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jadis 05-20-2022 06:43 AM

The jadis journal
Will be posting music and such. Not necessarily whatever I'm listening to at the moment but music (and maybe books, films etc) that's part of my personal canon.

This is a track from my all time favorite Lydon record, PIL's Flowers of Romance

Trollheart 05-21-2022 10:23 AM

Hey, welcome to the journals section! Good to have you along! :thumb:

jadis 05-22-2022 05:17 AM


This, from my favorite Bowie album, is a killer track and great choice of video too, a German cult film in which both Bowie and this track appear.

jadis 05-23-2022 03:02 PM

The perfect SY song: abrasive, dissonant guitars, caveman drumming, Kim on vocals. To me it's pure, uncut postpunk though some say it's a precursor of riot grrrl (wonder what Marie thinks)

Marie Monday 05-24-2022 09:39 AM

The sound and vibe are not very riot grrrl (and the feminist side of the lyrics doesn't feel like typical riot grrrl either) but all music with an attitude that empowers women is akin to riot grrl of course! And sonic youth inspired bands like Sleater-Kinney for a reason. The song rules btw

jadis 05-25-2022 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Marie Monday (Post 2205688)
The sound and vibe are not very riot grrrl (and the feminist side of the lyrics doesn't feel like typical riot grrrl either) but all music with an attitude that empowers women is akin to riot grrl of course! And sonic youth inspired bands like Sleater-Kinney for a reason. The song rules btw

Sure does

Portishead is a band whose famous debut album I've always liked a lot but it also kinda was "yet another classic" from a genre that was long dead by the time I learned of it. Nothing prepared me for Third in 2008, which became one of my all time favorites and made me fall in love anew with the first two records.

When this started playing on MTV at the gym I was literally hypnotized

GD 05-25-2022 01:32 PM

Hell yes! In the years since I first heard it Third has also found a rightful place among my all-time favourite albums.
There are not many groups I can think of who after nearly 10 years absence from recording can totally reinvent themselves stylistically and be even better for it, but somehow they managed it.

jadis 05-26-2022 06:45 AM

Yeah I can't think of precedents for that. I just hope they do it at least one more time!

Of their 90s output I've been returning to these two in particular recently

jadis 05-27-2022 04:45 AM

The first and greatest of Eno's many Can-inspired pieces?

jadis 05-29-2022 07:38 AM


NIKOLAI KARETNIKOV was one of the most talented of that rich generation of Soviet composers (including Alfred Schnittke, Sofia Gubaidulina and Edison Denisov) who came to maturity in the years immediately following the death of Stalin. Like his friends and colleagues, Karetnikov profited from the slightly greater freedom of the period of the Khrushchev Thaw that enabled him to make the acquaintance of something of the vast swathes of Western music from which Soviet musicians had been almost entirely cut off since the Stalinist clamp-down in the early Thirties.


One of the most adventurous Soviet symphonic works in the 1960s, it is a bleak single-movement dodecaphonic symphony structured into five continuous sections

jadis 06-02-2022 11:16 AM

Everything a live show should be

jadis 06-02-2022 04:22 PM

A singer-songwriter I've always liked, from Small Blue Thing to New York Is a Woman. This is the opening and closing tracks from her big 90s album 99.9F°, produced by the brilliant Mitchell Froom

jadis 06-03-2022 10:12 AM

One of those great bands promoted by John Peel who didn't make it past the first album.


Stump were an Irish-English indie/experimental/rock group consisting of Mick Lynch (vocals), Rob McKahey (drums), Kev Hopper (bass) and Chris Salmon (guitar).Their music has been described as a mixture of Captain Beefheart and The Fall
This is their tribute to American tourists in London

jadis 06-03-2022 12:28 PM

One of many the great albums from the alumni of the COUM Transmissions art collective, or COUMers for short... Coil have always rejected the "industrial" label but it's often described as "industrial psychedelia".

jadis 06-03-2022 03:59 PM

TG were always better than GG Allin but yeah in 2004 they weren't at their sharpest. Still, I like those comeback shows, whenever members of the audience are reduced to involuntary twitching, you know it's the good stuff

From what I've heard, the one area where Gen kinda was surprisingly humble was the actual musicianship. As in, s/he cared more about being a guru/prophet/conceptual artist/cult leader/all round genius and was prepared to acknowledge that others were better at writing songs.

