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Old 05-24-2015, 06:01 PM   #21 (permalink)
moon lake inc.
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Damn I haven't written in this journal in way too long anyways without furthur ado...

Jk I'm just promoting my new album peep it if you want
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Old 05-27-2015, 11:41 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I know I've already said this, but the new album is excellent, and people should listen to it.
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Old 06-01-2015, 07:15 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Some Stuff Vol.1

Okay it's been a while since I made an actual post so I'll do some quick reviews of albums I've been listening to lately.

Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime

I've only listened to this album in full twice now and I'm already in love. The interlocking guitar grooves are something really magical that I haven't really ever heard before. The rhythm section is extremely tight (the bass lines I need to make a point of being absolutely top notch). Not to mention all the songs are actually good and despite being very long in some cases almost never lose their momentum.

Dr. Yen Lo - Days With Dr. Yen Lo

Although I did think this was a good hip-hop release and I enjoy the minimalist style it didn't nessesarilly grab my attention in any meaningful way. In fact I loved my forst listen then upon furthur listening I continued to see all the flaws in this def won't be one of my favorites of the year which is unfortunate because it is unique to anything I've ever heard.

Nails - Unsilent Death/Abandon All Life

I'm putting these two in one because of their brief length each one only about 15 minutes long.

Wow these are intense the sound I can only describe as a wall of hellfire that you drown in for 30 seconds at a time. The songs are punchy, short, and are executed with extreme presision they don't waste a goddamn second and it's brutal. I am for sure a fan of this band now and eagerly await whatever they decide to do next.
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Old 06-06-2015, 06:40 PM   #24 (permalink)
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I've begun writing again for an album which I've barely even started and I'm going to spend a considerable amount of time working on, but I figured I'll give you a taste of some of the lyrics I'm working on.

Currently Untitled Poem #1

I'm still waking up
It is the hardest part of my day
Boy let me tell you about my life in an ugly way with grey skies daily
With dreams of horsemen unto battle
Giving blood for men of honor
Whom masquerade at their parties
Man our love it is so shallow
Shallow pools in shallow ponds
Alas my apple trees are green, the sun don't leave
Basking in a moment of serenity

These dreams are plagued by vagabonds
My green apple orchards fade
With the gunsmoke pointing towards me
I hold my chest; day breaks

With his arms around his lover
The thunderstorm ravaging the land
I uppercut from my Sunday roof trapping in a view
A view of loveless vampires, sucking and moaning
For shameless excersize
To withdraw beauty in a third world
The value does decrease
But decree made and pronounced
By a two faced livid king
Smiling and waving at the crowd prominately standing before me
He said, "Please wake up from this fever dream the real world attacks so subtely".

And these dreams are plagued with vagabonds
My green apple orchards fade
With the gunsmoke pointing towards me
Dead by the break of day

Oh I long await for a day where my hate does not so fail my shame
I long await for a day where my hate does not so fail my shame
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Old 06-15-2015, 11:16 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Some Stuff Vol.2

Sadly between the last time I updated this journal and now my phone did a force update wiping all of my music off of my phone. Now on the bright side it allowed me to get all new jams to kick out, so here's a few that I've been digging lately.

Captain Beefheart And His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica

Honestly I'm suprised at myself for not really giving this album a good listen until now seeing as I am usually one to give so called "culturally important" albums a good look over. Anyways when I listened to this I was initially very turned off, not due to the weirdness, but actually due to boredom. A few hours later my dad says he wants to hear the album all the way through so I turn it on and I was much more interested this time, in fact I'd say the album gets better as it goes on. Now do I head over heels love it? No... But I do believe it is a really good album that I need a few more listens before a can give it a final verdict. Oh and The Blimp is ****ing amazing.

