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Old 10-26-2014, 08:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
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I'm going to write something Briks, but how unorganized it is, is entirely your fault, as I am in no state to really wrtie anything. Been up for like ever, and drinking whiskey weewooo yeah,.

Like, I got nickelback playing on my xcomputer right now, for ships and giggles and whatnot. I can't keep from laughing, this music is so bad and the lyrincs are just horrifyingly bad. Like, Chad Kroperbits must get whatever idea rattling around in his canadian bacon brain, so he says to himself how it's gonna be a huge hit, and it's about all this phylisofical stuff and it's really deep like Avril Lavingesg cooter. I don;t jnow how people can possibly take this band seriously, it's something science can't even figure out.

Oh whoa, nixkwlback isn't playing anymore, it's another horrible band called Green Day, you may heard of them I'm sure. So their song american idiot, haha that's a funny one. Thjese guys are nominee's for that rock n roll hall of fame, haha what a load of cheese. They'll put anyone in there. Not nickelback though, avoid them at all costs. American Idiot is supposed to be this really important record of the past ten years or whatever according to all these ever reliable magazines. That makes me laugh because I'm like, oj why is that albums so damn important, there some kind of cryptic message for all those poser peeps thatfg buy this bands music underystand, and somehoe it's lost on me? Like, wtf man? Whatever. Least they got one good nominee, Nine Inch Naisl. I'd be okay with those guys, will guy getting voted in there. Woo for Trent Reznor!

There's no damn point to this journal entry, Briks dont; tekk me what to do.
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Old 10-26-2014, 09:49 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
I'm going to write something Briks, but how unorganized it is, is entirely your fault, as I am in no state to really wrtie anything. Been up for like ever, and drinking whiskey weewooo yeah,.

Like, I got nickelback playing on my xcomputer right now, for ships and giggles and whatnot. I can't keep from laughing, this music is so bad and the lyrincs are just horrifyingly bad. Like, Chad Kroperbits must get whatever idea rattling around in his canadian bacon brain, so he says to himself how it's gonna be a huge hit, and it's about all this phylisofical stuff and it's really deep like Avril Lavingesg cooter. I don;t jnow how people can possibly take this band seriously, it's something science can't even figure out.

Oh whoa, nixkwlback isn't playing anymore, it's another horrible band called Green Day, you may heard of them I'm sure. So their song american idiot, haha that's a funny one. Thjese guys are nominee's for that rock n roll hall of fame, haha what a load of cheese. They'll put anyone in there. Not nickelback though, avoid them at all costs. American Idiot is supposed to be this really important record of the past ten years or whatever according to all these ever reliable magazines. That makes me laugh because I'm like, oj why is that albums so damn important, there some kind of cryptic message for all those poser peeps thatfg buy this bands music underystand, and somehoe it's lost on me? Like, wtf man? Whatever. Least they got one good nominee, Nine Inch Naisl. I'd be okay with those guys, will guy getting voted in there. Woo for Trent Reznor!

There's no damn point to this journal entry, Briks dont; tekk me what to do.
You've been drinking? I can't tell.. hahaha I'm pretty sure you said "ships and giggles" instead of the proper phrase, actually I'm not pretty sure: you did say that.

I like American Idiot. I don't think it's one of the best albums of the past decade, and I certainly do not think GreenDay belongs in the HoF (Maiden still isn't even in that! It's disgraceful!)

Also I guess Nickelback reviews are the "in" thing right now, maybe I should do one...
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Old 10-27-2014, 11:05 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism View Post
Chad Kroperbits
From here on out, this is what I'm always going to call him. Kudos to your whiskey-addled mind.
lasty|rate-y music-y
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Old 10-27-2014, 05:51 AM   #4 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
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I'm kind of embarrassed by that entry but, there's a level of hilarity to it.

I liked the song Boulevard Of Broken Dreams from American Idiot, but I still think that Green Day is not anything special and their millions of albums sold and their insane fanbase/and or popularity got them their RNRHOF nominee.
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Old 10-29-2014, 09:54 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Haha, well, glad you found it humorous.

Gotta get working on my new journal entries now...
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Old 11-14-2014, 12:43 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Default And, its been awhile...

