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Old 02-22-2023, 03:48 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Default 2016 - Stardew Valley


So many, and I mean so many good games were released this year, so it was certainly difficult (again) to pick a favorite from the list. So I simplified it by only talking about the games I've actually played, and again, I'll throw in an exception now and again. When I look through the list of games that were released this year, I keep finding myself saying "oh that's a good one, oh that's a good one", but it all boils down to my personal experience with the game, and I don't think a lot of them come close to what Stardew Valley did. And even more-so considering this game was developed by one singular person. That alone deserves praise.

Stardew Valley is a farm sim mixed with a sort of RPG of sorts, though the focus is certainly on the farming aspect, and positivitely so. I love farm sims, and when they're done right, they can be a lot of fun. Stardew Valley does everything it needs to do so well that it's honestly difficult to even critique it. The graphics are cute, the music is fun, and the gameplay is certainly addicting, but like I said, the game really starts to shine once you get your farm up and running and you're making the big bucks. You can start relationships with the townfolk as well as doing your own exploration in and out of caves, which give their own respective rewards. The game is also rewarding every second you play it because it is just a relaxing good time that certainly reminds me of the Animal Crossing games. Nothing is ever stressed, but you basically have a goal in mind, and are looking to achieve that goal or goals in any way possible.

I also just enjoy the game for how it looks simple to being with, but there is so much hidden depth to this game, that it only can reward you the longer you play. And lemme tell ya, the game really does open up more and more as you progress, so I urge you to get through the initial few hours of the game and you'll see what I mean. I'm also not saying anything that isn't universally known. Everybody who plays games knows how good or has experienced themselves how good Stardew Valley is. If you're a fan of Animal Crossing and the like, this one is right up your alley. And mine, evidently.
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Old 02-22-2023, 03:52 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Default 2017 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


This is again one of those cases where I feel like my original review of this game is going to tell you everything you need to know about my experience, so I'm going to drop that review here:


Breath of the Wild (Full Review)

Once again, full disclaimer that I've been playing the Wii U version. From what I've heard, there really is no difference between the Wii U version and the Switch version give or take a few better graphical objects.

Now, Breath of the Wild, what do I think of it? Well, I would say that it is easily the best game that has come out for a system in the last 10 years, and easily the best Zelda game ever made. The Legend of Zelda has been around for a very long time, and it's very rare for Nintendo to put out a bad Zelda game.*

*Even if some people didn't like some of the games in the series.

When it comes down to it, Breath of the Wild is a brand new open world game in the form of a Zelda world. Much like Skyrim and Fallout have done the genre as well as they can, Breath of the Wild takes the open world genre to a new high, and any other open world games should hope to be as good as Breath of the Wild. When I think of an open world game, I think "open and free." But as we've seen with games like Skyrim, there's still some hand holding with the map always telling you where to go. On the topic of other Zelda games in this sense, you start to realize that every single Zelda game before Breath of the Wild are not "open and free" and the amount of hand holding does loosen a bit, but it is still there. Breath of the Wild however takes that hand holding completely away, and within the first 15 minutes of the game, you are let free and are free to explore the entire world of Hyrule. I would say I was quite pleased to finally get an open world that really takes the open world concept the proper way. And if you're worried about the world being too huge, well one of the big positives for the game and the reason I already have 50+ hours into it is the fact that while you're adventuring, you're rewarded for it at every turn. Whether it's finding new weapons, new armors, new potions, etc, you pretty much feel the sense of satisfaction whenever you make it to the top of a mountain or cliff. Sometimes you'll literally climb a mountain and won't find anything, but with how important it is to get a vantage point for your next adventure, these offer the best possible way to plan out your next "leap of faith" into something interesting.

The reason the adventure aspect is done so well in this game and doesn't feel monotonous like other open world games is the fact that Breath of the Wild gives you all the tools you need for survival at the beginning of the game pretty much. You aren't having to go to a place and realize that you aren't allowed there yet. Stamina and HP aside, there are literally no limitations to what you can do in this game. Feel like fighting that bad guy? Do it. Feel like climbing that mountain? Do it. This once again gives you the freedom of choice and freedom of exploration that 99% of open world games do poorly.

