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Old 01-01-2016, 08:58 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Alright, readers. I've been trying to get into Hip-Hop for a while now, with varying degrees of success. So, I've decided to explore Hip-Hop on this thread. Of course, it's a massive genre, with many related subgenres. And so, I'm going to explore each genre in turn. However, rather than decide which to do myself, I'm inviting you all to help me decide. So as not to clutter up this thread, I've started a new thread with a poll:

Which genre of Hip-Hop should I explore in my journal?
Many have tried to destroy it... but... true evil never dies. It is only... REBORN

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Old 01-04-2016, 06:48 PM   #2 (permalink)
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The Patton Parade

So last we left off, we had drummer Mike Bordin, keyboardist Roddy Bottum, and bassist William Gould moving on from their earlier work to form Faith No More. However, this group of musicians would be a bit abstract on their own. So, soon after forming the band, they hired Chuck Mosley on vocals, and James Martin on guitars. The decision on Chuck was probably based more on his availability than on his talent, as his main prospects as a singer were in spoken word and shouted vocals. However, credit has to be applied to him for many of the band's early lyrics, alongside the other members' revisions.

So after recruiting the new members, the band began writing and rehearsing some new material. The band even began to record their debut album before they had settled on a label. Ruth Schwartz of indie label Mordam Records picked up the band, and helped them finish the release.

Faith No More - We Care a Lot

Faith No More's debut album is often confused by many to be extremely representative of their later style, when in fact, this is far from true. The funk metal Faith No More would become known for in their later career is only represented in the much applauded opening (and title) track, which has a tendency to overshadow the rest of the album. And yes, that is the Dirty Jobs theme song. The song definitely represents the shouting style which Mike Patton would inherit upon joining the band, and in the opening bass line definitely takes on a funky feel. However, the song is an outlier in terms of the entire album.

The debut of Faith No More represents a bit of development since the last album. They've definitely developed a more unique sound than the last album. While the last is very closely related to early Killing Joke, Public Image Ltd., and other bands of the post-punk era, this album comes a bit later in the timeline and represents a move towards alternative rock, and even alternative metal. Looking back on the album as a whole, it feels like a cross between post-punk and alt rock, with a taste of the metallic guitar work implemented by other bands of the mid-80s.

A strange mix of Sonic Youth, Killing Joke, and glam metal, the album is a pinnacle of excellent songwriting, and superb performances (from the instrumentalists at least). With several interesting styles being mixed together, it may take another album to figure out what sort of cream will rise to the top. Regardless, Faith No More is a pretty creamy bunch already.
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Old 01-24-2016, 05:49 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Genre Explorers - Vaporwave

Daniel Lopatin - Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1

This is considered the first Vaporwave album ever made by many members of the community. Daniel Lopatin, under the guise of Chuck Person, decided to come out with an album inspired by the Southern hip-hop scene and their chopped and screwed style. This style, usually used on old records to provide a backing mix, is now the main attraction.

The basic idea is to take something else, slow it down an unprecedented amount, and then sample a small bit of it and put it on repeat for minutes on end. Every once in a while, the track changes speed, or a random stutter is thrown in, but most of the time, it's just repeated over and over. And while this sounds redundant, it tends to create a very dense, layered texture which when combined with samples from the past leads to a nostalgic feel as well.

Unlike most albums which claim to have spawned a genre, this one probably actually did. Eccojams Vol. 1, based on "Echo Jams" (what Lopatin refers to these songs as), was released in August 2010 as a mixtape with a limited release. The album was developed as an experiment by Lopatin, hence the guise of "Chuck Person". However, the album was an experiment that led to the formation of vaporwave as a genre. The critical plunderphonics inspired sound was derived from this album, and the albums that immediately follow this one will show an obvious derivation.

In terms of quality, many cite this album as the best vaporwave of all time. Its slowed down jams are IDM for a new age, slowed to the point where they are impossible to dance to, but still containing some inherent value just the same. The two sides of the tape are entirely unnamed, but the individual pieces are sometimes referred to with labels of A1, A2, A3, etc. and in the same manner for the B-side.