Modest Mouce - The Lonesome Crowded West

After many months and months of procrastination for absolutely no reason, I have listened to a MM album in full. Again I honestly don't know why I haven't been listening to this either dumb me. I'm actually currently listening to it right now; it's a superb listen front to back, which is suprising from such a long album. I can tell this is going to be one of those records that I really let get under my skin and within 2 months I'll know every line and learn all of the songs on guitar or something. The album is an amazing blend between this volition punk or indie style with these experimental excursions into folk, emo, and post-punk. With such diversity you might think it would be disjointed, but it really paces itself well and goes without really a miss of a song (I couldn't really name a weak track on here).

Ought - More Than Any Other Day

This album peaked my interstate earlier this year when I heard a song from a plug session that really grabbed me. I remember thinking what an excellent song it was and immediately went to listen to the entire album after the sesh, and I wasn't dissapointed the while album was really amazing and I thought for sure would be one that I'd listen to again and again. Fast forward three months and I hadn't given it a full listen since, so woth the new space on my phone I thought what better than to get this album and finally listen to it again. It was completely intact for me, the album was as good as I remembered it great post-punk revivalism with lyrics that can turn from extremely heartfelt and serious to more humorous and light hearted within mere songs. The album is only 8 tracks long which leaves me wanting more, so I'll be downloading their other EP's soon.

Fuck Buttons - Slow Focus

*insert picture of album here*

Goddamn this album just resonates EPIC. Like this album feels massive when you hear it, it's overwhelming, while suprisingly listenable and beautiful. The album starts with these booming synthetic drums that just sounds cavernous and huge and these screech synths come into play with these giant melodies do not let up. And the whole album follows suit with this sound, this cocophonous, massive sound. The album I know was composed woth electronic instruments, yet it manages to keep a very human feel throughout the record and the moments of triumph really feel legit. I couldn't help but smile throughout some of the moments on the album, and unlike some albums I've heard this made me extremely happy all the way through.
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Old 06-17-2015, 03:45 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Late Night/Early Morning Ramblings And Thoughts From A Quite Possibly Delusional 16 Year Old Idealist Kid Who Will Probably Be Completely Incomprehensible Part 1 Out Of Who Knows Maybe Just 1

So it's 5:30 A.M and I haven't gotten a wink of sleep tonight just browsing the Internet and listening to music (currently Earl Sweatshirt because I'm head over heels in love with his music), and my thoughts have started to drift to what just makes someone's music special or if it really only matters what the person in control of the sounds thinks of them. Which brings me to the question, why do I feel the need to have people hear my work if in the end it's for me? Is it an egotistical thing? What compels me to want to promote my music, to shove it in the faces of people who most likely want nothing to do with it? I feel quite obnoxious when I release something as I try not to annoy my friends with it, but I end up trying to get them to listen anyways to their displeasure. So again what is it that makes me think that my art is worth anything anyways that people would want to hear it? It's not like I know any actual means of promotion, and I sure as hell can't find anywhere to play my music for people outside of my family who are willing participants. Then again maybe it's good to think down on what I perceive others opinions about music and to keep a personal worth stronger to my actually feelings than letting someone else judge that, my **** and anyone elses. So I guess the best I can really do is write the stuff and hope people are willing participants to the ****in show because I am genuinely suprised and honored when I hear someone say they like the things that I make. It's probably because I am so proud of it I have a lot of self-confidence in my own opinion on it, but not others which probably makes next to no sense whatsoever. I think what got me thinking about this in the first place was me listening to Trout Mask Replica tonight which has such a large divide between great and utter dog ****, so in the end how do it matter? If you like it then that's your opinion and that's amazing because it's your opinion and same goes if you hate it. Maybe that's how I think about the things I make of course I'm happy when someone likes it, but I'm not really dissapointed when someone says that it is **** because I know my opinion about it is that it's awesome or I wouldn't put it out there. I also sometimes think my age makes me less credible even in my own mind (I'm not sure about others) I'm only 16 and the popular opinion is that you have to wait until your older to make things that can be taken seriously as great music, but that's a ramble for another time.