The game like I mentioned heavily favors the sense of adventure over everything else, and as I mentioned, you're rewarding for it. But I know there are some that fear that the game feels far too big, and there's too much to do scattered all over. Well, if that's what you're worried about, put that thought aside. In the 50+ hours I've put into the game, I never felt like I was trapped with so much to do, in fact, it's more of a positive if there is too much to do, because it makes you come back to the game and find something new. Which is another big plus. A lot of games that claim to have "a lot to do" tend to go the route that "a lot to do" means "a lot of the same things." Although you find a lot of chests and weapons in Breath of the Wild, nothing really feels the same, because every obstacle or thing you discover tests a certain part of you that has to plan ahead in order to accomplish it. The process of planning things out gives you creative ways to take on the endeavor that you've been put up against. Making the obstacle feel its own, and unique.

Graphically, and this is strictly speaking from the Wii U version, is phenomenal. Like I mentioned a week or so ago, the common complaint of the game is that it does have some frame drops when in a heavily full area of the map, but it doesn't happen often enough for me to really consider it a complain. Nintendo will hopefully release a performance patch that makes this the number one priority. Because honestly, that's the only issue I've had with it.

Story wise, you still are met with the typical (some would say cliche, but it's not cliche) story with Link and Zelda. I won't give any spoilers, but I will say that this particular story feels a lot more personal and emotional than the other games before it. I've found myself not only getting emotional from the cut scenes, but just running around while you look at the "ultimate task" in front of you, you're just met with a sudden sense of dread and loneliness. You really start to feel like you're on your own, and you pretty much are for the most part.

Now, one of the things I really wasn't expecting with Breath of the Wild though I'm so happy it happened, is how ****ing difficult the game is. If you take a game say like...Dark Souls, and made it perhaps a few notches less difficult, you pretty much have Breath of the Wild. I've probably already died at least 100 times, due to either being unprepared, being careless, or just not realizing that the difficulty for this game is hard, which is super out of character for a Zelda game in this era.

With everything I have said so far about this game, I truly feel like there is so much more I could talk about. As I have mentioned probably once or twice, I've put about 50+ hours into this game so far, and I don't even feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what this game has to offer. That's how massive this world is. And the main reason I love it so much is because of how you feel like you're discovering something brand new every time you play the game. Whenever I turn on my Wii U and start of Breath of the Wild, I don't have a set idea of what I want to accomplish for that play session, because I honestly have no idea what to expect out of that play session. That sense of not knowing anything, and just going in and playing, is a big reason why it's so addicting. It feels brand new every time you turn on the system. That's how it feels for me anyway. Because the feeling of getting into a brand new game over and over again is the biggest reason why this game has done so well. Nintendo should be truly proud of the game they've made, because it's easily the best game not only that they have made, but the best game that any developer has made in a long long time. I'm a small amount hesitant to say that because we've seen a lot of great titles over the years, but I know for a fact that this is the best experience with a video game that I have had in the last 10 years.

If I were to give this a rating, i'd obviously give it a 10/10. The funny thing is, it's not too rare to see people giving this game a perfect score. Hell, I've seen people and myself included wish they could rate higher than a 10. The game deserves all the praise it gets. The hype was real and exceeded for me personally, and if you haven't played it yet, definitely do yourself a favor and find a cheap Wii U, and get Breath of the Wild. I only say that because the Switch is still fairly expensive, and in its current state, it's not worth the money just for Zelda, though if you do get it for Zelda, you'll love the hell out of it.
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Old 02-23-2023, 02:40 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Default 2018 - Marvel's Spider-Man


We're getting closer and closer to the conclusion of this section of my journal, and I must say, I'm quite happy with the list of games I've chosen to talk about for the past few months. A lot of these games I honestly think I'll go back and play as it has been quite some time since I've played a lot of them. And as we are getting to current time, it got even harder to choose games to talk about, because there were a few years in recent memory where I played a lot of games that I really enjoyed. But, we can't possibly talk about all of them, or I guess we could. I'm choosing not to. However, today I'm talking about Marvel's Spider-Man because it's one of those games that I probably spent more time on than any other game in recent memory. It falls into that category with a few others but definitely one that I put a **** ton of time into.

