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Old 07-17-2009, 10:44 PM   #11 (permalink)
Quiet Man in the Corner
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Sorry! I've been busy. I'll update with something amazing


Burial - Untrue
Label : Hyperdub
Release : November 5th, 2007
Songs : Untitled, Archangel, Near Dark, Ghost Hardware, Endorphin, Etched Headplate, In McDonalds, Untrue, Shell Of Light, Dog Shelter, Homeless, UK

What an amazing.. and somewhat unusual album. Not necessarily unusual but it's unlike anything I've ever heard. After I'd bought it and listened.. I tried other Dubstep on for size but nothing else is like it. It's melodic, haunting, beautiful, progressive, and just unforgettable. After I had heard Archangel on Youtube, I knew he was something else. I bought this CD the instant I had saw it at my FYE. I've never done that.. ever. I listened to it from beginning to end and intently.. which is also something I never do. I usually pop it into the CD player and let it play while I'm doing whatever but I just layed down on my bed and listened to the whole thing. Song to song and I was just so happy I had this in my possession. I almost always end up liking a CD for a day or two.. and then never listen to it again. This was just so different and amazing and universal for however I was feeling and whenever I was listening to it. It was just a soundtrack to any and every day. I cannot wait for his next album. I don't know if he plans on making any but I know he's doing a lot of remixes. He's an amazing artist and you need to look him up

01) Untitled : Well.. it's more or less an intro but like his other music it's so obscure and just works.
02) Archangel : One of my favorites from the album.. but also one of the most accessible. This one was different, at least to me, from the rest of the songs. It made me think of a rainy night in the city.. just very dark and haunting. 9+/10
03) Near Dark : This one is really quite beautiful to me, although the lyrics seem a tad freaky "I can't take my eyes off you". 8/10
04) Ghost Hardware : One of the real beauties on the release. Superb oneiric vocals mixed with a really simple bass melody and a rather catchy drum beat. 9+/10
05) Endorphin : The first of 4 songs that don't have any percussion (excluding the intro). With vocals and pads this beautiful I think they'd ruin it anyway. 9/10
06) Etched Headplate : This one is quite good.. but may be a bit too accessible for me. It's nice and the vocals are really catchy and work too well but I enjoy his heavy doses of obscurity and this one seems too out in the open.. if you will. I quite like the violin-esque sample he adds every now and then.. and that weird deep bellowing almost demonic sounding laughter (at least what it sounds like [3:07, 3:22, 5:12]). Quite ironic since he's sampling a song called Angel. 7/10
07) In McDonald's : The second of the four mentioned earlier.. and even more beautiful. How ironic, considering the song title. It reminds me of the countless days of going there for early breakfast with my dad. It just has that really slow, bright feeling. 8+/10
08) Untrue : The title song.. and also the longest! This one may be a bit too progressive for me.. I like the vocals and the drum beat and the subtle melodies and whatnot. It just seems like it takes longer to build dynamic than the other songs.. but still fantastic nonetheless. 8/10
09) Shell of Light : Unfortunately.. ever since I heard the last minute and a half of this song I rarely listen to the first 3. The video on youtube has quite a few comments saying things like "it should be in its own song" and such.. and I completely agree. It's probably the most heartwrenching and beautiful section of any song in the whole album. "God, could you whisper in her ear that I wasn't sure we could be friends" 9+/10
10) Dog Shelter : It starts out sounding rather dark.. but changes to something a bit lighter. It probably has my favorite melody out of any other song. It just flows so nicely and just has something about it.. it's hard to explain. As is most of his music and style and sound in general 8/10
11) Homeless : Yet another ironic title for the way the song sounds. It seems like it would be sad.. at least somewhat or hopeless or something of the like. I can't quite figure out who he samples but I know it's from the song "Who's Loving You". It always sounded to me like a lot of people singing at once and sounded almost tropical or something.. I'm not quite sure why. Regardless, another amazing song. 8+/10
12) UK : This.. to me is another early morning song. It's a really simple beautiful melody mixed with subtle vocal samples. Very simple in it's construction but it just works so well 9/10
13) Raver : Unlike most of the other songs this song has a straight drum pattern of bass, snare, bass, snare, etc. I'm pretty sure there's probably a name for it but I have no clue what it is. This song.. I'm not too fond of. It just sounds too far off of the stuff that I love to hear from him. A bit too fast.. or rushed.. or something of the like. I think it is his choice of drum melody.. but oh well.. it's his music! He can do what he'd like 6+/10

Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

Last edited by CanwllCorfe; 07-21-2009 at 11:54 PM.
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Old 07-22-2009, 12:16 AM   #12 (permalink)
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I've updated all my reviews with a video from youtube.. not sure why I did it sooner haha

Epic trance :


Julian Vincent feat. Cathy Burton - No End (M6 vs. Re:Locate Instrumental)
Label : Soundpiercing
Release : July 13th, 2009

What.. a.. tune. THIS is what epic trance sounds like. The vocal remix was alright.. but when I heard this version I was just numb. The break is so euphoric and is exactly what was being made back in the day.. it just doesn't get old. It just puts you on a cloud and you feel so amazing. The melody is nice and simple too so you can listen to it again and again before it gets old. I was surprised to hear this coming from M6 and Re:Locate when both of them deal with a lot of tech stuff.. and then they make one of the most uplifting songs I've heard in some time. Well.. with an exception for Aly & Fila who continue to make such beautiful stuff despite the amount of electro, house, and minimal influence you hear these days. BACK to the song.. yeah it's amazing and I love it immensely. 8+/10

Tech Trance:

Tigran Oganezov - M.A.D.A.R.P.
Label : WA-X Records
Release : July 13th, 2009
Songs : M.A.D.A.R.P., Fuzzofobia

Fuzzofobia is far too minimal for my liking.. whereas M.A.D.A.R.P. is pure insanity so I shall review that song. To say the least, I had low hopes for Tigran because most of his songs have such a heavy amount of minimal and techno influence that all I get is long drawn out, basic melodies that go nowhere. Unfortunately that's where most tech trance and hard trance is going. Hard/tech trance legends Kamui, A.S.Y.S., Will Atkinson, and also A.S.Y.S. have all started to make minimal/tech house.. but back to Tigran. Some of his songs do tickle my fancy like this one! It's a dark, hard hitting, melodic and damn catchy tune. I loved it the first time I heard it and I still do. Ironically I love the very beginning where the undertone or melody that stays through most of the song gets introduced. It's SO simple yet it's just like a preview of the insanity that's to come. The calm before the storm if you will..oh how I love it. Such a sick song and perfect for either dancing to or blasting in your car 9/10

Unfortunately no one has uploaded this on youtube yet.. so it's still relatively unknown. Quick! Get it while no one knows anything about it.

Tigran Oganezov - MADARP IS OUT NOW ON BEATPORT on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

Oh and if anyone likes something in any of the reviews and wants suggestions or similar songs (or the songs themselves).. message me!
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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Old 07-24-2009, 05:06 PM   #13 (permalink)
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For a supposed open minded forum the lack of love for Electronic music is quite frankly perplexing. Great journal. Keep it up.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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Old 07-28-2009, 10:19 PM   #14 (permalink)
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I know it makes me a sad, sad panda But thanks for the complement! I'll keep it up. It is my duty as an electronic music lover haha

Now for something kinda different albeit fantastic!


B. Fleischmann - The Humbucking Coil
Label : Morr Music
Release : February 10th, 2006
Songs : Broken Monitors, Gain, Composure, First Times, Phones & Machines, Static Grate, From To, Aldebaran Waltz

What an album. This really showed me something I'd never heard before. I found Gain completely on accident.. to tell you the truth I don't even remember how. When I heard it I knew I wanted it and well.. I got it! I adore it so much but I read all kinds of reviews on it and I get such different feelings than what these people describe. They say it's kind of downtempo, laid back, and whatnot. To me almost every song sounds extremely emotional and heartfelt. I don't know if it's just me.. but that's what I get. Especially from Gain and Static Grate.

