Music Banter - Conversation Between Farfisa and Queen Boo Music Banter

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Conversation Between Farfisa and Queen Boo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. Farfisa
    01-03-2012 07:53 PM - permalink
    She is? I don't really watch MLP, so I wouldn't know.
  2. Queen Boo
    01-03-2012 05:01 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
    Allllleeeeeeeexxx, why is Rainbow Dash such a bitch?
  3. Farfisa
    12-21-2011 03:38 PM - permalink
    Nope, I thought that was a funny video, and because a lot of anime fans are more depressing than me.
  4. Queen Boo
    12-21-2011 02:50 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
    Oh. You're Alex the perv. I get it now.
  5. Farfisa
    12-21-2011 10:19 AM - permalink

    Anime fans have sex with body pillows.
  6. Farfisa
  7. Farfisa
    08-01-2011 09:49 PM - permalink
    :O poor cats...
  8. Queen Boo
    08-01-2011 07:47 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
  9. Queen Boo
    06-12-2011 11:43 PM - permalink
    Queen Boo
    loose lips eat chips
    loose labia lips
    loose cannons sink ships
    loose lips sink hard dicks
    loose lips take shits
    loose lips smell like dead fish

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