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Farfisa Farfisa is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 130
  1. sweet_nothing
    06-20-2009 08:56 PM - permalink
    Dude just make a 100 albums thread, with all the obscure stuff you listen to people will eat that **** up up like a fat kid with a birthday cake.
  2. sweet_nothing
    06-20-2009 08:22 PM - permalink
    Just be more opinionated, that's all.
  3. sweet_nothing
    06-20-2009 07:33 PM - permalink
    Wtf man, don't go. Youre far from coreyallen.
  4. WWWP
    06-10-2009 07:12 PM - permalink
    Haha, that is the best idea! I like the way you think.
  5. WWWP
    06-10-2009 04:50 PM - permalink
    Well that's good news!
  6. sweet_nothing
    05-16-2009 05:48 PM - permalink
    they only have one album, you suck at being a friend
  7. sweet_nothing
    05-15-2009 02:04 AM - permalink
    a place to bury strangers, check them out
  8. simplephysics
    04-28-2009 09:31 PM - permalink
    I kind of chose ComingUpRoses on a whim, and liked this handler a bit more.
  9. x Cheez iT
    04-21-2009 09:46 PM - permalink
    x Cheez iT
    Hey, I really enjoyed that Lilys song you recommended to me. What other songs or albums should I check out by them?
  10. Dr_Rez
    04-09-2009 06:07 PM - permalink
    Wanna try something? If you have a delay pedal and some sort of reverb try tuning all of your strings to let's say... D and then strum through each string lightly and slowly. To get different octaves just bar all of the strings. Hooray for boredness!!

    Just saw that. I think I will try it, as I have plenty of time myself these days.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-20-2012 10:22 PM
  • Join Date: 02-03-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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