take shits
    loose lips smell like dead fish
  10. cardboard adolescent
    06-12-2011 03:28 PM - permalink
    cardboard adolescent
    Hi there! The reason I don't post much anymore is because I've been farming and stuff and don't really have much internet/computer access. As far as recommendations go, have you ever read any Tom Robbins? Jitterbug Perfume and Skinny Legs and All are two really wonderful books. Peace, brother :)


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-20-2012 10:22 PM
  • Join Date: 02-03-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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