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Old 08-30-2009, 05:05 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Default Weekly Albums #8

Album: 1. King Crimson – In The Court Of The Crimson King
Year: 1969
Genre: Progressive Rock

Crimson’s debut, has been a momentous album since it was released back in 1969 and influential to countless amounts of bands and just normal people alike, for good reason.

The reason is that you can’t pinpoint a spot during the album where you think, “Hey, that is out of place/I am getting bored of this.” It is gripping and captivates the mind from track one to the last beat of the album.

It is beautifully constructed and set out, no dull points that cause a lapse in concentration or affection. Robert always has been highly regarded as a musician, this album is probably the finest showcase of that, beautiful guitar work, jazzy snippets, odd little instrument pieces thrown in every once in awhile.

The most delightful thing is: It was the first of about 6 amazing albums by KC, this foreshadowing what was to come.

Highlight: Epitaph

Album: 2. Hawkwind – Warrior on the Edge of Time
Year: 1975
Genre: Space

When we talk about an album, we say we listen to it and that we either enjoy it or not, but is it possible to not listen to an album, instead be taken on a trip by it? Last week I talked about Velvet Underground being an experience being overcome by the music and taken into a world-less trance. But…

It may be a pun on space as they belong or are associated with the Space/Space Rock genre and that when I listen to this album, I once again get drawn into another place, but this time one with meaning and direction. It feels as if I am being taken off into space and to another world. Whether it is the alienated selection of sounds and effects that are chosen to create the setting of the album or the spaced out guitar riffs when at times take a back seat and personally this is when they are at their best. The vocal on-top of that once again add to mood, with it fitting the bill perfectly.

Highlight: Assault & Battery Part 1

Album: 3. The Fugazi – 13 Songs
Year: 1989
Genre: Post-Hardcore

13 songs is a compilation album of Fugazi’s that tie up their first two EP’s, with about six or seven tracks coming from each of them.

I don’t think this album is the best place to start with them, or even their best efforts, but I like the rawness and power of the album. From back to front it screams originality at me, although that may be because I don’t have much experience with this genre of music. It also contains my favourite Fugazi song, “Give Me the Cure.”

The album I do think has quite a few filler songs, but when you do come across the good songs, they are really good. The first half is personally a lot better than the second, which is almost unlistenable to me.

Highlight: Give Me the Cure

Originally Posted by Schizotypic View Post
John Martyn, not heard much of his stuff actually. But I definitely love me some great classic growers, so I'll go and look for him today. I've never heard any Scott Walker before, but that youtube video is astonishingly good! He's actually on my to get list, though, but it's gotten so big it's hard to keep track. Definitely going to try and snatch that up today as well. I love The VU&Nico, it's actually my all-time favorite album! That whole album is a highlight. Great to hear someone else is giving it a listen, Lou Reed is rad. =)

Honestly I haven't really checked out this Journal much, but a very good three picks for this time around. Thanks for passing along some inspiration and some really great music. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread from now on.
Thanks for stopping here and your input, much appreciated. I am glad you enjoyed the music, especially last weeks, i think that was the best batch yet. If you need any up's just shout. Cheers

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Old 09-08-2009, 09:11 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Default Weekly Albums #9

Album: 1. Silversun Pickups - Carnavas
Year: 2006
Genre: Shoegaze

I am honestly not too sure what every single genre is under the sun is and I really don’t care either, it is music. Sorry about the small rant but people keep on trying to classify every single band to a confinement of a genre instead of just listening to the music and appreciating it or discarding it, most notably with people I spend time with in real life.

The one thing I do know is that this output by the Silversun Pickups, as well as “Pikul EP,” showcase their class perfectly and both are gems of music. Some may consider it boring at times due to its almost monotone production, but it just means that you got to focus a little bit harder.

A fresh, bright output which certainly slams the door on those who believe that no good music can or has been produced in the 21st century. 8.4/10

Highlight: Lazy Eye

Album: 2. Pixies - Doolittle
Year: 1989
Genre: Alternative Rock

My first experience with the band who seem to get so much praise on MB and in the musical world, and this release showcased why they achieve such praise.