Cosey is cool. It's impressive how much good music the people involved in COUM Transmission went on to make. TG, Chris & Cosey, Coil... jury's still out on Psychic TV, though they're the favorite band of one of my best friends.

jadis 06-04-2022 05:42 AM

Interesting, never thought of it this way. I guess a deep dive into TG is due. As things stand, there are records by Coil and Chris & Cosey that I rate higher than TG.

Yes, Sinatra was held in high esteem by quite a few of the postpunk crowd, including Robert Smith who was a huge fan of his phrasing. The man could really carry a tune...

Anyway, a lil something from my favorite percussionist of the postpunk era

jadis 06-04-2022 12:22 PM

One of Prokofiev's finest piano miniatures played by the most underappreciated of the Soviet piano geniuses

jadis 06-05-2022 10:52 AM

The song whose inclusion in The Silence of the Lambs is responsible for establishing The Fall in the popular imagination as serial killer music, and true Fallheads won't have it any other way

jadis 06-05-2022 11:10 AM

Which one has that long song about Myra Hindley? I love that one

jadis 06-09-2022 06:09 AM

I see, interesting how widely it circulated as a bootleg

TG is one of those bands my first exposure to was a bunch of mp3s downloaded by a friend from soulseek, so I didn't really know what was on official releases and what wasn't.

For some unknown reason, the CD with Lick My Decals Off, Baby (maybe my favorite album of all time) that he burned for me began with the Magic Band's cover of Diddy Wah Diddy, so for me that album had a really upbeat opening

jadis 06-11-2022 12:01 PM

Postpunk psychedelia owes so much to Beefheart (duh)

jadis 06-17-2022 11:39 AM

(early) PIL forever

jadis 06-18-2022 06:28 AM

Kurtag, one of the greatest living composers and probably our last remaining link to the European modernist tradition of polymaths and experimentalists such as Stockhausen and Boulez. Among my favorite 80 seconds in music.

jadis 06-20-2022 08:00 PM

Lydon's most MES-like moment?

jadis 06-21-2022 07:03 PM

For me Serge wrote the best love songs cause they're always with a twist. This one is called something like "unlove" (a Serge neologism)

jadis 06-25-2022 10:08 AM

Very important song imo, adapting the industrial sound to pop

jadis 06-29-2022 11:03 AM

Saw Naked on the big screen for the first time yesterday. As amazing as in the first 20-30 times I've seen it. This will be stuck in my head for the next few days

adidasss 06-29-2022 01:47 PM

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a movie more than 3-4 times. Are you ok?

Lovely track btw.

Exo 06-29-2022 01:58 PM

I've seen Jaws like 100 times.

jadis 06-29-2022 02:27 PM

Yeah I'm known for being the obsessive type

My introduction to The Fall was a friend telling me "you're gonna love this, a band especially for obsessive ****s like you"

Won't even try to ballpark how many times I've seen the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoise, whose remaster I saw on the big screen on Monday and it was every bit as amazing as in the n times etc

Marie Monday 06-29-2022 06:05 PM

Who has not seen any movie more than 4 times??? Obsession ftw

adidasss 06-29-2022 09:42 PM


Trollheart 06-30-2022 05:23 AM

Time constraints aside, and new stuff to be watched notwithstanding, there are plenty of movies I would watch, and have watched, over and again. A short list.

The Odd Couple
The Last Temptation of Christ
Star Wars duh
Star Trek first maybe 4 movies
Nineteen Eighty-Four
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Dust Devil
Back to the Future trilogy
Terminator 2
Pale Rider
Jesus Christ Superstar

all I can think of right now but I'm sure there are more.

rubber soul 06-30-2022 07:09 AM

Fargo is a movie I've seen around a hundred times. I watch That Thing You Do a lot too.

adidasss 06-30-2022 07:16 AM

You guys should all be locked up!

Trollheart 06-30-2022 10:18 AM

We are. Didn't you know this is the internet's biggest and most high security prison? We must at all costs be kept away from decent society.

adidasss 06-30-2022 10:35 AM

I meant in the looney bin! ;)

Trollheart 06-30-2022 10:43 AM

So did I.

music_collector 07-04-2022 09:08 PM

I remember watching Nineteen Eighty-Four in high school. I'll stick to the book. The movie felt more disturbing.

There are a few movies I'll happily watch over and over again.

Slap Shot
Bon Cop, Bad Cop (the sequel was good too)
Young Guns
Hunt For Red October

It's late, and my memory refuses to cooperate. I'm sure there are more.

jadis 07-06-2022 02:50 PM


Even by JCVD's standards, the spit-ups are insane in that one

My favorite is the Cajun one though

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