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Old 02-07-2012, 02:44 AM   #101 (permalink)
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I'm not sure that I listen to music to relax, I want to engage with it. Maybe it would be better sometimes to just relax, but I think some people can just like music just as background which I think goes against the purpose of most of the best music. Good music deserves some concentration, but as with anything it takes practice I think. Similarly it can take time to get into a genre, but some patience is needed. Most people are definitely more used to the 3/4 minute song as well, so something longer than that takes some getting used to. And most of us are very busy in this time as well with lots of different things we can engage in.

I'm the oppposite as far as my likes. If I really like something I think it's rare that I go off it. Yet I also have a desire to hear new things all the time as well. The problem now is that because I find new things I like all the time I never really get to obsess over them and enjoy them to the fullest like I probably did in the past. But I suppose that some time in the future I will have the time to do that.
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Old 02-07-2012, 06:54 PM   #102 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by starrynight View Post
I'm not sure that I listen to music to relax, I want to engage with it. Maybe it would be better sometimes to just relax, but I think some people can just like music just as background which I think goes against the purpose of most of the best music. Good music deserves some concentration, but as with anything it takes practice I think. Similarly it can take time to get into a genre, but some patience is needed. Most people are definitely more used to the 3/4 minute song as well, so something longer than that takes some getting used to. And most of us are very busy in this time as well with lots of different things we can engage in.
Yeah I think my ADHD may play a factor. I'll either be inattentive and have it playing and zone out, not realizing it's on, or hyperfocus on it and block everything else that's happening out. It's like the two extremes! It depends on the genre though. For ones that are really intense and have a lot going on, like Black Metal and Hardstyle and such, there's no way I could have them as background music. But then progressive genres, Ambient, and some of the more simpler and softer Modern Classical tracks will usually lull me into an inattentive state.

Originally Posted by starrynight View Post
I'm the oppposite as far as my likes. If I really like something I think it's rare that I go off it. Yet I also have a desire to hear new things all the time as well. The problem now is that because I find new things I like all the time I never really get to obsess over them and enjoy them to the fullest like I probably did in the past. But I suppose that some time in the future I will have the time to do that.
Yeah I'm not sure what's up with me when it comes to that. I know I'm in the minority, so I guess I'll just chalk it up to being abnormal.
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Old 02-07-2012, 08:26 PM   #103 (permalink)
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I'm with you on the ADHD. I'll devote a week to one genre then forget about the stuff for months on end before going back to it. As for being inattentive on some genres, stuff like ambient, is, by name, really supposed to be background noise in my opinion. Some genres just seem to be designed as that.
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Old 02-08-2012, 02:15 AM   #104 (permalink)
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I don't think ambient, new age or more minimalist music has to be background at all. In fact if I find it good I want to pay attention.

But I suppose as long as you get something out the music it doesn't really matter how you listen. Luckily there is enough interesting music to last several lifetimes so you'll never run out of it anyway.
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Old 03-14-2013, 04:29 PM   #105 (permalink)
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BUMP. I was apprehensive about doing this again because of how long I change everything around. I think now I'm just going to write whatever I want. Fuck authority and the government. 4edgy5u.

Today I will talk about an interesting amalgamation that's been taking place the last year or so. I don't know to explain it. I'd say it's a bit Tribal/Dutch House with some Electro mixed in. I LOVE the larger than life/anthemic sound. It sounds almost like you need to play it on big speakers. Actually, you should. The first time I heard Voodoo on the computer, I was thinking there was no kickdrum with the main melody. Why... why would you do that? The peak of the song after the drop and there's no... kickdrum? Then I played it in my car... and realized that there were subs that my computer speakers couldn't even pick up.

Here's some other gems for you and your sad life:

I wish there was more music and change happening elsewhere in EDM. Like, maybe, I don't know, TRANCE. I swear to you, it's like we went back to 2005 with all the Tech coming out. Now it's all Tech and "Trouse". Trouse was a neat novelty when it first came out, and there are some neat tracks coming out every now and again, but I think Arty's early stuff is about as good as it's gonna get. Then again I'm sure this style will grow old in no time flat, but I'm biased towards this style. I'm still bitter about the downfall of Dutch's syncopated style to the more conventional 4 x 4 pattern.



What the hell man. What the hell. Well anywho, I'm off to ponder about something or nothing. I think my next entry will probably be about DSBM or maybe stuff from around the world.
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Old 04-13-2013, 05:33 PM   #106 (permalink)
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That... "thing".

Yet again I've come to hear that tone, note, oten, enot, musical "thing" that I get from a lot of my favorite songs, or songs I like in general.

