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Farfisa Farfisa is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 130
  1. sweet_nothing
    04-09-2009 03:59 PM - permalink
    ok but still, you guys look alike, or maybe you just look like alot of other people. As a matter of fact you look like my friend Jordan except he has black hair and is darker.
  2. sweet_nothing
    04-09-2009 07:43 AM - permalink
    haha no I was just on the sonic youth page and thought that was you, then i was like wait this guy's name is mitch.....but dont talk to him the universe could collapse because of it.
  3. sweet_nothing
    04-09-2009 02:04 AM - permalink
    hey alex i found your long lost brother createdthen’s Music Profile – Users at
  4. sweet_nothing
    04-06-2009 11:23 PM - permalink
    what happened to da rymenoceros? I dont even know you anymore =[
  5. sweet_nothing
    04-04-2009 09:01 PM - permalink
    I use reverb and tremelo with delay, all on a clean setting or do shoegze players use distortion? But yeh I might try that but I have a phobia of breaking strings, I once tried to do a sonic youth tuning and one poped and slapped me in the face since then most of the alternate tunings i use are drop d.
  6. sweet_nothing
    04-04-2009 06:48 PM - permalink
    slept with some bitches? ;) I just wrote a shoegaze song on my guitar, I'm really coming up in this world now.
  7. sweet_nothing
    04-02-2009 11:09 PM - permalink
    haha hellz yeh! Is that what you did on yours?
  8. sweet_nothing
    03-30-2009 06:06 PM - permalink
    **** is good
  9. sweet_nothing
    03-29-2009 10:33 PM - permalink
    then you could sing
  10. sweet_nothing
    03-28-2009 04:04 PM - permalink
    dude you should join me and molecules' band


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  • Last Activity: 03-20-2012 10:22 PM
  • Join Date: 02-03-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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