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Old 09-21-2019, 10:17 PM   #121 (permalink)
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As the image would suggest, I have been playing Diablo III on PS4 for the past week or so, and it's been such a joy that I felt it was necessary to talk about it here. As a whole, I have a pretty good understanding of the dungeon crawling genre as a whole. Path of Exile is certainly up there with being one of the best, I've put my fair share of time into it. Diablo III still has that special charm that brings me back time and time again though.

The character I have now is a class I've never played. Demon Hunter. Really fun messing with the range style abilities and seeing what damage can be dealt. And I gotta say, my character is an absolute powerhouse. I've playing on the Hard difficulty for now until I unlock the harder difficulties.

I decided to get Diablo III on PS4 for two reasons. One, I really wanted to play Diablo III again, but I didn't really feel like sitting at my computer. So, I just bought it on PS4 and couch sat for hours. The second reason is...well, it's Diablo III. Why not? Been having a great time so far.

What I love the most about the PS4 version right now is the fact that the abilities are mapped to the buttons on the controller. Feels far more seemless than trying to map the keys properly on a keyboard. Much easier on the hands as well. Much less strain trying to press certain buttons or working your hands on odd ways.

That's basically it really. Been playing Diablo III on PS4 and it's been a joy. Gonna keep playing too. The character I'm playing right now is probably my favorite character I've ever made in Diablo III.
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Old 09-22-2019, 03:24 AM   #122 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Every time someone posts about Diablo 3 DWV loses a year off his life.

Demon Hunter is my **** btw. Mine is named Buffy.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 09-22-2019, 09:49 AM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Every time someone posts about Diablo 3 DWV loses a year off his life.

Demon Hunter is my **** btw. Mine is named Buffy.
At this point, it's all about the experience for me and Diablo III deliver every time I play. That, and I've played plenty of Path of Exile so. And yeah, I'm having a ton of fun with Demon Hunter. Definitely one of my favorite classes now. All the abilities are a ton of fun to mess with and combine. I'm almost through Act II.
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Old 09-22-2019, 02:32 PM   #124 (permalink)
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Video Game Music (pt. 1)

I have discussed this very topic a good number of times throughout the several journals that I have had at this forum, but I still find it to be one of my favorite things to discuss. Especially with a lot of the more recent releases having some stellar soundtracks that really take you for a journey, often from start to finish. Keep things short and sweet, I'm just going to get right into it.

The first one I'm going to talk about is from Dead Cells of course. I'm bringing this up here because I don't think I could talk about this game enough. And of course, I recently met a few of the people that were behind the creation of this game and the soundtrack itself.

Spoiler for video:

The best track on the entire soundtrack as far as I'm concerned.

The next one we have is from a game I haven't had a chance to play yet, though I have heard enough of the soundtrack to really say that it's very very excellently done. Mixes the two genres together to make one beautiful soundtrack for what seems to be a very well received game. I'm talking about Cadence of Hyrule. Yeah, they mixed together Crypt of the Necrodancer and The Legend of Zelda, and it birthed several beautiful things. For one, the game looks excellent. And of course on top of that, you have the soundtrack. I'll let you listen for yourself and you decide:

Really a fantastic piece.

I played Assassins Creed: Odyssey for a good while, so much that I started to hum the soundtrack. Most specifically the main theme but that's mostly because it's so god damn good. The game itself is great and it's such a humongous step forward for the Assassins Creed franchise, but god damn the soundtrack is really good. Everything fits with the environment and world in such a wonderful way that it really feels good to run through the huge world that lays before you. Here's the theme I'm talking about:

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Old 09-22-2019, 02:52 PM   #125 (permalink)
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Video Game Music (pt. 2)

Continuing on, I want to make a special mention to this particular track from Marvel's: Spider-Man:

The game, first off, is ****ing fantastic. But add a really well done soundtrack, and you've got yourself a pretty near perfect Spider-Man game. I 100% completed this game because I had so much fun with it. I highly recommend it if you still have not played it.

Of course, what kind of video game music discussion would this be if I didn't talk about Turok 2: Seeds of Evil. Seems like I talk about this soundtrack every time but it's because, especially for it's time, it's so ****ing good. Seriously. Listen.

Spoiler for video:

I'll keep that short though because I do mention that soundtrack a lot.
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Old 09-22-2019, 03:02 PM   #126 (permalink)
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**** Sony for legitimately making me want to drop several hundred dollars on a PS4 just to play one game. Seriously, **** Sony. I don't care if the games are exclusive to one console or the other, but at least give us a PC port.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 10-05-2019, 11:42 AM   #127 (permalink)
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I try not to assume a game is going to go either way upon release. I like to have my own personal experience and judge the game based on my own expectations. Jedi Fallen Order is one of those games where I feel like the personal experience will be far more important when judging the game.

I mean, I get it. Jedi Fallen Order isn't the most anticipated release of the year because of EA, but Respawn is a part of it, so it's one of those situations where it could go really really well and people love it, or EA screws it up so bad that it's impossible to help. It could be a Star Wars Battlefront II situation again. I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I'm hoping for a great game, mostly because I try to give Star Wars games at least one shot before judging it. Of course the exception is the previously mentioned Star Wars Battlefront II. I just didn't bother. It was plagued from the start. However, Jedi Fallen Order is going to be a single player adventure, and I'm super excited. I've got great memories with the single player Star Wars games, especially the KOTOR series and Force Unleashed of course.

