Music Banter - Conversation Between Dirty and Dr_Rez Music Banter

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Conversation Between Dirty and Dr_Rez
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Dirty
    07-16-2011 02:47 AM - permalink
    Hey boss thanks for fixing up the tags and **** for the mixtape. I was gonna make a thread for the mixtape but I siged up right around the time it was getting finished and didn't wanna seem like someone just tryin to promote. I do kinda wanna start one now but i think its too late just because i think a lot of people have heard it and commented one way or another. hell ill probably make one anyways here soon, id like some critiques, reviews, etc. And no I am not Metallica rules although that would indeed be a kind of username id use to troll lol
  2. Dr_Rez
    07-11-2011 03:19 PM - permalink
    My friends comin over tonight and hes real big into hiphop mixtapes, im gonna show him Built To Be Filthy while smoking and drinkin a bit.

    Good ****. You should make a thread for it so people on MB can actually listen to it, since most probably dont see it in your signature.

    Also I numbered the tracks according to how you had them on the word file with it. And fixed all the tags and **** for it.

    Dirty Curt.rar
  3. Dirty
    02-22-2011 01:34 PM - permalink
    Thanks. I strive to be the best.
  4. Dr_Rez
    02-18-2011 08:56 PM - permalink
    In all honesty your my favorite musicbanter troll to date. That is a compliment.

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