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I've been spinning this a lot the last couple of days. Never gets old and really feels like it's coming from another plane. A beautiful expression of transcendence.
Location: East of the Southern North American West
Posts: 35,541
Originally Posted by Mord
After being blown away by Schoenberg yesterday (sorry, not writing about him here--still need time to process his work)
Nice! I'm partial to the stuff conducted by Boulez, he has a way of making Schoenberg especially emotionally arresting.
Glenn Gould likely understands Bach's work better than Bach himself did. If you have an hour, check out this interview he does on The Art of Fugue (Bach's best imo). He gets really deep into the music itself and it gave me a whole new appreciation for Bach.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.