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#12 (permalink) |
Born to be mild
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: 404 Not Found
Posts: 26,996
As we go through the episodes I will add important or interesting terms here, so that if they come up in further episodes and anyone has forgotten what they are or what they mean, they can check back here. This will be listed in alphabetical format, but items only added as they occur. (I think this may be quite large in the end so I'm going to reserve five posts for it, which I hope will be enough) Direwolf: A very large and fierce wolf, seldom see as far south as Winterfell Dothraki: A nomadic tribe of warriors who roam the Pentos steppelands, hunting and looting. Dragon, the: Name taken by Viserys Targaryen in recognition of the fact that his father was known as the Dragon King. Eyrie, the: Ancestral home of Jon Arryn. Upon his death, his widow Lysa seeks shelter there for herself and her son. Hand of the King, the: The man entrusted with the running of the kingdom, basically. If, as we are to believe from Yes Minister, the civil servants run the country while the ministers talk but do nothing, then the Hand of the King is the ultimate civil servant. With a sword. He is the king's voice, his will, his law and indeed his hand when he is not around to enforce the law. House: A descriptor of any noble family – House Stark, House Baratheon etc Iron Throne, the: The royal throne of the King of Westeros. Khal: The Dothraki name for a warlord or warrior chieftain Khaleesi: The concubine of a Khal, essentially his princess King's Landing: Capital of Westeros, it is located in the south of the country, near the eastern coast. It is the seat of the ruler, where he holds court. Narrow Sea, the: The sea that separates Westeros and Essos, to its east. Night's Watch, the: A band of men dedicated to keeping watch on the creatures beyond the Wall who might try to come through. A man joins the Night's Watch for life, giving up all his former ties. Men of the Night's Watch may not father children or marry, and they owe loyalty to their brothers alone. Pentos: City in Essos where the marriage of Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo is brokered and takes place. Raven: Bird used to convey messages between places. The phrase “there was a raven last night” indicates there was news from far away. Ser: An honorific given to knights. Basically the same as “Sir”. Wall, the: The huge barrier of ice that stands at the very edge of civilisation, in the far north of Westeros, and protects it from the creatures outside. It is manned by the Night's Watch. Westeros: The continent on which most of the action in the series takes place. White walkers: Mythic creatures said to live outside the Wall, they are believed to be extinct for thousands of years. Wildlings: Semi-civilised somewhat savage tribes who refuse to live in the cities and towns to the south of the Wall, and make their living instead beyond it, in the wild, inhospitable lands beyond. Winterfell: Ancestral home of House Stark, it is in the far north.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018 Last edited by Trollheart; 03-15-2017 at 03:28 PM. |
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#17 (permalink) |
Born to be mild
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: 404 Not Found
Posts: 26,996
Dramatis Personae
Separate from the Glossary, this will be a list of all major and minor characters in the series. Each will be fleshed out as the episodes are posted and as we learn more of each. They will be listed by name, surname or House name first, then first name. There will be no pictures; this will be a purely text list. Arryn, Jon: An old friend and mentor, even a father figure to Ned Stark, Jon Arryn was the Hand of the King up until his death at the opening of the series. Doubt as to whether or not this was a natural death – fuelled by a letter received by Lady Catelyn Stark from her sister, his widow Lysa – convinces Ned that the king may be in danger, and so he accepts the post recently held by his old friend. Arryn, Lysa: Sister to Catelyn Stark and widow of Jon, she flees King's Landing when her husband dies, sending a letter to her sister from the Eyrie, the ancestral home of her husband's people, advising her that she believes Jon was killed by the Lannisters. Arryn, Robert: The only son of Jon and Lysa, he was named in honour of the king, but we're told he is a weak and sickly boy. Lysa takes him with her to the Eyrie when she flees King's Landing. Baratheon, Robert: King of Westeros by virtue of his defeat of the Mad King, Arys II Targaryen, Robert is a fat man with vast appetites and no real taste for being king, which is why he has the King's Hand, who basically does all that boring kingy stuff for him while he enjoys himself. When Jon Arryn, his previous Hand, dies, he asks Ned Stark to take his place. Robert is married to Cersei Lannister and has three children by her: in order, Prince Joffrey, Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen. His favourite pursuit, other than women and drink, is hunting, so rather appropriately his royal sigil is a stag. Drogo: Khal (chieftain) of the Dothraki, a warrior tribe similar to the likes of the Huns or the Riders of Rohan perhaps, Drogo is wed to Daenerys Targaryen, but though he has accepted Viserys's sister in return for lending the exiled king of Westeros his army, he is in no rush to do so, wishing to wait until the omens portend better. He does not speak the common tongue but the coarse language of the Dothraki, and his braid has never been cut. This is significant, as the tradition among the Dothraki is that when they are defeated in battle they cut their braid. Khal Drogo, then, has never been beaten in battle. He gives his new bride a horse of her own as a wedding gift, and seems to understand only one word of the common tongue: no. Greyjoy, Theon: Ward of Lord Eddard Stark, he is essentially a hostage. Lannister, Cersei: Wife to the king and therefore Queen of Westeros, it is a marriage in name only, as each hates the other. Cersei intends her son, Joffrey, to succeed Robert to the Iron Throne. She