Music Banter - Conversation Between Farfisa and someonecompletelyrandom Music Banter

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Conversation Between Farfisa and someonecompletelyrandom
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. someonecompletelyrandom
    07-11-2011 01:31 PM - permalink
    Agreed. He was a really nice guy despite having the capability to be a completely pretentious snob. Always admired his work.
  2. Farfisa
    07-11-2011 01:17 PM - permalink
    Yup, yup! I really admire the man. He seemed like he had such a kind heart and loved any kind of sound. His happiness and kindness is that of a Buddhist monk's. I feel like he's one of the most important figures (if not the most) in the last century, or at least in the music world.
  3. someonecompletelyrandom
    07-11-2011 12:57 PM - permalink
    Is that John Cage in your avatar?
  4. someonecompletelyrandom
    06-01-2011 10:52 AM - permalink
    Nope, Janszoon changed it. I'm pretty sure he's just exacting Big3's revenge by proxy.
  5. Farfisa
    06-01-2011 10:36 AM - permalink
    I bet you altered the proportions of your avatar to mess with people, sly dog.
  6. Farfisa
    05-02-2011 11:25 PM - permalink
    It's nice to know everyone was ready to take their lives because I left. Thanks for showing me that. <3
  7. someonecompletelyrandom
    05-02-2011 11:20 PM - permalink

    I just want you to know you scared a lot of people. Don't ever leave us again. If you ban yourself again, I'll ban you.
  8. someonecompletelyrandom
    05-03-2010 06:30 PM - permalink

    hell yeaaah!
  9. Farfisa
    05-03-2010 06:26 PM - permalink
    I accept your proposal for friendship... this needs cake.
  10. someonecompletelyrandom
    05-03-2010 04:35 PM - permalink
    i'm extending my friendship circle beyond the mail man and immediate family. welcome to the team.

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