Probably the best proof of concept ever, Eccojams laid the groundwork for all that was, and still is, to come. An excellent reminder that innovation can still take place even today.
Many have tried to destroy it... but... true evil never dies. It is only... REBORN

SUGGEST ME AN ALBUM - I'm probably not going to listen to it but I will if you bother me enough.

Last edited by TechnicLePanther; 01-29-2016 at 05:57 PM.
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Old 01-29-2016, 06:07 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Metal Survivor Mania

I figure since I have to listen to all of these new albums for Metal Album Survivor, I may as well write a bit about them. As I've already listened to the first two, I'll write up a couple mini-reviews.

Boris - Feedbacker

Feedbacker is an album laden with the tropes of drone music in general. Often the album shies away from drone metal, and edges towards drone rock, due to a series of laid-back rhythms and even a couple guitar solos. Of course, it's all slowed down to infinity, but it's very relaxing compared to the other albums. Overall, I'll say it's about a 3 stars, as it bores as much as it invigorates.

Earth - Earth 2

Earth, on the other hand, has a tendency towards funeral doom metal, with intense and deliberate riffs a mainstay. Sort of reminds me of Dopesmoker, except slowed down quite a bit. With its three songs, the album plays out an immense narrative, all drenched in distortion and teetering on the edge of tedium. I think, however, that I've enjoyed this album quite a bit more than Feedbacker, for its quality songwriting, and subtle changes. I'll hand it a 4 star rating easily.

This makes my current list:

Many have tried to destroy it... but... true evil never dies. It is only... REBORN

SUGGEST ME AN ALBUM - I'm probably not going to listen to it but I will if you bother me enough.

Last edited by TechnicLePanther; 01-29-2016 at 06:19 PM.
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Old 01-29-2016, 08:26 PM   #5 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Earth weren't even really a metal band. They played music that is now considered metal, but at the time they came from the Seattle grunge/hardcore/art rock scene. They basically just took the Melvins and a lot of heroin, and just slowed it down to its logical extreme. The band had nothing to do with an funeral doom movement.

Fun fact: the shotgun that Kurt Cobain committed suicide with belonged to Earth's guitarist.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 01-30-2016, 10:02 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Bringing to Your Attention

Today, I'd like to introduce yet another new segment. "Bringing to Your Attention" will be "Bringing to Your Attention" some new artists that may be a bit underground, or even some albums from artists that haven't been talked about much lately. That's about all the introduction, so here's the first one!

Pop. 1280 - Paradise

Genre: Industrial Rock

Pop. 1280 is a band that I think many on this forum will instantly fall in love with. The band's sound nomrally consists of a Post-Punkish to Noise Rockish sort of sound, which both are very evident in the band's first two albums, "The Horror" and "Imps of Perversion". Both albums provide a nice, clean sound, which may even be preferable for some. However, the album I'm highlighting here is their newly released "Paradise".

Paradise is a step forward for the band, incorporating Industrial into their list of influences. I'd be lying if I said that this album doesn't remind me of early Killing Joke. An Industrial-ish, very post-punk band, which put a bit more emphasis on the post-punk. If you want to listen to a gothic rock album here, you'll be disappointed, as this one isn't so much sad as it is angry at the world.

Throughout the albums 9 sprawling tracks, there is an ever present sense of instability. As if the very ground underneath your feet will break open at any moment. The heavy, looping drums sound like hammers driving into your coffin. On the subject of coffins, this is one of the darkest albums I've ever heard. The lyrics and vocals are all about the break down of traditions and common occurences, and in general the disintegration of the mind and body, and the vocals themselves are almost growled in their aggression. The guitars forcefully back up the drums, as a wall of sound takes over. There are also always some effects placed on top, shaking up the guitar, and synth-ing everything. There are certainly some actual synths in there as well.

