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Old 04-01-2014, 09:20 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default A life unraveled: My musical journey

Hello MB

I decided to start a member's journal even though im not really sure what im doing.
And i want to say upfront, i have a cap limit per post so most of what i'll say will be straight to the point and brief.

But first a brief summary of me:

1. Ive been playing guitar for 14 yrs or so

(here is me playing)
Guero (sin letra) Rogelio ft. JoE by Joe Lanza-Granadas on SoundCloud - Hear the world

(not plugging my band or anything cause im not in one, just showing the kind of music i make.)

2. Im foreign. (very foreign)

This means grammar errors everywhere and just ****ty english in general

3. Im mainly into alternative music.

That said, i have no idea how to run a journal so i'll start with a basic theme, my musical beginnings.

The first bands that got me into rock, the first cds i luved, ya know, that kinda stuff and while i tell my story i'll give the albums a little review.
"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"

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Old 04-01-2014, 09:53 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I was born in 83, so im a child of the 90's but for most of my youth i just listened to rap music, but during the 90's MTV was huge (and actually played good music back then) so i was introduced to rock thanx to that whole grunge movement.

The first bands that got me into rock were Nirvana and Korn with these cds

Smells like teen spirit - single

Life is peachy

surprisingly enough, i didn't get into Nirvana through teen spirit, i was never a huge fan of that song, but that single aside from teen spirit had 2 more songs 'Aneurysm' and 'Even in his youth' (the first rock song i liked)

Getting into Korn was much harder, i remember the guitars used to hurt my ears
i remember when i first heard 'Twist' i thought the guy was having a seizure but 'adidas' was my jam.

"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"

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Old 04-01-2014, 10:06 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Alternative eh? I'm looking forward to reading this.
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Old 04-02-2014, 05:23 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Great to see you starting a journal, Francis! Looks like it's going to be pretty good! And again, for someone with English not being their first language I find nothing at all wrong with your grammar or spelling; in fact, had you not mentioned it I would have thought you were an English speaker naturally.

If you need ideas or hints, this might help
or PM me at any time.

Best of luck and welcome to Journaltown!
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Old 04-02-2014, 07:51 AM   #5 (permalink)
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I'd never have thought that Korn, a metal band, helped you find your musical taste, haha. Anyway, this looks promising, so I'm looking forward to reading more!
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Old 04-02-2014, 11:03 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Thnx fo the encouragement peeps

i want to discuss a little those first 2 bands


This band was very important to me, it was the first band that influenced to be a musician, there was a simplicity in their sound that made me think "maybe i could do this too"

So i started playing the drums and idolizing Dave grohl and i got all their cds and became a nirvana fan.

Later on i'll give a breakdown of all their cds in more detail


luv Korn, i luv the attitude the band has and their music.
i remember seeing 'Fanatic' on mtv and saw Jonathan run up to his fan and gave him a hug then later on the interview their fan was praising them like demi-gods and they told him "Don't idolize us that way, we're just regular guys you can do this too"

Seeing that kind of humility was a treat for me, that attitude is why i luved the 90's, during the hair metal of the 80's bands seemed larger than life and they acted that way, but in comes the 90's where ppl started calling themselves a loser.
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Old 04-02-2014, 12:52 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Quick review on the cds

Smells like teen spirit - Single

As stated, this is a 3 track single, aside from teen spirit 'Aneurysm' is on their 4th cd 'incesticide' which is more a compilation of rarities than a new album, but 'Even in his youth' was a true rarity at the time, it was only featured in 2 cds their japan release of nevermind called 'hormoaning' and in this single. (it was later released in their 'lights out' compilation)

There is nothing really special in this single aside from the 2 extra songs, 'Aneurysm' is like an instrumental meddley and 'Even in his youth' is basically Nirvana Punk

Life is peachy

Not their best but still good. Fav songs for me are 'Good god' 'Wicked' (Feat. Chino from the deftones: ice cube cover) 'Ass itch' (my fav) and 'Low rider' (War cover)

This cd was my introduction to Nu metal and right away i luved the drums and the bass, the guitars hooks are simple and memorable and the lyrics are full of teenage angst, overall its a decent album.
"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"

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Old 04-03-2014, 09:31 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Even though Nirvana and Korn were the first bands i liked, i also liked other groups that had popular videos in the 90's

Beck, Sonic youth, Butthole surfers and Nada surf, remember this vid?

But i still liked rap, thankfully back then there was also good rap and i liked gangsta rap but it wasn't my favorite (except for Wu tang) i preferred rap that explored a different concept

But gradually i was becoming a rocker, so i traded in my basketball for a skate and got into the whole skating culture and 411 movies, and along with the skating culture came punk, and ska punk, and i started to get into the Misfits, Nofx, Joy division (who i thought was punk at the time) and Bad religion

back then i wasn't as settled in alternative music as i am now, but i remember seeing a 411 and seeing Arto saari skate with the Sonic youth song Purr and that REALLY got me into Sonic youth
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Old 04-03-2014, 02:24 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Sonic youth - Experimental Jet set thrash and no stars

This is the first SY cd i owned because it had 'Bull in the heather' the first song i ever liked from them because it had that video with Kathleen hanna annoying them though back then i didn't know who she was

This cd had 14 tracks but to be honest with you i remember 4 of them at best, i hated this cd, honestly i didn't get it but i decided to give it a shot anyway

i would play a videogame and put the cd as background music
this actually helped me process SY gradually through repetition, i became familiar with their songs and suddenly all that noise became music.

Its hard to get into at first cause songs go from noisy to mellow and some songs are more like spoken poems by Kim gordon than actual songs the 'Doctor's order' track is a good exmpl of this.

Overall its not a bad cd but i prefer washing machine
"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"

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Old 04-05-2014, 05:04 AM   #10 (permalink)
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A little after that SY Cd, i found Pavement and Guided by voices but most importantly, i found the Breeders.

The Breeders - Last splash

i knew this band for their iconic 90's song 'Cannonball'
if you were alive in the 90's you must've heard of this song,

That Cd is amazing Kim deal is such a brilliant musician, melodically she is always on point and she is so frickin charming is hard not to love her.

To me the breeders are a mixture of The Pixies and Guided by voices with a twist of originality by the deal sisters, their sound is very simple and approachable

by that i mean that as a musician you can pick up a guitar and play their songs in no time.

And every song in that cd is a hit, From 'driving on 9' where kim sounds very girly, to 'Hag' where she sounds like a bitch

"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"

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