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Old 11-17-2009, 08:34 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dreadnaught View Post
Nice premise for a journal, I approve. For the most part the music you've posted is relatively new to me, I'm definitely intrigued.
I think it's high time a bit of modern life was injected into the forums, rather than the same old stale debates of 70's rocknroll.

Local Natives - Airplanes

If your ears have been tuned to the right station for the past couple of months, then you might have already heard talk of Local Natives. But for the rest of you, the initiation process is only one click away. They have that Annuals gypsy charm to them. My new favourite band, soon to be yours.

Because of my unfaltering belief that you will love them, here is a link to their myspace.

COMANECHI - Rabbit Hole

If you ever wondered what Yeah Yeah Yeah's would've sounded like had they not jumped on the synth bandwagon, then this is your answer. A blistering 2 minutes of unpolished scuzz rock featuring the best frontwoman since that bird from CSS started shagging a Klaxon. A beautiful mess.

Hockey - A Song Away

After seeing them on the Live Circuit and being relatively unimpressed, it is intriguing that label big-wigs EMI have snapped up Hockey and, inexplicably, turned them into something quite fantastic. One of the only examples I can think of where a fresh coat of money actually improves a bands performance, this will not in any way alter your world. But it will make it that bit brighter. Monday morning anthem.
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Old 11-17-2009, 08:45 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by abdullah424 View Post
The Fuck Buttons are amazing. And to think I almost didn't listen to their new album because everybody was comparing them to animal collective who I'm not a huge fan of.
I've actually heard that too, though I haven't the slightest idea why anyone would say that. I suppose they have those shimmering like synth sounds AC uses, other than that the music is not alike at all.

Great blog, I tried to do this but put up a bunch of crappy music and got lazy and gave up Good stuff in here, I'll definitely be checking out quite a few of these bands. Thanks
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Old 11-17-2009, 08:53 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Seems we had similar ideas around the same time. Haven't had the opportunity to look through the suggestions as of yet but am keen to see this develop
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Old 11-17-2009, 11:06 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Ian Brown - Just Like You

Though I have never been a big fan of 'King Monkey's solo output, the second single from his most recent LP 'My Way' is the stuff of genius. From the quite hilarious video (burlesque backing dancers going baggy? Superb) to the stirring synth riff cutting through the chorus, 'Just Like You' is Brown flicking the V's at those Roses reunion rumours.

Robbie Williams - You Know Me

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a Robbie fan. I want this to be Christmas Number One.
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Old 11-18-2009, 05:47 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Bob Dylan - Must Be Santa

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Old 11-18-2009, 06:58 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by WolfAtTheDoor View Post

Julian Casablancas - Glass
After being surprised by the quality of his debut solo album, here's a cut from 'Phrazes For The Young'. The penultimate track on the album, it begins with monotonous assorted beeps reminiscent of First Impressions of Earth, but eventually works itself into a crashing crescendo, sleigh bells and all.
I was also surprised by the quality of this record. For the most part it's nothing like The Stokes at all, there are of couse odd moments that are slightly reminiscent of their work, specifically FIOE but it's a fine pop/new wave record. I like this track. Out of the Blue has a single written all over it and is probably my favourite, it's just a great pop record.

Anyway, good work. I agree it's good to see mixing it up a little when it comes to the content of their journals.

Last.FM | Echoes and Dust
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Old 11-19-2009, 03:02 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Guildean Gang - Dennis Bergkamp

Although not 'new' new, I always felt it quite odd/disappointing that the Guildean Gang never made it big. Hell, they didn't even make it into the NME. So, after dipping through my file2HD downloaded myspace tracks of theirs, I found it necessary to enlighten you fellow MBers of this little gem a whole 10 months after it was first released. Features easily the most listenable vocalist in all of jangly indie-dom.

Surfer Blood - Floating Vibes

The latest addition to my 'list of bands that will probably get very big soon', Surfer Blood have that easy-to-like quality about them whilst retaining credibility and, essentially, good musicianship. As stated by the youtube comments/description, they draw comparisons with both Bombay Bicycle Club and Weezer - definitely not a bad thing.

Pyramiddd/Starfucker - Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

If there's only one music video you're going to trip balls to this Thursday night, let it be this.
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Old 11-23-2009, 02:42 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Animal Collective - What Would I Want? Sky

As years progress it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with Animal Collective. Such is the sporadic and ever-evolving nature of their sound that unless you are a devoted fan you are likely to find that the latest addition to their discography, whatever it may be, will swoop over your unaware little head. However, 'What Would I Want? Sky' is so ear-numbingly brilliant that even those with only a passing interest in Animal Collective will undoubtedly be compelled to quickly log on to their iTunes accounts and download what they've been missing out on all this time. It's refreshing to know that some musicians out there simply never run out of ideas. It's just unfortunate that most of these musicians are in Animal Collective.

Two Door Cinema Club - I Can Talk

Never one to champion the unbearable electro-bland of Bloc Party, even I have to admit that Silent Alarm was one of the more 'important' albums of our generation and, unlike everything else they have produced since then, it was actually good. Two Door Cinema Club are picking up where Kele & co left off, and arguably doing a better job at it. 'I Can Talk' is a majestic and arty thump of harsh guitars and geeky bassists.

Beach House - Norway

I first became a fan of Beach House whilst fingering through the MySpace archives a few years ago, hunting for new sounds amongst the generic Strokes clones and tribute bands. The sultry Nico-esque vocals of their demo's captivated me, and have since proved to be a staple fixture in various mixtapes I have sent to girlfriends. It is nice, then, that they have since been picked up and are finding themselves now playing to a broader audience of likeminded people. Norway is a beautifully subtle tune that reminds me why I fell in love with them in the first place.
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Last edited by WolfAtTheDoor; 11-23-2009 at 04:06 PM.
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Old 01-25-2010, 08:01 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Apologies for the lengthy hiatus.

Gorillaz - Stylo

After brainwashing the masses with Demon Days' eccentric pop, the Gorillaz are set to return with their third album, the intriguingly titled 'Plastic Beach'. Unsurprisingly Damon Albarn & co. have yet again defied expectations, choosing the frankly baffling 'Stylo' as first single. Featuring a downplayed appearance by Mos Def and disjointed verses belched out by Bobby Womack, all signs point to this not being another Feel Good Inc. It may not be as captivating as their previous work, but it makes Plastic Beach that little bit more seductive.

Plan B - Stay Too Long (Pendulum Remix)

Though a track featuring both dunderheaded Prodigy rip-offs Pendulum and cringeworthy 'yoof' Plan B would usually send any rightminded person running for the hills, this remix of Mr B's already quite good 'Stay Too Long' is actually a blinding piece of club tuneage. Though it is destined to outstay its welcome, for the time being it should be embraced as the surprisingly brilliant collaboration that it is.

Hot Chip - Take It In

It's nice to see Hot Chip making something listenable again. After their mindnumbingly irritating second album, Take It In sees the geeky fivesome returning to the hauntingly anthemic beats of 'The Warning'. Comparable with second album highlight 'Boy From School', it is unlikely that this will ape the dancefloor success of... sigh... Ready For THe Floor... but it will be considered as a successful return to form by anyone who has a pair of functional ears.
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