Marvel's Spider-Man in my opinion is exactly what it needed to be, a much more refined and intense version of the Gamecube Spider-Man that we have all come to love throughout the years. One of the most important aspects of a game like this is the gameplay, specifically how it feels to swing around with your webs. And up until this point, I'd say the gamecube version was the superior version, however this one just completely blows that one out of the water, and in my opinion, Marvel's Spider-Man is THE version to play if you want to experience Spider-Man in its truest form. Mix that all together with a great yet familiar combat system akin to the likes of Shadow of War and Batman Arkham, and a great story to bring it all together. I played through this game seemingly flawlessly, but that's because the game allowed you to do so with its free feeling mechanics.

Along with Shadow of War and very few other games, Marvel's Spider-Man falls into the 100% completion category given that I completed everything I could when I played through it. I simply could not do anything but. The game was and is still so good that I only recommend doing everything you possible can. And yes, this is one of those kinds of games where it just throws collectibles at you left and right, but with how the game manages to allow you to freely swing and fly wherever you want, the collectathon aspect really doesn't feel stale. Especially given the fact that the game is based in a virtual version of New York City, which...even back in the gamecube days was an impressive feat.

I think it will be a while before I decide to take the plunge into this game since I have completed it fully. So there really isn't a lot of reason to go back and play other than for nostalgia sake. But it remains one of my favorite experiences in gaming.
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Old 02-23-2023, 03:09 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Default 2019 - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order


I'm honestly excited to get to this year because I get to talk about Jedi Fallen Order. This is one of those cases where I not only followed the development of this game from when it was first teased, but I also preordered it, and played through it twice. Once when it initially released, and another time when I learned of the sequel.

When I learned that there was going to be a Star Wars game that has an influence of Dark Souls-like mechanics, I was excited. Especially since around this time, my experience with Souls games in general was rather lack luster. I didn't get into them as much as other people because the difficulty curve was just a bit too high for my taste. Then comes Jedi Fallen Order, and suddenly I'm finding myself wanting to go back and play the Souls game, with the most recent one being Elden Ring, of course. Jedi Fallen Order is a pretty great game, with some mechanics that have definitely been used in games before. So, while the game definitely feels like its own things, overall it does feel familiar. That's not necessarily a bad thing though, hell it probably makes it even more accessible given that anyone could pick it up and have a good time. It's not the perfect Star Wars game, nowhere near it, but for it to be a Star Wars game that is completely absent of microtransactions and more focus went into making the game actually good, it's got me very excited for the next one in the series. And you know damn well I will try to get a special edition of that. Just based on some of the trailers already, I'm really looking forward to playing the sequel. If I didn't mention it already, the both times I played this game, I enjoyed immensely. But the second playthrough was probably a bit more fun as I had the basic jist of the game down, now I just had to put it into practice. And the combat just feels so good and makes you really feel like a powerful jedi. Much like the Force Unleashed games did.

For anyone that didn't feel like jumping into this game, it's the perfect time to do so now given that the sequel is quickly approaching.
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Old 02-23-2023, 03:19 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Default 2020 - Ghost of Tsushima


This is a bit of an odd one because despite having played through this game and absolutely enjoying every minute of it, I'm finding it difficult to really remember too many details about it. So, I'm taking a post from a previous journal that sums it up nicely. I want this game to be featured here despite not really being able to talk about it in depth too much now because either I just simply don't remember anything about it that I want to, or I was just so engrossed into the game that I was only focusing on the now, and not really worrying about remembering much of it. I do remember enjoying it so much that I nearly 100% it, but it will always be a game on my PS4 that I just didn't quite finish. One day I'll get back to it, but anyway, here are my thoughts on Ghost of Tsushima:


Ghost of Tsushima

This is one of those instances where I knew close to nothing about this game until its release. I didn't really follow the marketing or anything. And I wasn't really all that excited about it. Despite all that however, Ghost of Tsushima may very well be one of my favorite games of the year. Has a good chance of being my Game of the Year as well, but we've still got the rest of the year.

Ghost of Tsushima mixes together everything I love about games, and puts it all into one beautiful package. You've got For Honor style combat, Shadow of War style world progression, in regards to having things on the map to go to. A lot of games have done thing but I always credit Shadow of War as that's one of the few games I've fully completed. Not to mention the game not only runs beautifully (with literally close to 0 load times), but it looks absolutely beautiful as well. And I'm not even playing on a 4K TV (which Microsoft believes you need to have a 4K TV to enjoy the next gen games, which I fully disagree with.) And the story and overall feel of the game are done very well. Everything feels fluid and you never really feel like the character isn't responding well to your button inputs. Very few times I've had instances where I made a bad move, but it's usually my own fault for fumbling around with the controller sometimes. I lose grip of it at certain times.