Thanks for reading through this if you made it this far I think I needed to ramble a little bit, and what better place than my journal lol again thanks imma sleep noe or at least try to.
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Old 06-30-2015, 11:57 PM   #27 (permalink)
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D'Angelo - Voodoo

Okay it's, let's see almost 12:30 at night, I've got a doctors appointment at like 9 in the morning, nearly hour long album. Okay let's do this ****.

Track 1: Playa Playa

I hear some stuff happening in the backround, and it's fading out. Okay nice groove coming in, and some damn soulful backing vocals coming in. Oh man the liquid bass and the horns are groovingggg.

About two minutes into the song, his singing is really peaceful and nice definitely digging this song.

Sick little horn fills at about four minutes.

Only problem is I can barely tell what he's saying, and I can't exactly look up lyrics while writing. Eh whatever.

Damn almost over already that was a really fast seven minutes. Just kept grooving on that one line, abd it never got boring. Really fine intro I must say.

Track 2: Devil's Pie

Nice boom bappy drums to start it off. Nice bassline to compliment real dirty sounding.

The guy has a really chill voice, but not boring chill it's a chill that oozes a certain cool. Also I can make out the lyrics on this one easier, something about giving into temptation, pretty cool.

That beeping electronic in the backround is understated, but a really nice addition.

He has **** to talk about, not just random crap, this is really good so far.

Track 3: Left And Right

Love that guitar, funky as ****.

The rapping adds some real diversity to the sound which I'm greatful for.

I adore his voice it's like the definition of cool.

So far the instrumentation has been pretty sparse letting his voice fill out most of the sound which is exactly how it should be because his voice is like ****ing perfect.

It's kind of a braggadocious song which honestly is fine by me there's a lot of tounge in cheek humor involved.

Track 4: The Line

Oh okay straight into the next song I guess.

He's using his falsetto on this one. Ooooooooo yeah I'm liking that even more than his deeper voice.


Real morbid suicidal line right there.

Some kind of synth in the backround. Nvm it just ended.

Again really cool message to this song from what I'm picking up just sticking to your beliefs, despite the pressures around you, so I guess a continued theme of not giving into to temptation. I wonder if that will continue throughout the album.

Track 5: Send It On

Oh **** this sounds like some 70's soul right here. Oh my god his ****ing voice.

Very pretty if not predictible chord changes. I don't mind that, in fact the melody is going how my brain wants it to.

Yeah I can't make out what he's saying half the time on this. I'm gonna have to get out lyrics next time I listen.

The guitars throughout this album are really working well. Very soulful.

I honestly haven't really disliked anything about these songs so far. Maybe a few lines in Left And Right, but overall no complaints.

That ended perfectly.

Track 6: Chicken Grease

Vocals are mixed back a little and muffled which cannot be anything but on purpose, or else it'd sound weird.

Is he honestly talking about frying chicken? This guy rules.

I actually feel like I'm in some sort of restaurant, D'Angelo just cooking and singing in the back,* and everyone in there is grooving.

Track 7: One Mo'Gain

K all I can think about is the line from I've Seen Footage right now.

I hear vibes!!! They're in the back, but they sound jazzy as usual. Electric piano playing along with it.

Semmes to be reminiscing over an ex-lover of some kind, I guess missing their relationship.

I love the sound of the album it's extremely bright and bouncy toally the kind of thing I want to hear on a sunny day.

Wow that was six minutes? Why do these all seem like three minute songs?

Track 8: The Root

As the album goes on the guitar parts keep getting better and better I swear.

Channel Orange ain't got nothing on this album.

Did I mention that his voice is the ****?

I don't even have anything to say I just want to listen to this without interruptions.

Some weird backwards guitar going on right now that's really throwing me off pretty sick though.

His voice is basically taking care if 90% of the chords changes.

How the **** have I literally loved nearly every second of this album?

Track 9: Spanish Joint

I hear you bongos. I hear you playing your funky groove.

The horns never fail to sound perfect.

Guitar solo! Aw man this is jazzy as hell, it sounds like something I'd play in jazz band at school.

Chord changes that make your face twist up in knots.