The album brims with energy, enthusiasm and passion from the beginning until the end, which is a real treat in this modern era of music with materialistic pop-punk bands dominating the music scene.

The highlight of the album is the final track, “Gouge Away.” It contains some really sweet bass lines and most notably the contrast between the verse and the chorus, whereby the verse is sung with harsher vocals than the chorus. Maybe it is just me, but that transition brings goose-bumps to my skin. Overall a really fine album, with only 1 or 2 songs that I didn’t enjoy. 9.4/10

Highlight: Gouge Way

Album: 3. Placebo - Placebo
Year: 1996
Genre: Alternative Rock

This album is the debut album from the band and arguably their finest input. After a recent binge on their music due to the new album being released not so long ago, I have concluded my favourite 3 albums of theirs to be:

1. Placebo 1996
2. Black Market Music 2000
3. Sleeping With Ghosts 2003

There is something that intrigues me when it comes to a bands debut album, 90-95% of the time the debut captures all of what is good about the band and showcases what music they really do play. A more pure, true, un-touched version of a band and their sound.

This album is case-in-point as it captures all of what draws me to Placebo, whether it is the droned out guitar or the extraordinary vocals, everything just sits hand in hand with each other. Although it may not be the most talented music or band, this album is a fine release with many really entertaining and easy to get into. 7.6/10

Highlight: Nancy Boy

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Old 09-09-2009, 07:08 AM   #23 (permalink)
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6 damn good albums right there. The second half of Fugazi's 13 songs is the E.P 'Margin Walker' which I still own on cassette after 20 years! Great E.P. Placebo are a hit and miss band for me but they have done some really great stuff although Without you, I'm Nothing is my favourite album of theirs.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 09-09-2009, 10:27 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Some really great choices throughout this thread, especially in the last 2 posts. Doolittle is nothing less than indispensable for any music fan. Sorted the videos for you!

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Old 09-09-2009, 01:26 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zeppy111 View Post
Album: 1. Silversun Pickups - Carnavas
Year: 2006
Genre: Shoegaze

I am honestly not too sure what every single genre is under the sun is and I really don’t care either, it is music. Sorry about the small rant but people keep on trying to classify every single band to a confinement of a genre instead of just listening to the music and appreciating it or discarding it, most notably with people I spend time with in real life.

The one thing I do know is that this output by the Silversun Pickups, as well as “Pikul EP,” showcase their class perfectly and both are gems of music. Some may consider it boring at times due to its almost monotone production, but it just means that you got to focus a little bit harder.

A fresh, bright output which certainly slams the door on those who believe that no good music can or has been produced in the 21st century. 8.4/10

Highlight: Lazy Eye

Album: 2. Pixies - Doolittle
Year: 1989
Genre: Alternative Rock

My first experience with the band who seem to get so much praise on MB and in the musical world, and this release showcased why they achieve such praise.

The album brims with energy, enthusiasm and passion from the beginning until the end, which is a real treat in this modern era of music with materialistic pop-punk bands dominating the music scene.

The highlight of the album is the final track, “Gouge Away.” It contains some really sweet bass lines and most notably the contrast between the verse and the chorus, whereby the verse is sung with harsher vocals than the chorus. Maybe it is just me, but that transition brings goose-bumps to my skin. Overall a really fine album, with only 1 or 2 songs that I didn’t enjoy. 9.4/10

Highlight: Gouge Way

Album: 3. Placebo - Placebo
Year: 1996
Genre: Alternative Rock

This album is the debut album from the band and arguably their finest input. After a recent binge on their music due to the new album being released not so long ago, I have concluded my favourite 3 albums of theirs to be:

1. Placebo 1996
2. Black Market Music 2000
3. Sleeping With Ghosts 2003

There is something that intrigues me when it comes to a bands debut album, 90-95% of the time the debut captures all of what is good about the band and showcases what music they really do play. A more pure, true, un-touched version of a band and their sound.