On a side note, can we all just agree at this point that the PS4 has been one of the best consoles ever made for gaming? Not even talking about the exclusives that have already come out, but then you add this to the mix and it just makes the PS4 look even more enticing. I am also heavily looking forward to the PS5 and what that is going to offer. Microsoft really has to up their game from now to release if they want people to be sold on their console. Which the general consensus seems to be that not a lot of people are really excited about it. Well...Halo Infinite specifically. Anyway, that's another story for another time.

If you haven't picked up Ghost of Tsushima. Do it. You won't regret it. It's one of the most interesting and fun games I've played in a while, in this particular style.
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Old 02-23-2023, 03:45 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Default 2021 - Outriders


I'm gonna be honest, this is another one of those years where I'm not 100% sold on the one I want to talk about, however it is the one that I certianly put the most time into when compared to the other games released this year. And on top of that, there were a lot of great games released in 2021, and the surrounding years both prior and ahead of it. And I'm serious, 2021 was a really good year in gaming. We had games like Monster Hunter Rise, Returnal, Loop Hero, Back 4 Blood. So many, but I definitely spent more time playing Outriders over any of those, and I honestly enjoyed my time with until the gameplay progression started to feel a bit stale as the game went on. Doesn't mean it's a bad game or anything. Hell, I was honestly more surprised by how good it actually was because I hadn't really heard of the game until it was released, and my brother told me to play it. I don't think I ever finished it, but it could certainly be one of those games that I go back to. I just have to be in the right mood.

Outriders follows the same kind of gameplay loop that games like Warframe or other third person mission based shooters, and there's not a lot of difference between this and those games, however I would still say that Outriders manages to stay in a league of its own despite it having a lot of similarities to other games. The customizations and the type of weapons you can get are neat and fun to mess around with, but unfortunately, I feel like the mission style gameplay sort of stales the experience a little bit. I remember games like Mercenaries where this type of gameplay was still going strong, however at that time, it still felt sort of new. Outriders still does what it needs to do well, but it unfortunately becomes more of a chore as you progress. Some people like that, some people don't. I don't mind either way, especially since the time I put into the game is time that I enjoyed immensely, so no hard feelings there.

I don't have a lot to say about Outriders because you sort of get what you see. You play as a character in third person with an arsenal of weapons, and you take on waves of enemies in different environments. The gameplay is fun, certainly. And the game does do a good job at making you want to progress, but there just isn't enough to where the progression feels warranted or great. If anything, if I were to rate this game, it'd be anywhere between good and great. It's nothing crazy or new, but it definitely is worth your time if you're looking for something to put time into.
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Old 02-23-2023, 03:48 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Default 2022 - Elden Ring


I did a review on Elden Ring somewhat recently in my previous journal, so I want to post that here as it's the best representation of how I feel about it. Elden Ring is my game of the year for 2022, so I would hate to try to put that into words again when I just recently did that exact thing. So here is that review:

My Favorite Game of 2022
It's been a helluva year

I know 2022 isn't over yet, and even with 2 more months left to go, there are still many chances that a game could surpass the experiences that I've had with games so far this year. And while I have had a large number of great experiences with gaming, there really hasn't been a whole lot to talk about when it pertains to gaming, especially this year. Blame it on covid or whatever else, but evidently things have slowed down this past year. Despite all of that, here is my favorite game of the year for 2022.

When it comes to choosing my favorite game of the year, there are a couple factors to consider. How much enjoyment did I get out of it? And why do I consider it to be my favorite of the year. Well, simultaneously with the lack of quality releases this year, we were also blessed with a lot of duds, and those duds either were really really bad, or came close to being somewhat good, though just missed the mark in more ways than one. Though, just because a game is bad from the outside, doesn't always mean it lacks the potential to be enjoyed. It's just that there are more than bad about it than good and to me, it's hard to keep playing a game that consistently misses the mark. But, in the end it's all subjective so it doesn't really matter anyway.

