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Old 10-26-2022, 07:27 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Treehouse of Horror episode: 6
Year: 1995
Season: 7
Segment: 3 of 3
Segment title: “Homer cubed”
Writer(s): David X. Cohen
Main: Homer
Supporting: Marge, Lisa. Bart, Maggie, Chief Wiggum, Reverend Lovejoy, Professor Frink, Patti. Selma, Santa’s Little Helper, Snowball II, Dr. Hibbert, Grandpa, Jasper
Homage to? Twilight Zone episode “Little Girl Lost” it says here, but I’m more for Tron
Basic premise: Homer gets lost in a strange world of three dimensions!
Best quotes:

Lisa: “Sorry dad we called it.”
Homer: “Nu-uh.”
Lisa: “Well we’re calling it now.”
Homer: “You are?”
Bart: “Yeah.”
Homer: “Oh! They got me with their legal mumbo-jumbo!”

Homer: “This is like that twilighty show about that zone!”

Patti (or is it Selma?): “It’s like he just disappeared into fat air!”

Homer: “Did anyone see the movie Tron?”
Everyone: “No.”

Frink: “Here is an ordinary square…”
Wiggum: “Whoa! Slow down, egghead!”

Wiggum: “Enough of your science, professor! A man’s life is at stake! We need action!” (Shoots the wall) “Take that, ya lousy dimension!”

Marge: “Bart! What happened?”
Bart: “Well, we hit a little snag when the universe sort of collapsed on itself. But dad seemed cautiously optimistic.”

Type of ending: Stupid and pointless (but you can forgive this one anything; it’s a real case of just sit back and admire the superb three-dimensional animation)

Synopsis: In a desperate attempt to avoid the visit of his sisters-in-law, Homer takes refuge behind a bookcase and finds himself in another world, a world where everything suddenly has three dimensions. The animation here is excellent, though the story really relies on it as otherwise it’s nothing really. When he realises he’s lost, Homer calls out and they can hear him in the house but not see him. Various attempts are made to get him back, including Wiggum, for some reason, shooting at the wall, but all to no avail. Homer ends up trapped in the third dimension. Bart goes in to save him but Homer falls down into the vortex that has been created and ends up in our world.

Rating: A++ (you have to give it top marks for animation)

Story: 6
Laughs: 5
Originality: 3
Ending: 0
Longevity: 5
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Old 10-27-2022, 02:16 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Introduction: Homer is putting a candle in a pumpkin and sets fire to himself. The couch gag has Death sitting on the couch when the family run in. They all drop dead and he puts his feet up on them.

Treehouse of Horror episode: 7
Year: 1996
Season: 8
Segment: 1 of 3
Segment title: “The Thing and I”
Writer(s): Ken Keeler
Main: Bart
Supporting: Homer, Marge, Lisa, Maggie, Dr. Hibbert
Homage to? ? Seems fairly original this time
Basic premise: Bart discover he has an evil(ler) twin
Best quotes:

Homer (with bucket of fish heads): “Fish heads, fish heads…” (it’s more a visual thing)

Homer: “I work my butt off to feed you four kids and -”
Marge: “Three kids.”
Homer: “What?”
Marge: “We have three kids, Homer.”
Homer: “Yeah. Three nosy kids! And you know what happens to nosy kids who ask too many questions?”
Bart and Lisa: “No, what? Tell us! Tell us!”

Marge: “You went into the attic? I’m very disappointed and terrified!”

Dr. Hibbert: “You don’t forget a thing like Siamese twins!”
Lisa: “I think they prefer to be called Conjoined twins.”
Hibbert: “And hillbillies prefer to be called sons of the soil, but it ain’t gonna happen.”

Hibbert: “A routine soul smear confirmed the presence of pure evil.”

Hibbert: “But what to do with Hugo? Too crazy for Boystown, too much of a boy for Crazytown! The child was an outcast. So, we did the only humane thing we could.”
Homer: “We chained Hugo up like an animal in the attic and fed him a bucket of fish heads every week.”
Marge: “It saved our marriage!”

Hibbert: “Isn’t it interesting that the left, or sinister twin is invariably the evil one? I have a theory that - wait a minute! Hugo’s scar is on the wrong side! He couldn't have been the evil left twin! That would mean the evil twin is, and always has been, Bart!”
Bart: “Oh don’t all look so shocked!”

Type of ending: Funny

Synopsis: Hearing a strange noise in the attic Bart and Lisa question their parents, but they pretend ignorance (not hard in Homer’s case haw haw!) Eventually they discover that they have another brother, who is evil and twisted and has to be kept up there. He’s Bart’s evil twin, Hugo, who was separated from him at birth. Now he’s loose and out in the world, having escaped from the attic. Enlisting the help of the only other person who knows of his existence, Dr. Hibbert (who of course delivered Bart) Marge, Lisa and Homer leave to search, while Bart remains at home.

But Hugo has fooled them. He has not escaped and is in fact still in the attic. He captures Bart and prepares to sew them back together, but Hibbert arrives in time to save Bart, knocking Hugo out. A routine examination of the scar however reveals that Hugo is not in fact the evil twin, and so Bart has to switch places with him in the attic, as Hugo takes over his life.