01) Broken Monitors : Now this song is downtempo. I love the chilled piano and drums mixed with all the subtle melodies that make it feel so full and dynamic but accessible at the same time. Having said that, it's one of my lesser liked songs from the album.. but still enjoyable from time to time 07/10

02) Gain : The song that made me get the album in the first place! When I first saw the video on youtube it only had 6,000 views which instantly made me interested. I'm always drawn to songs with the least amount of views.. because I'm so Alt. I digress.. this song to me is far from downtempo music. It just sounds so depressing and dreary.. but I think it also may just mold to however you're feeling at the time. Fantastic song : 9/10

03) Composure : For some reason this makes me think of the airport. I wish I knew why but it does. It just has the calm feel with an underlying feeling of urgency or eagerness.. which is what I have before a flight. Not that I'm scared of flying but more that I can't wait to get wherever it is that I'm going.. usually Florida. It's a really lovely song though and it makes me think of the late afternoon when nothing is too bad or too good, you're just content. 8/10

04) First Times : This is unfortunately not my kinda thing. It's a bit monotoned and repetitive for my liking. The really loud and brash synth he uses doesn't help either. At a few points I enjoy it but from beginning to end it's just not for me. 6/10

05) Phones and Machines : Yet another gorgeous and simple song that does wonders for me. It's so simple with that weird and quirky clanging and guitar melody mixed with the piano it's just fantastic. It's one of those songs that's perfect for just playing in the background that's really devoid of any succinct emotion.. it's just music. 8+/10

06) Static Grate : To me.. this is one of the saddest songs on the whole album. It just has this really slow, dreary and rundown feeling. Just completely helpless and then it just gets sadder when he adds piano into this song as well. To me it's the soundtrack to a day or week or month that just didn't go right. It may be a tad lugubrious but when I first heard this album I was unhealthily obsessed with depressing music. Not like.. commercial emo or something but stuff like this and Xasthur and Amesoeurs and other things of that sort. I don't know why.. I still don't.. but I was. 9+/10

07) From To : This song is a bit.. I don't know. I saw the video and it just reminded me of indie music that was too indie. Just like it was trying too hard or something.. it's difficult to explain. Like it's just Electro Indie Pop with lyrics about birds.. it just seemed too familiar. 6/10

08) Aldebaran Waltz : Yet another song that at least I think sounds sad. The pauses he does sound and work so well. It reminds me of a job I came home from up in a place called Greentown. It's home to the highest point in the Poconos and every time we were there it'd be freezing and/or snowing. It was so miserable and the one time we get a day done, this is the song I listen to. It does sound sad.. but it also sounds somewhat hopeful. One of my favorite tracks from the album 8+/10

This version isn't the one off of this album but a vocal mix for his newest release "Angst is not a Weltanschauung" :

Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

Last edited by CanwllCorfe; 07-29-2009 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:11 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe View Post
Sorry! I've been busy. I'll update with something amazing


Burial - Untrue
Label : Hyperdub
Release : November 5th, 2007
Songs : Untitled, Archangel, Near Dark, Ghost Hardware, Endorphin, Etched Headplate, In McDonalds, Untrue, Shell Of Light, Dog Shelter, Homeless, UK

What an amazing.. and somewhat unusual album. Not necessarily unusual but it's unlike anything I've ever heard. After I'd bought it and listened.. I tried other Dubstep on for size but nothing else is like it. It's melodic, haunting, beautiful, progressive, and just unforgettable. After I had heard Archangel on Youtube, I knew he was something else. I bought this CD the instant I had saw it at my FYE. I've never done that.. ever. I listened to it from beginning to end and intently.. which is also something I never do. I usually pop it into the CD player and let it play while I'm doing whatever but I just layed down on my bed and listened to the whole thing. Song to song and I was just so happy I had this in my possession. I almost always end up liking a CD for a day or two.. and then never listen to it again. This was just so different and amazing and universal for however I was feeling and whenever I was listening to it. It was just a soundtrack to any and every day. I cannot wait for his next album. I don't know if he plans on making any but I know he's doing a lot of remixes. He's an amazing artist and you need to look him up