On the contrary, sometimes there will be songs with a "thing" that make me hate it. It could be seen as a masterpiece, but I'd still hate it. Here's an example (not a masterpiece or anything, it's just a good example of a song I despise for nothing more than the feeling of it):

I don't know what it is. The lyrics, the instruments, the musicianship, etc. It means nothing to me. If I like the tone or feeling or "thing" I'll like it. If it doesn't, I won't. Or if it has something on the opposite end of the spectrum and actually has some "thing" I don't like.

I find that a lot of EDM is completely neutral, except for genres where a lot of atmosphere or some kind of feeling is put in. The two that come to mind are Trance and Progressive House. This is an example of Trance with that tone/feeling I hate:

One that I love:

It's a bit annoying to think that no matter how good a song is to other people, I could still hate it for some undefinable reason that's actually quite specific. I just don't have the slightest idea of what it is.

"Thing"s man. How do they work?
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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Old 05-10-2013, 08:04 PM   #107 (permalink)
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The Beginning

Back before I had a say in what I was listening to, all I had was the radio. Being a little kid, I lacked the seniority to choose and the knowledge on how to use it. I do remember liking certain songs though. These just being a few of them.

Spoiler for Old shiz:

The other big influence was what my brothers listened to. For whatever reason, I don't really recall what my older brother liked. I assume he shared a lot of taste with my younger brother, or vice versa. I enjoyed most of it as well, but not all of it (I don't think I was too keen on Nirvana). It was primarily made up of stuff like Deftones, Counting Crows, Korn, Dave Matthews Band, Green Day, 2Pac, and Snoop Dogg.

Developing Taste

The first sort of "separation" from what I was brought up with was my fondness for Native American music. Funnily enough, what I was buying was actually New Age music created by Germans.

Despite this, I actually do recall liking New Age as well, though at the time I had no idea what it was called. Enigma - The Return of Innocence is one track that definitely comes to mind. I remember also looking forward to the Pure Moods commercials.

To this day I still thoroughly enjoy Native American music, but finding real stuff online is tricky. Either it's an album of short, badly recorded songs from Pow-wows, or having to buy full on CDs for $15 + shipping. Without previews, that's a scary proposition. It probably wouldn't be if I wasn't poor.

Nowadays I have an affinity for most world folk music. I have a particular proclivity for African choir music, Bulgarian choir music, throat singing, and monk chanting. You know, the usual. Of course, this is just a small sampling. There's tons of stuff I like that falls outside of this, like the few Raï albums I have, Bhangra, Kapela ze wsi Warszawa, etc. The list goes on and on man. On and on. Man.

Getting Darker

Around the late 90s my brother had bought a Rage Against the Machine album. I had heard some aggressive stuff prior to that, but for some reason it struck a chord with me. From that point I started developing a like for aggressive music. My first purchase was actually Mudvayne's L.D. 50. I almost bought a Slipknot C.D., but I never got into them. I listened to it a LOT. I loved the fact that it was aggressive, but then some songs had light passages as well, like -1. Headbangers Ball on MTV 2 had opened up my eyes to what else was out there Metal-wise.

I don't know how, but that first episode I watched was filled with songs I ended up liking. It actually made me want to keep watching it in vain, just to hear those songs again. Funnily enough, I don't really remember liking any other songs from any of the other episodes. There was one song that struck me in particular though. It was the last one played.

Naturally I would go out and by Unhallowed immediately. It my first foray into "extreme" metal. The aggression and speed were so perfect. I loved it. Soon after this I would get into Rammstein (I remembered Du Hast from when I was a kid). One fateful day, I would bring Rosenrot into school. My friend said that Rammstein had started getting into Black Metal (in hindsight I realize how much bullshit that is). Hm... Black Metal? What's that? Well, needless to say, I was hooked. And not even with normal Black Metal, but DSBM, Blackened Death Metal, etc. Go Satan lol.

Techno Tim

My earliest memories of Techno were hearing small bits of it on the radio. Strangely, my dad's girlfriend seemed to listen to it a lot. At the time I didn't think much of it, but I don't know of many 40 year olds that listen to Electronic music. Well, not here in the U.S. of course.