The Latin style percussion is working beautifully. Those light snare clicks, bongos, and what sounds like agogo are prefect beyond belif.

Track 10: Feel Like Makin' Love

This sorta sounds like Stevie now. His voice especially. Oh yeah he's channeling his inner Stevie on this track damn. I mean I heard influence throughout this album, but this could totally be 70's era Stevie Wonder right here. With like modern production on the instrumentation.

Oh shhhiiittt mini trumpet solo.

His vocals sound right out of the 70's too sort of a muffled quality to them. This track was recorded in the late 90's? You sure?

Part two of that trumpet solo.
And now what sounds like a sax solo? Keeps getting better.

Honestly I wouldn't be mad if this track kept going for another 10 minutes.

Track 11: Greatdayndamornin'/Booty

More of the same really which isn't a bad thing. It's all been on a level of greatness that hasn't really dropped at all.

Vocals so smooth you could wrap a baby in them.

All the hooks are damn catchy on this album. This one is no exception.

Good days
Bad days
Halfway days
Good times
Bad times
Halfway times

^^^catchy as hell

I'm guessing this is the Booty section of the song with the dirty drums and people talking in the back.

Not my favorite thing on the album, but not a terrible outro.

Cool church bell ending there.

Track 12: Untitled (How Does It Feel)

Oh good lord that grand piano sounds divine.

His vocals just keep getting better to be honest. I don't know if it's just me listening to it more and more, but they seem to actually be getting better somehow throughout the album.

Guitar is nice and crunchy on this song, good contrast from the reletively clean sound they've had throughout the album.

How does it feeeeelllllll????

The album never really picks up tempo, but the thing is the album never feels like it needs to pick up tempo. It's a thoroughly engaging listen without any super uptempo numbers.

Another crazy stick hook, **** I'm gonna be singing this all week.

Wow those vocals have a lot of intensity yes yes yes and more yes!!!

Okay... next track I guess that was sudden.

Track 13: Africa

Last track already, damn I've been enjoying this so much.

Weird toy chime thing taking over as the melody here, and some tinny drums.

Great lyrics, really all I can say.

No it can't be over already?! Okay another minute. Oh this is very pretty almost ambient, birds chirping, soft guitars and chimes. And its over... No. Now backwards everything. And now it's over.

Final Verdict: Justthefacts I don't know if this was a lucky guess or what, but I am in love with this album. Thing is I probably would have never checked it out if it weren't for this thread so thank you very much. There was not one bad track on this album, in fact there was not one moment on thus album that I even felt meh about. All I know is this album is going in my regular playlist, and I'm gonna go listen to all of his other music, and get this on vinyl.
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Old 07-01-2015, 11:02 PM   #28 (permalink)
moon lake inc.
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pg.lost - Key

I wasn't gonna do this until either tomorrow or Friday cause I'm over a friends house, but **** it he dosen't mind.

Track 1: Spirit's Stampede (6:35)
Okay here we go.

Loud atmospherics to open this off, extremely large sounding. Holy crap those drums are pounding. So is this drone as well? Not what I was expecting.

Got some chimey lead guitars coming in that feel very post-rock.

Alright into a little groove that feels vaguely krautrock-esque.

Not sure I'm totally digging the guitar sounds they seem a little stereotypically "post-rock" I guess, maybe just a little clean for my taste. Nitpicking though.

The melodies are actually quite pretty.

The drumming is my favourite thing about this so far, whoever the drummer is he/she is a ****ing clock.

Liking the distorted guitars coming in at around five minutes.

Post-rock can be a little one dimensional at times with its reliance on crescendos, but I never seem to mind too much because if done well they are beautiful.

K next track.

Track 2: Vultures (5:04)

Again the drumming has a lot of flavor to it that I'm really ****ing liking.

Is that a bass right there? If so damn that's a grimy sounding bass. Loving that.

The acoustic guitar is a nice touch although the way it's mixed is a little unflattering.

Wasn't digging the melody until now; it just got huuuggee, damn this is pleasent.