So, this past weekend, I was at the beach, and a beach house with my fiances family, always nice getting away with them all...

I found myself walking along the shoreline often, just alone with myself and the sea, along with my thoughts. Many topics came and went in my head, some to amuse myself with, and others more serious in tone. I am a thinker. There's never a time that my mind is still, calm, or not heavy with anything in particular. Some things I thought about was my dream to stand on a stage, I wanted, or still want to do that, be it in a band or just as a guy doing open mic nights at local bars to sing my songs to uninterested, nameless people, as I don't know any of them. I'm still pretty young, 28 in just shy of four months. So you'd think that I wouldn't be so down at not really even trying to start up a band when I'm still young, I've got countless notebooks, scraps of paper in shoe boxes with lyrics all over the pages, or page, singular. Saying I've probably written a thousand songs wouldn't be stretching things, as I've written lyrics since I was pretty young. I am hard on myself about this because I'm willingly let this dream slip on by without so much as a thimble fill of regret about it, and so I wonder how badly I ever or even wanted it to become reality. All it would take is getting myself out there, meeting like minded musicians to get this thing rolling. If I ever get to that point, not something for sure...

I also thought about the whole thing going on with legalizing marijuana, where I stand on the matter. Honestly, I'm conflicted. On one hand I think it could help stimulate the economy, but on another, I think about my nieces, my own children and how having marijuana more available, legal mind you, will leave them exposed to it so young without a choice in the matter; contact highs...so, the protective part of me would rather not have it legal and available to purchase like cigarettes, just for the fact that cigarettes or most smokers in general, just do not seem to consider that maybe people don't want to have to breathe in the toxic fumes. Yes, I understand I can simply move and leave the smoker to marinade in their own fumes, but it is how so many are so rude about it, like, just light up right there in front of a mother and her baby, and blow your smoke around them...how nice.

My distaste my seem trivial to some of you, but they're valid reasons to dislike cigarettes. Why does it seem like such a task for any of you to ask the person next to you if they mind if you smoke, or to abide by laws and smoke in designate areas if you're in public or places of business? Because all my life, I have not witnessed many courteous smokers that take any of that in account, so why would anyone that smokes marijuana be courteous either when places for them to smoke other than their own homes are marked just as areas meant for people who smoke cigarettes? I guess respectable people or being courteous is nearly extinct...

So anyway, I am conflicted about legalizing marijuana. I am not completely against it, I think there could be positives out of it. But then you've all the asshats out there that ruin it for everyone with their foul attitudes.

Anyway, haha yeah. Just some things I thought about.

Sorry if my journal entries aren't central to music, I like to just write about whatever pops in my head.
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Old 11-16-2014, 03:56 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default A few albums that took me on my musical journey...

Mostly, we've all been exposed to certain records at a young age that put us on course for a journey in being obsessed with, or hooked on music. These are the albums that stuck with you and wouldn't let go, you were educated by them in a way of speaking, sort of giving you a rough guideline of what your own individual taste in music would be. What exactly we are influenced by, specifically or unknown, by those records at the time you aren't likely able to pinpoint, for me I was pretty young but still aware to what music was, and so for me at the time, I couldn't say what about those records influenced me. Now however, I feel I can to some point. So if you'll take the time to read about my early years of musical development, that'd fancy me nicely. Here we go...

First up, Michael Jackson and his record Dangerous. Released in 1991, it wouldn't be until I was five or six that I'd pick this up on cassette at a music store in Ontario, Oregon. I remember being told by the owner of the record store that the cassetts in the bowl on the counter were free, and being that I was short and couldn't see what I was grabbing, I asked my dad if I could get one, I was thrilled when he approved, and so I dug in there on my tippi-toes, took hold of one of the cassettes, brought to eye level and was hypnotized by the cassettes art. Back then, it was like looking at a bizarre music video with all those weird, spinning colors, flashes of light, faces spinning, stuff like that. Upon getting home, the first thing I did was find my fathers cassette player, and put in my new cassette to check out what I got. The opening song Jam blared out of the speakers, and my little butt just started moving something fierce. I was doing little spins and turns, banging my head like it was heavy metal, just having a grand time. I was completely immersing myself in the music, and I remember my mother grabbing the camera to record me dancing to my at the time, favorite artist. I was lip-syncing my own made up words to the song, scrunching my face up because to me, Michael sounded pissed off. Yeah man, I was rocking out.