With that out of the way, the one game that I got the most enjoyment and the most 'consistent' enjoyment so far this year would have to be Elden Ring. I was heavily anticipating this game when it was teased what feels like years ago. But like everyone else, I went into the hype with the expectation that I really wouldn't get too far into the game given that it was from From Software, and I just wasn't prepared to get my ass kicked. Though, once the game released and I spent a plentiful amount of hours on it, I realized that each time I was playing, I was consistently having a good time. Whether it was trying to kill a boss time and time again, or simply exploring the vast open world that this game offers. Or if it was simply just looking at the architecture and beauty of the game and just sort of getting...lost. I surprised myself time and time again the further I got through the game because I was taking on enemies and bosses that I never thought I would prevail on, and wouldn't ya guess it, I just keep beating the bosses that required a little more time, sure. But...the satisfaction of getting a killing blow on a boss that has taken what feels like hours to kill really doesn't come close to a lot of things.

That's just it though, Elden Ring is...great. Simply put. Back when there were rumors pertaining to the game and what it was going to be like and who was at the helm of its creation, my imagination ran wild. And I let it stay that was while also staying away from as many spoilers as I possible could, because I wanted to go through this game knowing virtually nothing about it. I wanted to experience going into the main area for the first time, or experiencing getting destroyed from the first boss, only to come back 20 more times to die in other creative ways. And maybe you'll get lucky and get a few good lucky shots on someone that is far higher leveled than you are. It's not recommended, but it is possible to kill any boss in the game at low levels if you're good at dodging and parrying etc. Which...I certainly am not. I'm better than I used to be...thanks to Elden Ring.

And while this game is my favorite of the year, I've only really done 2 playthroughs, both with different classes. And both times have been a fantastic experience where I left feeling like I wanted to play more. The first time I played as a duel wielding bandit with bleed weapons. the second playthrough was full on sorcery / magic. god, if you didn't think magic was overpowered already, just wait until you go full on wizard in Elden Ring. You'll feel like a damned god. And good. Sometimes it's fun to get overpowered.

Yes, there are still 2 months left in the year, and sometimes it is a little premature to point out my favorite experience of this year when it comes to gaming, but based on what I've seen as far as what we will be getting in terms of releases in the next few months, I don't think anything is going to top Elden Ring for me. I can still see myself starting up another file with a class I haven't done yet simply due to the fact that it's just fun to start another file to see what you can do in comparison to another character you have that isn't nearly as powerful. For instance, when I was training my mage account, I found fighting bosses to be a lot easier due to how much health certain spells take down in comparison to going full on duel wielding bleed weapons. the same time, it's not nearly as interesting since you're standing at a distance shooting spells instead of getting in their face slicing them to death. Of course some come with their own difficulties and some are much easier to learn. It's all about how you feel like playing. But I assure you, regardless of how you play, you will have a great time. At its core, Elden Ring is just that...a great game. A great experience. A great though sort of hidden story throughout. And it's basically following whatever you feel like doing, at any pace you want to do it.

If you haven't picked it up yet and you're only reason for not doing so is because you don't think you'll be good at a soulslike, just throw that notion out the window. I honestly thought the same thing when I was thinking of picking up the game, and I even surprised myself with how much progress I was making. Play it. It's really really freakin' good.
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Old 02-23-2023, 04:13 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Default 2023 - Hogwarts Legacy


I know what I said, and I know that it doesn't make much sense to talk about a game in 2023, since we're still in the 2nd month of the year, but I honestly believe that I have already played the game that will undoubtedly be my game of the year for this year. That, or it's going to be really difficult for a game to surpass it, and that's why I'm choosing to talk about it now. I will most likely talk about this game towards the end of the year, but due to me wanting to get this project done, I've decided to add 2023 to this list, main reason being that I really just want to talk about this game. And please keep in mind that I am not going to go into any of the controversies that are revolving around this games release etc. I have my own opinions on that that I don't think fit well in this format, so I'm strictly sticking to my experience of the game and how I am doing with it, a few weeks after its release. So here we go, here are my thoughts on Hogwarts Legacy.