It's also fair to be optimistic given that EA and Respawn have both ensured the fans that it's going to be the game that people want. Hell, when they released the full demo gameplay, I got immediately excited. Especially considering the state that the game was in was literally the demo. Changes will obviously be made but I think it's only going to be for the better. A huge part of me is telling myself that I'm going to really like it. Maybe not love love it, but probably come very close. We'll see.

But, I did decide to get the preorder for this one, because well...Respawn is great. And I want to support them. Things could change with EA in my view if they let this game be the game it should be. Which they have ensured time and time again that it will be the game that we want. It's really just a test to see if Respawn and EA can work well together to make a great game. All possibilities seem to go more towards the positive. But that's the reason for being cautiously optimistic. We just don't know until the game comes out.

For the time being, I'll be playing a **** ton of Borderlands 3 and Diablo 3 until Jedi Fallen Order comes out.
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Old 10-16-2019, 11:50 PM   #128 (permalink)
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First Impressions: Borderlands 3

This one has taken me a little while to get to because I couldn't decide if I wanted to do a full on post about this or a first impressions and I decided on a first impressions as I have not had as much time with the game as I've wanted. So I need more time to take it in and really gather my thoughts. But, the nice things is, currently I am enjoying the game a lot. It's definitely still Borderlands, but with so many improvements that you start to lose count of how many things you didn't realize you needed until they did it in this game.

Specifically, the map on its own has been given many changes that make the game way more immersive to play. The minimap and the map itself come in a sort of 3D model so that you can see if things are above you or below you. That's especially helpful as that was not in any of the previous games and it was always a little annoying trying to figure out if something was above or below you. With as many different different levels that this game has, that's certainly a welcome change.

The customization has also had a huge overhaul in the fact that it actually exists. You can change everything from the mask you wear all the wear to the individual armor pieces that you want to wear. And there is a ton to choose from. I've barely made my way into the game and I've already found a ton of new ways to equip my character to look unique.

Did I mention I chose the Siren? Every other time I play Borderlands, I seem to go either with the all around character with big guns, or the sniper. Never really dove into the others. So I decided to give the Siren a shot. And I'm loving every minute of it. The things she has in her arsenal are amazing, and I've barely just scratched the surface. Especially considering you now have several skill trees to level up. And you can level them up simultaneously as you see fit. really makes for some unique and creative builds, even early on.

So yeah, so far I'm really enjoying Borderlands 3. I think they absolutely nailed every bit of it they could possibly nail and the game is truly great. Really excited to put more time into it.
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Old 10-20-2019, 12:53 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair

At first, when I saw people talking about this, I thought it was just a DLC for the original Yooka Laylee. Little did I know that this was its own fully fleshed out game. And guess what? It's actually really good. It wears it's Donkey Kong Country inspiration on its sleeve. And if you aren't aware, the team behind this are some of the originals of Rare, which if you don't remember, made Donkey Kong Country. So for them to take that inspiration is not surprising. To have it be done in such a fantastic way? Well, I don't really know what I was expecting. But for them, I'm glad it's good.

Back when Yooka Laylee came out, I gave it a shot. I didn't like it as much as I had hoped but it wasn't bad. A lot of people had a lot of negative things to say about it but I didn't find it to be deserving of such negative responses. The game was fine. Wasn't groundbreaking but it didn't try to be. When I found out that the same team behind that was going to come out with another game, well yeah I got excited. It's good that this team doesn't want to be known as the one hit wonder development team. They're here to stay and they want to continue to make great games. And I hope they continue to make games of this quality if not better.

The reason I'm praising this game so much is because I am legitimately and genuinely enjoying the hell out of it. I'm dead serious when I say that the Donkey Kong Country inspiration is evident, because all the way from the gameplay to the music, it all feels like old school Rare in the best way possible. I mean, just listen to this and tell me it doesn't make you feel like you're playing an old time Rare game:

This is certainly a surprising entry as again, I didn't know that this game was coming out so quickly. I had only heard certain things thrown around here and there. So I'm impressed honestly. Glad this came out and I'm going to keep playing it because there's so much to collect and so much to see.
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Old 10-30-2019, 10:26 PM   #130 (permalink)
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MediEvil: Childhood to Remaster

Sometimes the most amazing things can happen within the gaming community. Great games come out that meet game of the year expectations, and at the same time, some of those games are remasters of games from years prior.

The whole remaster thing has been done a lot but in most cases, it's done pretty well. Take Spyro and Crash Bandicoot for example. Both phenomenal franchises and on top of that, great remasters. I've only played a fair bit of the Crash Bandicoot remaster, but I've heard nothing but great things about Spyro. Will need to pick that up at some point.

So now, what I'm here to talk about is MediEvil. It was originally released back in 1998 for the Playstation. At the time, my cousin was the only person that had a Playstation so we'd play his from time to time. MediEvil was one of the games we played a lot of. Unfortunately, we only had the demo so we could only play so much. But then we did eventually get the complete game. It's just your typical hack n slash adventure style game. But it has a lot of uniqueness and charm that really sets it apart. The game being remastered has not taken any of that charm or character away, instead it's added more and I'm enjoying this game more than I ever have. That could also be due to the fact that I'm older, but still.

MediEvil is one of those games that I don't feel hit too many people's radars due to it being on the Playstation when it was originally released. Maybe that's just my own opinion since I didn't really hear a lot of people talk about it back then. But, I will say that if you've heard about this game and want an excuse to play it, get the remaster. It's worth it. I'm having a blast reliving a childhood game and that's honestly all I could ask for in this remaster.

Last edited by Key; 11-03-2019 at 11:40 AM.
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