Nice ambient guitar here, oops spoke too soon back to the original groove.

Again not loving the way the guitar sounds for some reason.

The big moments on this record are to die for so far. I like those moments more than anything else.

That one wasn't bad. Not great but alright.

Track 3: Terrain (5:29)

The bass tone is gritty once more.

Now that's what I want to hear from the guitars, much dirtier than the other tracks.

Is that Latin influenced drumming I hear? The hell? Was not expecting that. Guitars sounding very icy here, which works somehow with the lively percussion.

One thing I will give them is they have a great sense of melody. The melodies are very haunting and vast sounding even when they are quite simple.

Loving the noisy guitar passages on this song.

Not bad, not bad at all.

Track 4: Sheaves (7:23)

Real grandiose opening to this track. This is what I want the instruments to sound like on this album, impactful, and absolutely insisting on attention to the emotion put in.

This next section is stunning. The way the drum grooves with the simple melody is gorgeous. Who is this drummer?!

I liked this segment when the guitars were a little more restrained, and gave more room for the extra instrumebtation, but I can see that they're trying to build up; which is fine I just wish it'd been less focused on guitar sound.

Okay I guess it peaked it sounds like the beggining of the track again that huge grandiose sound. Oh I guess that's it... A little dissapointing for such a long build up there.

Track 5: I am a destroyer (9:27)

One of the longer tracks, let's see if it deserves it's length.

Nice drone quality to that bass and organ on the beggining, I love that sort of sound.

Not loving that echoey guitar, totally ruined the mood for me cutting in all obnoxiously like that.

Another suprising groove from the drummer, that somehow works with the music.

Oh boy here we go, crank up the distortion (although it dosent sound although cool as it did on Sheaves).

Nice chord progression at four minutes.

Ate those vocals I hear? *gasp* They should've used more voice because it's giving a nice change up from the basic instrumentation I've been hearing.

My only problem with this album is there's nothing about it that I find super special that I haven't heard in other post-rock bands like Explosions In the Sky or Caspian. It's not bad at all, in fact it's quite nice.

I don't have a ton to day right now, all I'm gearing is the stuff I've been hearing althroughout this record just the song is longer.

That was alright.

Track 6: Gathering (8:03)

Okay so I guess these three tracks are the epics on the album seeing as they are much longer.

Cool cymbals.

Man I wish I was into that guitar sound more, or else I'd be in love with this probably, but I don't.

Oh that's new I like the kind of fast tremolo effects on the guitar there that fit in with the snare pattern.

Piano sounds fitting.

I don't know this track is a little boring for me. It just sounds like the other tracks to a large extent.

I mean they certainly have a sound, but they aren't exactly deviating from it much at all.

I do love when they crank up that distortion a little though. It might be artificial woth no emotion at all I have no clue, but it's just more pleasing to me. Might be because I love drone so much, and the way the instrumentation bleeds together when they sound like that kind of turns into this sludge ridden drone sound.

Well that was boring save a few moments.

Track 7: Weaver (13:16)

Oh oh oh something different! That piano is very nice. They should've used that instead of chimey fake sounding echoey guitars as their main instrument. It sounds much more human.

For the first time on the album I'm a little dissapointed by the drumming right now it's falling into a sort of sleep mode post-rock groove. This is my favorite track since Sheaves as of now.

This is the best legit build up they've done this entire album, I actually feel invested in this one.

Section starting at four minutes is a little uninteresting. Okay good were back to the main build up. Man that piano is tasty.

They put the damn chimey guitars on top of the piano, I ask you WHY?!

Back to the chorus or at least a B section I guess, not loving it once again.

I'm toally into the little piano breaks they jeep doing on this track, keeps me somewhat engaged.

The top of the crescendo has arrived at last! I dislike the way the cymbals cut through the sound, but beyond that this sounds big n beautiful as it should.

Outro was great.

Track 8: Redrum (3:35)

Okay final track or really bonus teach and the last track was the last track... Either way, this is the last one for this review.