is in an incestuous relationship with her twin brother, Jaime. She has two other children, Tommen, a boy, and Myrcella, a girl. Lannister, Jaime: Head of the Kingsguard, Jaime is twin brother to Cersei, and is having an incestuous relationship with her. He is also known as the Kingslayer. He has a brother, Tyrion. Lannister, Joffrey: Eldest son of Cersi and Robert, he is promised to Sansa Stark in order to ensure the line of royal succession. Lannister, Princess Myrcella: Daughter to Cersei and the King. Lannister, Prince Tommen: Youngest son of Cersei and the King. Lannister, Tyrion: Younger son of Tywin, he is a dwarf and ridiculed by everyone – including his father but not including his brother – and reacts to his by drinking, whoring and basically doing all he can to bring the Lannister name down. Lumis, Maester: One of the maesters in Winterfell, a trusted friend and adviser. It is he who brings to Catelyn the news of her sister's suspicions that her husband, Jon Arryn, may have been murdered by the Lannisters. Mopatis, Magister Illyrio: A Pentos noble who helps Viserys, brokering the deal between he and Khal Drogo. Mopatis is obviously another exiled supporter of House Targaryen, and hopes that by helping the banished prince he will be richly rewarded when Viserys takes back his throne. Mormont, Ser Jorah: An exiled knight who served the Mad King, he now works for or with Khal Drogo, possibly as an interpreter, and is the only person other than Viserys that Daenerys has met who is from Westeros and speaks her tongue. Snow, Jon: Bastard son to Ned Stark, his presence at Winterfell is a constant reminder to Catelyn of her husband's unfaithfulness. He has expressed a desire to go to the Wall and join the Night's Watch, a request his uncle Benjen, Ned's remaining brother, is considering. He is the one who convinces Ned to adopt, rather than kill, the six direwolf pups they find on the way back from the execution of the deserter, Will. Stark, Arya: Youngest daughter to Ned and Catelyn, she is the complete opposite of Sansa, her sister. She is a tomboy, more interested in learning how to fight with a sword than how to land a husband. Stark, Benjen: Remaining brother of Ned Stark, and a man of the Night's Watch. Stark, Bran: Younger son of Ned and Catelyn. His interest in climbing, despite (or perhaps because of) his mother's aversion to and fear of it, leads to his being pushed from a high window when he discovers Cersei and Jaime Lannister having sex. Stark, Brandon: Brother to Ned, and betrothed to Catelyn, he died and Ned took her to his wife as per the custom. Stark, Lady Catelyn: Wife to Lord Ned Stark and Lady of Winterfell, she was due to be married to Ned's brother Brandon, but on his death the custom decreed that his brother should take her as his wife, and so Ned did. She has provided her husband with five children: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon. Her sister, Lysa, was married to the late Jon Arryn, and had a son, Robert, by him, making him her nephew. Stark, Lyanna: Fiancee of Robert Baratheon and sister to Ned, she was killed by the Mad King and her body now rests in the crypt of the Starks at Winterfell. Stark, Lord “Ned” Eddard: Lord of the northern stronghold of Winterfell, Ned fought alongside his friend and now King of Westeros, Robert Baratheon, against the Mad King Arys II Targaryen, and the two were successful. In gratitude for his help in gaining him the Iron Throne, Robert made Ned Warden of the North. Ned has, or had, two brothers, one of whom, Brandon, died and whose fiancee he then took, as per the custom of the north, for his own wife. This then became Lady Catelyn Stark, and she bore him three sons – in order Robb, Bran and Rickon – and two girls, Sansa and Arya. While away fighting for Robert though Ned was unfaithful to her and fathered a bastard, Jon Snow, who he brought home with him and treats as his own son. He is aware of the position this puts his wife in, but sees it as his duty to raise the boy. When King Robert comes seeking him for the position of the Hand of the King, owing to the previous occupant of that post, Ned's friend Jon Arryn, dying suddenly (and possibly in suspicious circumstances) Ned demurs but eventually agrees. He also acquiesces to the king's request that he betroth his daughter, Sansa, to Robert's son, Joffrey. Stark, Robb: Eldest son of Ned and Catelyn. Stark, Sansa: Eldest daughter of Ned and Catelyn, she is to be promised in marriage to Prince Joffrey Baratheon, son of the King Robert Baratheon and his wife, Cersei Lannister. Targaryen, Daenerys: Sister to Viserys, she was not even born when he and her mother fled Westeros ahead of the vengeful and victorious Robert Baratheon, and knows nothing of Westeros save what she has been told. She is ordered by Viserys to marry Khal Drogo, a warlord in Pentos, in order to secure her brother the army he needs to mount an attack and take back his throne. At her wedding, she is given three petrified dragon's eggs as a gift, and meets Ser Jorah Mormont, the only other person from Westeros and who speaks both her language and that of the Dothraki, Khal Drogo's people, thereby acting as an interpreter for her, as well as a link to the home she has never seen. On marrying Drogo, Daenerys becomes his khaleesi, or princess. Targaryen, Viserys: Son of Arys II and therefore rightful King of Westeros by lineage, he and his sister were exiled when Robert Baratheon defeated his father. He plots his return by arranging a marriage between his sister, Daenerys, and a powerful warlord, Khal Drogo. He believes that his people are waiting for him, but he has no experience of being a king, having been only eight years old when he had to flee Westeros with his mother. He is a vain and arrogant man, very much up himself, and it's unlikely he would be any use in a fight. He has no problem, however, punishing his sister when she does not obey him, a situation he euphemestically refers to as her “waking the dragon”, he being the dragon in question.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018 Last edited by Trollheart; 03-15-2017 at 02:58 PM. |
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