01) Untitled : Well.. it's more or less an intro but like his other music it's so obscure and just works.
02) Archangel : One of my favorites from the album.. but also one of the most accessible. This one was different, at least to me, from the rest of the songs. It made me think of a rainy night in the city.. just very dark and haunting. 9+/10
03) Near Dark : This one is really quite beautiful to me, although the lyrics seem a tad freaky "I can't take my eyes off you". 8/10
04) Ghost Hardware : One of the real beauties on the release. Superb oneiric vocals mixed with a really simple bass melody and a rather catchy drum beat. 9+/10
05) Endorphin : The first of 4 songs that don't have any percussion (excluding the intro). With vocals and pads this beautiful I think they'd ruin it anyway. 9/10
06) Etched Headplate : This one is quite good.. but may be a bit too accessible for me. It's nice and the vocals are really catchy and work too well but I enjoy his heavy doses of obscurity and this one seems too out in the open.. if you will. I quite like the violin-esque sample he adds every now and then.. and that weird deep bellowing almost demonic sounding laughter (at least what it sounds like [3:07, 3:22, 5:12]). Quite ironic since he's sampling a song called Angel. 7/10
07) In McDonald's : The second of the four mentioned earlier.. and even more beautiful. How ironic, considering the song title. It reminds me of the countless days of going there for early breakfast with my dad. It just has that really slow, bright feeling. 8+/10
08) Untrue : The title song.. and also the longest! This one may be a bit too progressive for me.. I like the vocals and the drum beat and the subtle melodies and whatnot. It just seems like it takes longer to build dynamic than the other songs.. but still fantastic nonetheless. 8/10
09) Shell of Light : Unfortunately.. ever since I heard the last minute and a half of this song I rarely listen to the first 3. The video on youtube has quite a few comments saying things like "it should be in its own song" and such.. and I completely agree. It's probably the most heartwrenching and beautiful section of any song in the whole album. "God, could you whisper in her ear that I wasn't sure we could be friends" 9+/10
10) Dog Shelter : It starts out sounding rather dark.. but changes to something a bit lighter. It probably has my favorite melody out of any other song. It just flows so nicely and just has something about it.. it's hard to explain. As is most of his music and style and sound in general 8/10
11) Homeless : Yet another ironic title for the way the song sounds. It seems like it would be sad.. at least somewhat or hopeless or something of the like. I can't quite figure out who he samples but I know it's from the song "Who's Loving You". It always sounded to me like a lot of people singing at once and sounded almost tropical or something.. I'm not quite sure why. Regardless, another amazing song. 8+/10
12) UK : This.. to me is another early morning song. It's a really simple beautiful melody mixed with subtle vocal samples. Very simple in it's construction but it just works so well 9/10
13) Raver : Unlike most of the other songs this song has a straight drum pattern of bass, snare, bass, snare, etc. I'm pretty sure there's probably a name for it but I have no clue what it is. This song.. I'm not too fond of. It just sounds too far off of the stuff that I love to hear from him. A bit too fast.. or rushed.. or something of the like. I think it is his choice of drum melody.. but oh well.. it's his music! He can do what he'd like 6+/10

I was 'lucky' enough to discover this on my computer recently, must have downloaded it months ago without giving it a try. Ridiculously top album

Keep up the gw. Our tastes don't match up exactly, but for the most part I am liking what I am seeing.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:50 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Yes, great review of Untrue. I had a really similar experience with the album -- it's appeal surprised me. At first listen I figured it would be something I might put on while doing other things but instead it became the thing I listened to the most for a long time. The whole way through day after day. Also, I agree about that vocal sample in Near Dark. The song is so full of love and depth but then the "I can't take my eyes off you" sample gets its pitch and speed changed so much that it ends up sounding creepy and menacing.
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Old 07-29-2009, 11:46 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zarko View Post
I was 'lucky' enough to discover this on my computer recently, must have downloaded it months ago without giving it a try. Ridiculously top album

Keep up the gw. Our tastes don't match up exactly, but for the most part I am liking what I am seeing.
Yeah my tastes are quite.. different from most people haha, thanks though!