Western sounding tremolo guitars with haunting cult vocals in the back? Yeah this is my type of ****.

The ****ing drums man!

Pretty driving groove. It dosen't really sound like the homogony that was 95% of the album. Why couldn't they all be this vaired huh?

Man I wish this one was one of the longer ones, that was easily my favorite track on the album.

Final Verdict: Ki I don't want to sound like I'm insulting these guys during this review because I know you love them, but those ****ing chimey guitars really kept me from wholeheartedly enjoying this. Also some parts were just a snooze fest for me which is not okay on a fairly average length, 8 track album. It was okay, but I'm not returning to this album for a good while. (I'll still look forward to see what they have in store for their next album though).

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Old 11-25-2015, 01:08 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Hi I'm back to peddle my writings to you all...

Thank You

Thank you
I feel so loved as the sunlight phases through the canopy
I beg your pardon
The shelf is limited, but I'm sure for the most of it

No complaints from this bird, I can smile all I want
I can't be down on the world today
Because that is a steep slope down
I cannot complain, the book refrains "thank you"

Thank you
To drench myself in beautiful toxins
I am getting
Weaker than before perhaps we'll come crashing down
On the same playing field
I am perfect on the inside of rotting Earth
Where green becomes perfection
And I am red, brethren of blood
A formality at best

Is there a chosen one?
Sent from the skies above
An aquaitance who sees through glass - like dowsing machines
A temptation: title chosen one
En masse erosion of the state
I follow like the rest
Green as it was has on obscene
A ball choking mule is thrown down the fire
"Carpe diem" my frozen mask walk
The woman in scrape now he lurches on a fringe
The devout will disperse thrown spears towards the heads
Thank you
Thank you
I am to be shot on the second day
Government plastic waste you are
I name you King Geedorah
You come from ghettos of indignation
Exit stage left and become concious
We're raging upwards in less than five

Thank you
I inch by
A snake bite
Like venom
I cry as you walk
You pace
In tune
A dopamine infested
Calcium injection
Life spearing
Sparrow a dust
I can't walk
I can
I am
Thank to the day
Rain raining
Slithering by
Spare me tonight

As a bird, follow through field
A total eclipse
Gnawing, hand in pocket
As a bird, I am thankful
Spare me all misery
A flag fall to ashes
It is alright it is are you
With a spark you do offend
So ungrateful, so self-righteous

Thank you for the love and kind words
A twisting empathy and selfish in turn
I am nothing, and am I cereal bits
I am grain, I am ingrain, reprehensible
Become myself is to be
Or not
To be kinder as a lichen
I am become a bird
You are my symbiosis
I miss you
Punishable by death when the wind blows my name to murder the bird
I am intangible
My figment imagination
My falsified pretention
I cannot deliver
As a matter if it were
A slow drip, time

My son of vitriol
A concequence of you
Mind altering your alter shine

My music my alter ego

Thank you
To my family
To my friends...
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Old 01-23-2016, 09:19 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Jacob/Machine gives a bad explanation of why I haven't posted on MB in a while, and at the same time updates you on his music.

Over the last few months I haven't posted really at all on this site and it's really down to this one reason: I honestly don't think I have enough to say about anything. Instead I've been using RYM, checking through /mu/ for new music recs, etc., and whenever I would come back here nothing much seemed to had change at all; I felt like I wouldn't really be able to just ease back into the daily minutia of the site. I was right. It's weird coming back to a site where you used to be an extremely active member and see all the new people who are way more adjusted than you, you feel out of place. I think I am sticking with it this time, I am back for good, I plan to update this journal more often, and I might eventually get back into doing my knock off Love and Hate.

Now when it comes to Machine+... it's extremely slow going. I had about 30 songs I wrote and out of that I have gotten three that I really really like, and that was back in November. Since then I've written about three or four more songs that are getting through to the arrangement stage. Overall this is the slowest I've ever made an album, and that's only because of my ridiculous perfectionism. It's going to be WAY different than Love.
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