What can I say, Hogwarts Legacy hit all the right notes with me. An open world game based on the world of Hogwarts, and mix that with the gameplay loop of Shadow of War and a fantastic combat system that feels all its own, Hogwarts Legacy is truly going to be one of those games that we look back on years down the road, and remember how good it was and still currently is. And I know this type of gameplay style is not for everybody, but for someone like me that enjoys having a lot to do ala Assassins Creed etc, the minute I looked at the map and saw everything before me, I was ready to go. This game was also a bit of a surprise for me, because the minute I saw that you can get it early through a pre-order, I took the plunge. I knew very little about this game, given that I had only watched maybe 1 or 2 trailers, so there wasn't a whole lot to expect. And boy, when I jumped in for the first time, I must have spent anywhere between 3 and 4 hours just taking it all in, and that was just the beginning. Once you progress enough, the game really starts to open up as you acquire more essentials to make your experience that much more enjoyable. I'm trying to be somewhat vague as I know a lot of people have yet to spend some time with this game, so I am sensitive to spoilers. Plus, I would feel bad if I spoiled any of this experience for anyone else as it is such an experience that it's worth going through yourself.

At the moment, I've clocked around 22 hours of gameplay time, and I have only finished about 41% of what the game has to offer as a whole. I'm incher closer to finishing the main quest, but as its pretty normal with me and these kinds of games, I will take my time. I'll jump in for an hour, do a few things, stop, go back, and do more. Sometimes I'll spend more time if I'm really wanting to do something. But that to me is an enormous strength where I game can continue to pull you in even after spending many hours playing it. It doesn't make you feel like there's too much as you can progress at whatever speed you like. Everything does have a purpose, and given that I have done close to half the game at this point, I would highly recommend doing everything you can. It'll unlock customizations and sometimes spells that you'll need to take on other challenges. Nothing ever really feels forced, and you're basically free to tackle things the way you want.

I know what you're thinking, it should be pretty obvious that an open world game based in the Hogwarts world is no doubt going to be amazing, but you just have to have the right people behind it. And boy, the developers being this game did everything exactly right. You can tell with each time you make progress that every detail was well thought out and executed in such a way that makes you remember situations in the game. And I also know that people don't generally do well with fetch quests etc. I can say again that with as much time as I've had in the game, nothing has ever felt recycled or reused, though the types of quests are somewhat similar. Not so much that they feel the exact same though. But I digress, I really think the love and care shown throughout this game is certainly a gift from the developers. Sometimes, you'll get a dev team that couldn't care less about what they're making, and the experience is sub par at best. I would say Hogwarts Legacy is one of the best experiences in gaming I've ever had. It brings me back to the days when I was grinding through Shadow of War attempting to 100%, which eventually I did. I'm thinking Hogwarts Legacy will get the same treatment from me in the sense that eventually, that number will show 100%, and I'm honestly excited about that.

The other thing that I have always appreciated about these games is yes, the game never really forces you to do anything, so your sense of progression is solely based on you as the player. You're free to go where you want, do what you want, and fight what you want. And despite the obvious quest lines etc, you really don't have to do everything in a set amount of time. You can pretty much take as much time as you want. My younger brother has right around the same amount of hours as I do, and he's finished the main quest, and now he's going back and doing the exploration. I usually hold off on main quest and do the collectibles first. Ether way, you'll find satisfaction out of the experience. I guarantee it.

The only thing I will say about the controversy surrounding it is this: Sometimes, you have to separate the artist from the art. And in this case, it's J.K Rowling against the developers, and I would honestly just forget about J.K Rowling, and support the developers. They created a truly magical experience, pun intended. And I would honestly say that you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you decide to not play this solely based on that. Again, everyone is different and you're free to do as you choose. But I highly recommend checking this out. As I said, we're only near the end of February, and I honestly think Hogwarts Legacy will be my game of the year this year.
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Old 02-23-2023, 04:34 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Default Video Game Music Extravaganza

Video Game Music Extravaganza

I've done sections like this before in previous gaming journals where I talk about video game music. Since it has been a few years since the last time I did it, and we've had a lot of great games with great music being released in that time, I feel like it's the right time to jump into this particular topic since again, there's been a lot of great stuff coming out in recent years. I will do my best to not repeat myself from the times I did this before, but I can't make any promises.

I looked back and realized I have done this twice, once in my very first gaming journal years ago, and again in my previous journal when I focused on music in open world games. This time it's just going to be general discussion and talking about music in any video games that I believe I have not discussed yet.
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Old 02-23-2023, 04:34 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Milky Way Galaxy
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nice journal key! I only played the super mario world game on the list, heard of donkey kong though
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