Rating: A

Story: 8
Laughs: 4
Originality: 10
Ending: 10
Longevity: 2
Total: 34
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Old 10-28-2022, 02:22 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Treehouse of Horror episode: 7
Year: 1995
Season: 8
Segment: 2 of 3
Segment title: “The Genesis Tub”
Writer(s): Dan Greaney
Main: Lisa
Supporting: Bart. Also Marge, Homer and Maggie but VERY peripherally (they’re in one scene and only Marge talks) and Santa’s Little Helper, also in one quick scene; Professor Frink (in the tiny world)
Homage to? Twilight Zone episode “The Little People”
Basic premise: Lisa creates a whole civilisation in a plant pot
Best quotes:

Lisa: “Science has already proved the dangers of smoking, alcohol and Chinese food, but I can still ruin soft drinks for everyone!”

Lisa: “My God! I’ve created life!”
Marge (voice from kitchen): “Lisa! Breakfast! We’re having waffles!”
Lisa: “Ooh! Waffles!”

Bart: “Your micro-jerks attacked me!”
Lisa: “Well, you practically destroyed their whole world!”
Bart: “You can’t protect them every second. Sooner or later you’ll let your guard down and then - flush! It's toilet time for Tiny Town!”

Lisa: “You think I’m a god?”
Priest: “But of course! You look down on us from above, you gave us life. And only your divine intervention can protect us from the devil!”
Lisa: “The devil?”
Priest: “The one you call… Bart!”
Lisa: “Oh, Bart’s just my brother.”
Priest: “The devil is your brother?”

Type of ending: Funny but silly and a shade tragic
Synopsis: Experimenting to see if cola will dissolve one of her lost teeth, Lisa accidentally creates life when Bart touches her and static electricity flows from her finger to the tooth. She watches the mould grow in the bowl, and then sees tiny people moving. As she watches, fascinated, the civilisation develops until they are sufficiently advanced to build cities. Bart sticks his finger in the project to annoy Lisa, and when she checks she can see the devastation that his interference has caused. That night a space fleet leaves the bowl and attacks Bart, who then swears revenge.

The tiny people then shrink Lisa and bring her to their world, where she is trapped as Bart robs her science project and gets first prize at school with it, to Lisa’s chagrin.

Rating: A

Story: 8
Laughs: 3
Originality: 6
Ending: 3
Longevity: 2
Total: 22
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Old 10-29-2022, 09:24 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Treehouse of Horror episode: 7
Year: 1996
Season: 8
Segment: 3 of 3
Segment title: “Citizen Kang”
Writer(s): David X. Cohen
Main: Homer, Kang, Kodos
Supporting: Marge, Lisa, Bart, Maggie, Kent Brockman
Homage to? Nothing; just a poke at US presidential election races
Basic premise: Kang and Kodos run for president
Best quotes:

Homer: “Oh no! Space aliens! Don’t eat me! I have a wife and kids! Eat them!”

Homer: “Well, I suppose you want to probe me. Might as well get it over with…” (Drops pants)
Kang: “Stop! We have reached the limit of what rectal probing can teach us.”

Kent Brockman: “Kent Brockman here with Campaign ‘96: America flips a coin!”

Kang (as Clinton): “I am Clin-ton! As supreme overlord all will kneel trembling before me and obey my brutal commands! Communication ends!”
Marge (watching): “That’s slick Willy for ya! Always with the smooth talk!”

Kent Brockman: “Senator Dole, why should people vote for you instead of President Clinton?”
Kodos (as Bob Dole): “It makes no difference which of us you choose. Either way your planet is doomed! Doomed!”
Kent: “Well, a refreshingly frank answer there from Senator Bob Dole!”

Kodos (as Dole): “Abortions for all!”
Crowd: “Boo!”
Kodos: “Very well. No abortions for anyone!”
Crowd: “Boo!”
Kodos: “Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!”
Crowd: “Hooray!”

Aide: “Mr. President, sir? People are becoming a bit confused by the way you and your opponent are, well, constantly holding hands.”
Kodos (as Dole): “We are merely exchanging long protein strings. If you can think of a simpler way I’d like to hear it.”

Kang (as Clinton): “My fellow Americans, as a young boy I dreamed of being a baseball, but today I say we must move forward, not backward, upward, not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!”

Aide (throwing stars and stripes at Homer): “Don’t forget your stinkin’ flag!”

Kodos: “He’s right! We are aliens! But what are you going to do about it? It’s a two-party system! You’ll have to vote for one of us!”

Marge: “I don’t understand why we have to build a ray gun to aim at a planet I never even heard of!”
Homer: “Don’t blame me! I voted for Kodos!”