It's hard for me to single out just a couple favorite tracks, though I can certainly eke them out. The opening track, "Pyramids on Mars", with its simple drumline, is hypnotizing and even creepy. "USS ISS" is a fast-paced gothic number where the dissonant guitar line weaves in and out, creating another eerie mood. "Rain Song" is a good example of the band's more experimental side, with the opening ambience building up to a rather subdued climax. And I have to mention "The Last Undertaker", if only for that synth sound ripped right out of the handbook of Boards of Canada.

Overall, Paradise is an album really worth taking a look at if you're a fan of early industrial as well as the later Industrial Rock movement. But be warned, this is an album that will attempt to crush you with raw emotion. It's an excellent tribute to the sound of the 80s, viewed through the pipeline with a modern critical eye.
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Old 01-31-2016, 07:53 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Metal Survivor Mania

Today we investigate the extremeties of Drone Metal. Next up is:

Sunn O))) - Monoliths and Dimensions

Now this is drone.

Starting with the 17-minute epic Aghartha, Sunn O))) immediately delve into some of the slowest music I've ever heard. With the usual fuzz of drone metal in there, I can also hear some low piano bits, as well as some random horns and squeaky noises in the background. This is the first album to feature vocals, in the slow, deliberate growls of Attila Csihar, who seems to have worked with Sunn O))) for wuite a little while. After a bit, it starts to sound like a horror movie, with the strings and creaking reminiscent of a haunted house.

Second track is called "Big Church". And it does sort of remind me of one. Typical drone stuff, along with non-fuzzy guitar bits, some choral arrangements, and a lot of strange vocals. Also includes bells and organ. Reminds me a bit of funeral doom as well. The third is "Hunting and Gathering", and is really fast for a drone song. Towards the end it devolves into just some wheezing guitar noises. "Alice" is basically like the others, drony and expansive. Perhaps with a bit more of a happy sound. Lots of horns, and sparkly effects. Really like that last one.

So, let's look at the pros and cons. In terms of pros, there's certainly a lot. The last song is great, probably better than any of the other songs I've heard so far. But on the other hand, the other two songs weren't spectacular or anything. This album is a drone album more than anything else, and is probably the slowest of the three. That said, I think I definitely like this one better than Boris, mostly for that beautiful last track. I don't, however, think I like it more than the raw and sludgy Earth 2, as this one can get a little intangible and uncomfortable at times. So, that said, here's my current list:

Sunn O)))
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Old 02-02-2016, 03:33 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Metal Survivor Mania

The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls with Sand

This album is very, very heavy. It sort of reminds me of death-doom. Frenetic drums freak out overtop of heavily compressed audio. There's basically just a ton of noise playing. It's absolutely awesome, though. Sounds like post-rock at some points. However, it also sounds like Zu at some points. Which, of course, is awesome. The hammering drums make this one much more exciting than the others, meaning this is shooting straight to the top of my list. Some of the most atmospheric metal I've ever heard, and absolutely excellent.

Naked City

On the contrary, this album is much less atmospheric, and more downright experimental. More of a traditional drone sound here, and while I can't say I liked it more than The Angelic Process, it was definitely better than Earth and the others.

Khanate - Khanate

The groove of this album is undeniable. The pounding drums are really winning me over here. This one refrains from boring me, and undoubtedly has an element of fun to it. Based on those merits, I'm willing to put it above Earth, but below Naked City, due to its sheer length.

Alright, that's all for this one, hopefully I can get the other four done pretty quick here. Here's my current list:

The Angelic Process
Naked City
Sunn O)))
Many have tried to destroy it... but... true evil never dies. It is only... REBORN

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Old 02-03-2016, 04:21 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Don't neglect the Whaddya want?! thread.
Just sayin'.
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Old 02-03-2016, 10:57 AM   #10 (permalink)
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True. I've got so much on my plate right now. I want to try to finish this up, and then I'll get over there ASAP.
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