This album is case-in-point as it captures all of what draws me to Placebo, whether it is the droned out guitar or the extraordinary vocals, everything just sits hand in hand with each other. Although it may not be the most talented music or band, this album is a fine release with many really entertaining and easy to get into. 7.6/10

Highlight: Nancy Boy
Just been reading your journal and its a great read, especially liked reading about the South African bands, who probably like most people on here I`d never heard of before.

Placebo`s first album is certainly one of the great debut albums in the 90`s with its glam rock and cerebral metal feel, but for me the essence of its greatness is Robert Schultzberg`s drumming, very reminiscent of Jimmy Chamberlin with is dense powerful sound that`s kept on a leesh.
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Old 09-09-2009, 01:42 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zeppy111 View Post

Album: 3. Placebo - Placebo
Year: 1996
Genre: Alternative Rock

This album is the debut album from the band and arguably their finest input. After a recent binge on their music due to the new album being released not so long ago, I have concluded my favourite 3 albums of theirs to be:

1. Placebo 1996
2. Black Market Music 2000
3. Sleeping With Ghosts 2003

There is something that intrigues me when it comes to a bands debut album, 90-95% of the time the debut captures all of what is good about the band and showcases what music they really do play. A more pure, true, un-touched version of a band and their sound.

This album is case-in-point as it captures all of what draws me to Placebo, whether it is the droned out guitar or the extraordinary vocals, everything just sits hand in hand with each other. Although it may not be the most talented music or band, this album is a fine release with many really entertaining and easy to get into. 7.6/10
I discovered this band through a friend a few years ago and fell in love with them. As soon as I began complaining about the lack of a new album, "Battle for the Sun" came out, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

"Placebo" does capture the heart of the band. I would love to know what you thought about "Battle for the Sun," though. Whether you review it or just reply doesn't matter. [=

Good choice.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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Old 09-10-2009, 09:11 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Piss Me Off View Post
Some really great choices throughout this thread, especially in the last 2 posts. Doolittle is nothing less than indispensable for any music fan. Sorted the videos for you!
Thank you. I have my parents playing that album now, who are into their 50's, as well as a friend who had absolutely no musical interest at all. She didn't know who they Beatles or Coldplay were

Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
Just been reading your journal and its a great read, especially liked reading about the South African bands, who probably like most people on here I`d never heard of before.

Placebo`s first album is certainly one of the great debut albums in the 90`s with its glam rock and cerebral metal feel, but for me the essence of its greatness is Robert Schultzberg`s drumming, very reminiscent of Jimmy Chamberlin with is dense powerful sound that`s kept on a leesh.
I am glad you enjoyed the thread. I only really posted one South African band here but I do think I reviewed a couple prominent bands and albums in the album reviews section. (Goldfish, Underbelly, Fokofpolisiekar)

I am compiling a compo of some South African stuff and will have it up within the next day or so, so if you are interested DL that and share your comments.

Originally Posted by AwwSugar View Post
I discovered this band through a friend a few years ago and fell in love with them. As soon as I began complaining about the lack of a new album, "Battle for the Sun" came out, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

"Placebo" does capture the heart of the band. I would love to know what you thought about "Battle for the Sun," though. Whether you review it or just reply doesn't matter. [=

Good choice.
I can certainly see why you love them, they do sound rather spectacular at times. I will try my up-most to have a little something about it up over the weekend. Cheers for stopping by.

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Old 09-11-2009, 09:21 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Default Intro To 21st Century South Africa Mix

Intro To 21st Century South Africa

This is a mix of songs that I have made that show some of the various musical scenes we have in SA ranging all over the country and into various genres. There are a mix of some major bands/artists and some more lesser known bands just to keep everything interesting.

If you do care to download and listen, please do leave your comments about the music if you wish. It would be nice to hear some opinions from non-South Africans. I will try to include the year and genre that they belong to but some I know are not accurate already, so just use them as a guideline.