Type of ending: Funny but silly and with a certain sense of political satire
Synopsis: Captured by Kang and Kodos, Homer is told they intend to take over, but when instructed by them to take them to his leader, Homer - somewhat astutely for him - points out that there is an election in the offing, and the current leader, Bill Clinton, might not be president after that. So the aliens capture both Clinton and his opponent, Bob Dole, assume their forms and go on the campaign trail. Homer tries to convince everyone they are aliens but nobody will listen. He gets back to the spaceship and flies it back to Washington, but on the way unfortunately sends Clinton and Dole out into space. Oops!

Arriving at the podium he unmasks the two aliens, but they point out that the people have to vote for one or the other of them.

Story: 8
Laughs: 5
Originality: 10
Ending: 7
Longevity: 5
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Old 10-30-2022, 08:36 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Introduction: The Fox censor is happily editing bits out of the show when an arm appears out of the logo wielding a sword and brutally kills him. Being a censor, he says such thing as he dies as “Oh for fudge’s sake!” “Jiminy Christmas!” and “Darn it!” The couch gag has the Simpsons being electrocuted.
Treehouse of Horror episode: 8
Year: 1997
Season: 9
Segment: 1 of 3
Segment title: “The Homega Man”
Writer(s): Mike Scully
Main: Homer
Supporting: Mayor Quimby, Comic Book Guy, Moe, Dr. Hibbert, Kirk Van Houten, Marge, Lisa, Bart, Maggie, Kent Brockman, Chief Wiggum, Herman, Kang, Kodos, Sideshow Mel, Flanders, Dr. Hibbert, Skinner, Mr. Burns, Willy, Lenny
Homage to? Movie The Omega Man and every other movie where there’s one person left alive on Earth after a nuclear wotsit
Basic premise: When Mayor Quimby antagonises the French, they launch a nuclear missile which destroys Springfield. Homer is the last man left alive in a world of zombies.
Best quotes:

Marge: “Homer, you know how unpredictable the French are! One minute they’re kissing a woman’s hand, the next they’re chopping her head off!”

Homer: “Ooh a Gary Larsen calendar! I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get it…”

Kodos (as neutron ballistic missile passes): “What the hell was that?”
Kang: “This is ensign Kang, reporting a cigar-shaped object moving at tremendous speed!”
Radio operator: “Sure, Kang, sure. I’m writing it all down…”

Hibbert: “In the midst of all the killing and skin eating, we forgot about the love.”

Type of ending: Cool
Synopsis: After Springfield is destroyed in a nuclear explosion, Homer finds himself the only man left alive as he was checking out a nuclear shelter when the bomb hit. He now realises he can do whatever he wants, and there’s nobody to stop him. He is, however, checked in his debauchery by a bunch of zombies, led by Moe and Dr. Hibbert. They chase him back to his house, where it turns out Marge and the family have survived, the layers of lead paint in their house having been proof against the bomb. They shoot all the zombies.
Rating: A

Story: 8
Laughs: 4
Originality: 5
Ending: 5
Longevity: 2
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Old 10-31-2022, 09:21 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Treehouse of Horror episode: 8
Year: 1997
Season: 9
Segment: 2 of 3
Segment title: “Fly vs Fly”
Writer(s): David X. Cohen
Main: Bart
Supporting: Lisa, Marge, Homer, Maggie, Professor Frink
Homage to? The Fly duh
Basic premise: Bart becomes a fly
Best quotes:

Frink: “I take it from that small grunt you are interested in purchasing this matter transporter, sir?”
Homer: “Eh, two dollars? And it only transports matter? Hmm. I’ll give you thirty-five cents for it.”
Frink: “Sold! However I must warn you that it comes with a frighteningly high risk of catastrophic -”
Homer: “I SAID I’ll TAKE it!”

Bart: “Dad, can I use your transporter some time? I swear I’ll be careful!”
Homer: “Sorry, this is a highly sophistimicated doohickey. If you don’t use it responsibly it’s KA-BLAMMO!”
(Sticks fist into transporter)
Lisa (voice): “Ow! Someone just punched me in the face!”
Homer (calling) “It was your mother!”

Bart: “Get my filthy hands off my sister!”

Bart: “Don’t eat me! You don’t know where I’ve been!”

Homer (picking up axe): “Some things were not supposed to be.”
Marge: “What are you doing Homer?”
Homer: “Something I should have done a long time ago. I’ll teach you to mess with my machine!” (chases Bart with axe).

Type of ending: Funny
Synopsis: Having bought a matter transporter at a garage sale run by Professor Frink, Homer refuses to let Bart use it. He does anyway though, ending up by melding Santa’s Little Helper and Snowball II, then sees the opportunity of melding himself with a fly and becoming some sort of superhero. However it doesn’t quite work out that way and Bart’s head ends up on the fly’s body, while the rest of him is turned into a half-fly, half-human creature. This is not the sort of way you want to start your day!

Bart decides he doesn’t like life as a fly, but the fly/Bart human thing is not about to give up its new life, so Bart the fly has to enlist Lisa’s help. They manage to trick the fly hybrid back into the machine and all is restored to normal.
Rating: B (god I hate flies. I can’t even watch that movie)

Story: 5
Laughs: 5
Originality: 3
Ending: 5
Longevity: 1
Total: 19
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