Originally Posted by Engine View Post
Yes, great review of Untrue. I had a really similar experience with the album -- it's appeal surprised me. At first listen I figured it would be something I might put on while doing other things but instead it became the thing I listened to the most for a long time. The whole way through day after day. Also, I agree about that vocal sample in Near Dark. The song is so full of love and depth but then the "I can't take my eyes off you" sample gets its pitch and speed changed so much that it ends up sounding creepy and menacing.
Thanks Yes that's what I was getting at. It really made me uncomfortable when I first heard it cause I was in a dark room with a lot of windows hahaa. But yeah he's such an amazing artist. I know he's considered Dubstep, but he's so much more. I really hope he has a new album in the making
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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Old 08-02-2009, 11:13 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
For a supposed open minded forum the lack of love for Electronic music is quite frankly perplexing. Great journal. Keep it up.
^ Seconded.

How did I miss this? Although I'm more specifically into progressive house and trance, dark ambient, big beat, trip-hop and jungle than a lot of electronica, an all-encompassing thread like this has been just the kind I've been waiting for to pop up around here. Some good shouts you've given here - already given me a few names to look out for. I'll check out your corresponding mix soon too.
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Old 08-03-2009, 01:09 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
For a supposed open minded forum the lack of love for Electronic music is quite frankly perplexing. Great journal. Keep it up.
I love a ton of electronic, just happens that most of the stuff posted here so far doesn't appeal to me. I pretty much hate trance, particularly mainstream vocal trance. So there's that. And while I don't hate the rest, most of it is very rave-oriented and those days are far behind me, and some is very mainstream at that. I tend to prefer head music over body music. That’s not to say I don’t like a good beat or a dancy song once in a while, I just like it twisted, distorted, abstract, with a degree of difficulty. The hard-style isn’t for me either. I still really like house music (garage, deep, soulful, jazz, tech, disco, and even some hard house) even though I don’t listen to it much anymore, but again, the mainstream stuff does nothing for me. I also enjoy some breaks once in a while, as well as a bit of 2-step/UK Garage. But for the most part my electronic listening is centered around the many styles commonly placed under the IDM umbrella, and trip-hop.

The Plugg'd track was decent. I also liked the fuzzy bass in the R.I.O. track but dislike just about everything else about it. And again, the rest is trance and I mostly hated it even when I was into clubbing/raving and don't feel any better about it now. I may have danced to it a few times while on E but I had to have my house music to be happy.

Now as for Burial…I have to admit that the hype surrounding this album has been a deterrent. A coworker had me check out his first album a few years ago, and I thought it was decent. But overall I found it too spacey and a bit boring. That first track is basically just a build-up, and I don’t like the vocal samples. I’m not really sure about the second track, it also feels like a build up and there’s not much there. I think that was basically my impression of the first album when I heard it, it all felt like it was building up to something but never got there. I do hear a good amount of 2-step in these tracks. I find the third track more interesting than the first two, but still don’t really care for the vocal samples and it also seems a bit directionless…like it’s just coasting. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I sure as hell don’t want all songs or artists to be the same. I’m just not feeling it much.

B. Fleischmann is an artist that probably appeals to me more, but I’ve yet to check out any of his albums. I’m sampling the videos, hmm is that Lou Reed vocals on the first track? Pretty decent, it definitely doesn’t offend me. I could chill to it and probably enjoy it, but it also doesn’t make me want to run out and pick it up. Second track now…oh so this is B. Fleischmann singing I guess? I always thought he was more of an instrumental artist. I’m not too big on most male vocals with electronic music, but again it doesn’t offend me or anything. I feel very neutral about it.

So please don't take any offense to my comments, I mainly just posted as a response to Jackhammer saying that there was no interest in electronic. I happen to love electronic music and it probably makes up about 50% of my listening, I just don't care for this type of electronic. But I'll keep an eye on the thread to see what other stuff you end up posting, as evidenced by the B. Fleischmann post, it's not all trance.
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Old 08-03-2009, 09:03 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Yeah I'm a big trancehead I've been getting out of it recently although I still enjoy it. I was afraid it was dying out.. but it's more or less just getting pushed aside by house and techno. Epic trance has lost it's popularity to house and things of the like, tech trance has gotten taken over and instead of using techno influence.. it's practically pure techno, and hardstyle has gone to nu style. So I've been trying to stick with the times but I'm kind of a traditionalist. I love electro and electro house which for me, has pretty much taken over my love for tech trance seeing as how it isn't what it used to be.

I'll definitely be picking out some different stuff for the next reviews to balance everything out
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