1. 7th Son - These Days (2006) Reggae/Dub
2. 16th Stitch - Anyone (2007) Alternative Rock/Metal
3. Dj Mujava - Township Funk (2007) House/Elctronica
4. Fokofpolisiekar - Prioriteseer (2005) Alternative/Punk Rock
5. Fuzigish - Bombs Away (2006) Ska Punk
6. Goldfish - Fort Knox (2008) Electronica/Jazz
7. Gonzo Republic - Jeniffer (2008) Blues Rock
8. Lark - Bionic Mind (2006) Electronica
9. Mandoza - Nkalakatha (2002) Kwaito
10. Misled - Not Worth Your Weight In Spit (2006) Hard Rock
11. Parlotones - Colourful (2005) Alternative
12. Prime Circle - She Always Gets What She Wants (2008) Rock
13. Rail - Procrastination/Delussion (2006) Progressive
14. The Slashdogs - Psycho Killer On Parole (2006) Blues/Rock
15. Underbelly - Analyse Aim (2007) Nu-Metal
16. Unit R - Clap (2006) Dance/Electronica

On a personal note, my favourite tracks are: 4, 5, 7, 13 and 16.

Intro To Sa.rar

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Old 09-11-2009, 10:11 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zeppy111 View Post
Intro To 21st Century South Africa
Nice one

I'm off out for the night shortly, but I'll definitely be making a priority out of this when I'm back.

Thanks for the link!
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Old 09-20-2009, 12:37 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Default Weekly Albums #10

Album: 1. Sonace – Wiretones Jazztap
Year: 2009
Genre: Jazz/Instrumental

By now I am sure most people know that Sonace is a member of MB, Conan actually, and this is an output of his that I managed to get my hands on. (Thanks bulldog)

Overall, I felt the album was a lovely album to listen to although there were certain songs that don’t seem to have much direction, (A village in particular), the songs that do grab you and you enjoy certainly do outweigh the lack-lustre.

The highlight to the album is definitely the musicianship on the bass. This aspect is the one that hits you hard as it gives the music its roots and its tempo and throughout is always where it should be. Definitely a very good played, which we can see in your music. A solid work all round and I would advise everyone to give this a spin, even though it may not be your usual. I will definitely be looking out for the next output. 8.3/10

Highlight: Swing Back Jack/Jazz Twins *This song is not the video below, I couldn’t find a video for it*

Album: 2. Tool - Lateralus
Year: 2001
Genre: Progressive Metal/Art Rock (just agree)

This is the only Tool album I had owned up until this week, and my media player just told me that I hadn’t played it since June 2007. WHAT A SHAME!

Firstly, if you are going to enjoy the music, or at least give the album/band a chance o be listened to, forget who the band members are or how much you don’t like them.

This is another album that showcases what a band is all about to me, I love it from back to front. The album never seems to get boring or stagnant even though there are no major turning points or changes in direction, which to me is pretty special. This is probably due to them only releasing a new album every century. (Slight exaggeration)

I find the most interesting aspects to be the composition of the music, which in most cases seems to have more layers than you could possibly imagine to find and the musicianship from all the members, in particular the drummer, who I feel could rank right up there in an list. 8.8/10

Highlight: Schism

Album: 3. Travel Now Journey Infinitely
Year: 2008
Genre: Black Metal/Noise Metal

Considered by many to be a super group of some sought, they clearly weren’t wrong.
The band consist of members from bands such as: Enslaved, Audrey Horne and Fe-Mail.

The album creates an atmosphere that I have yet felt from any other album. Throughout the whole album you feel captivated by the music and your surroundings with no where to go, but to listen. One moment you here the harsh sounds and growls right up in your face, only to be followed by beautiful soft pieces of music, without even realising that the scenery has changed.

One of the most unusual albums you could think of contrasting odd growls or hums to sorrowful female vocals, only for her to be tossed over the edge into a series of shrieks.

Even though this genre is not one I have much experience with, only having about 6 albums of it, this is one of the finer albums I have heard and I would easily recommend it to anyone from hardcore fanatics to those who have not been braced with such music. 9.5/10

Highlight: Travel Now Journey Infinitely

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