I still love that album to this day, it's a great album. The other song that really got me moving, even though they all did at the time, but the other song that really got me dancing, was Black And White. I dug that song heavily, but Jam had always been my jam, hahaha, when I was little and listened to that album. I actually did a little dance at my school after I saw the video for the song. I'm sure I looked like a little kid on drugs flailing around, but I was trying to mimic Michael and his super cool dance moves, as I called them then.

Next up is the 1977 release from master guitarist Ted Nugent, Cat Scratch Fever. This was a record my dad had on vinyl at our home when I was younger, or maybe older than I was when I first got the Michael Jackson album Dangerous. I remember that when he first put it on, I was asking to hear some music because I wanted to air guitar or something. I kind of had this poor, white kid affro at the time (yes, you can laugh...) and it gave me what I thought were rock n roll powers haha. So, the album opens with the title track for the album, and I start doing my thing, jumping around on the couches and floor, doing my air guitar like I had the real thing. Sometimes I'd break a sweat I got so in to it. This was one of my initiation albums in to rock n roll, I'll be discussing the next one after this.

Cat Scratch Fever became a regularly spun vinyl record at home at the time, my mom got a little annoyed as she never has been a fan of much rock n roll, especially not uncle Ted Nugent, as I called him. Long story short. This was one of my favorite records as a little, newly emerging fan of good ol' rock n roll.

Jimi Hendrix! This guy blew my mind when I was little, I still think he's amazing, but I really thought he was incredibly amazing when I was little. I air guitared so hard to this guy, that I'd pass out on the spot from exhausting myself, but I'd wake up and ask to hear Jimi Hendrix again to do it all over again. Are You Experienced opened Jimi Hendrix 1984 album Kiss The Sky, a compilation album. I loved how the song sounded, which I guess I could describe as my younger self to be sort of space-like sounding. I adored Jimi Hendrix, and I listened to Purple Haze probably a few thousand times. This album was treasured by me, but I did hear other albums by him when I was little, I liked them all. It was freaking Jimi Hendrix!

Next up we have three albums from Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers; Full Moon Fever, Damn The Torpedoes, and Southern Accents. I still love Tom Petty, I think his music is great and instantly recognizable, as I believe he had his own, distinct sound. My father was a big fan of Tom Petty, and these three albums were played a lot. I rocked pretty hard to songs like Runnin' Down A Dream, Here Comes My Girl, Don't Come Around Here No More, Free Fallin'. If my father put Tom Petty on, I was front and center by the speakers, having my own personal concert, rocking out like no tomorrow. Tom Petty, he's one and only.

Don't Fear The Reaper, Godzilla, Burnin' For You. Blue Oyster Cult was another band my father was big on, myself included at the time. Godzilla actually scared me a little for some reason when I listened to it, but I jammed through that fear every time. This band right here was a nice, jamming band. Grateful to them.

So, there you have it. A few of the albums that helped my own my way with my musical journey of developing my own taste of it, and doing my own exploring in to other artists to get in to, broaden my musical horizon.
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Old 11-17-2014, 12:21 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Tom Petty, nice. My dad had (well, still has) one of his compilations, and I listened to it a lot back when my taste was in its embryonic stage (right now it's in a fetal stage). Never listened to any of his other albums, where do you think I should start? And I gotta say, you had much more badass taste as a little kid than I.
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Old 11-17-2014, 12:27 PM   #9 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
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Any of the three Tom Petty albums I mentioned here are more than adequate starting points. He's not a lot of music I'd consider bad, mostly it's all pretty good. He had a knack for writing great hooks in his music, at least to me he did. I think you'll enjoy a great deal of his music. He actually put out a new album of new material a few months back, I still need to give it a listen.

Hahaha, my mother wasn't a big fan of my taste in music as a kid, but she got over it. She still doesn't like what I listen to, it isn't her Gospel music.
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Old 11-17-2014, 12:30 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I hear ya, my mother's a diehard bluegrass fan who hates metal and hip hop. Ironically, she helped get me into rock music through Bruce Springsteen.
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