The songs from that era were quite popular so I'm sure you're all quite familiar with them. What is Love?, Mr. Vain, This is Your Night, Where Do You Go (My Lovely)? I Wanna Know My Lovely By The 90s Hit Group No Mercy, Rhythm of the Night, Be My Lover, Rhythm is a Dancer, Better Off Alone, etc. The first one that made any impact on me was Blue Da Ba Dee. My sister even bought the cassette! :O

On Saturday Nights my dad would take us to the mall. On awesome nights he would take us to Lehigh, which is further away, but it's also bigger. Those nights we'd put on 106.9 and listen to all of the Techno they'd play. After hearing stuff on the radio, my sister decided to buy the Trance Classics CD (on the Moonshine label). If you're wondering why she did most of the buying, she's older than me, so she had that kind of power in the world.

With that CD it changed everything. We knew exactly what we liked. Once we got internet, forget about it. We made mix CDs all the damn time with whatever we could find. To this day I check up new Electronic releases online. Usually every other day, sometimes a few days in a row, or sometimes only once a week. It allllll depends.

Evolution of my Electronic Tastes

For quite awhile, I stuck to Trance. I had figured that's all there was, and then all that other weird stuff I'd download on accident. The first kind of stuff I heard and enjoyed that wasn't Trance, was Hardstyle. I only liked a select few tracks though, this being one of them.

When Tech Trance came out, I hated it. Hated it. They had those nice breaks I loved in MY Trance (Uplifting/Epic), but the melodies weren't nice at all! They were distorted and dark. No thank you. Slowly but surely I would develop a taste for it, but only for a small number of tracks (same story with Hardstyle), like Tiesto - Traffic.

In 11th grade metal shop class, my teacher loved Techno. He was in his 50s too, so that was awesome. This one kid always complained about it... until he heard Traffic. He asked me to keep playing that song. I converted him in a short period of time. Knowing what he liked, I gave him a mix CD of Tech Trance. I enjoyed doing it, but I hated the stuff I put on there. He, of course, loved it. One day he even asked to borrow my MP3 player to listen to it all. Now we're close friends and is just as into it as I am. He, like me, wants to DJ it.

Now, to abbreviate the further progression:

A few years after that conversion, we started getting into this weird stuff called Electro House. A song called Christopher Francis - Crystals in the Heaven (Electro VIP Mix) would be the first song I downloaded. Shortly after that came the creation of Trash Electro, which is far more aggressive, distorted, and awesome.

In around 2010 or so, we got into this Dubstep stuff. The first song being Bar 9 - Piano Tune. We enjoyed this guy named Skrillex, as well as random other tracks, like Richie August - Side 2 Side, Baconhead - Wookie, Kanedubstep & Budzak - Jabba, etc. After hearing a lot about "true" Dubstep, I would look into an artist called Burial. Holy. ****. The next time I found myself in an FYE I purchased Untrue and fell in love. Now, as for Pop Dubstep, I would grow to not like it so much, but I think Johnny still has a fondness for it.

In 2011 I was trying to broaden my horizons as much as possible, so when someone posted a Techno mix on Basenotes, I decided to check it out. Not so much piqued my interest, but out of nowhere I heard some insanely heavy kickdrums. I thought that was just in Hardstyle? The track was Tommy Four Seven's Sor.

It took some getting used to. There was no breaks, there was no real "melodies", at least what I think of as melodies, so at first I wasn't too keen on it. Little by little though, I would find myself listening to it more and more. Now I think it's one of my favorite Electronic genres, and is one I check up on more than any other.

So, this gives some insight to how I got to where I am now. There was quite a bit of discovery in 2011, but it all happened the same way. Like The Tallest Man on Earth, for example. I saw the album cover, thought it was interesting, downloaded it, enjoyed it. Same story for Sigur Ros - Takk, Hammock - Kenotic, and Arms & Sleepers - Warm. I found Modern Classical in that era too, thanks to Richard Skelton.

Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

Last edited by CanwllCorfe; 05-11-2013 at 12:09 PM.
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Old 05-11-2013, 07:03 PM   #108 (permalink)
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Considering how long you've been away, this is a bloody amazing entry! One man's developing musical tastes in a single entry! Amazing stuff. If you have no objection I'd like to use this as this weekend's Showcase on the Journals Update Thread. Totally bravo, man! Totally! I pretty much hate/have no interest in ninety percent of the music you wrote about here, but that doesn't matter: a good entry is a good entry regardless of the content. Excellent stuff.

Welcome back!
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Old 05-12-2013, 12:51 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Nice entry. It's always interesting to look back and see how our musical tastes have changed and expanded over time. Oddly enough that Talking Heads song was a big part of my high school experience since I played it every morning while getting ready for school.
Fame, fortune, power, titties. People say these are the most crucial things in life, but you can have a pocket full o' gold and it doesn't mean sh*t if you don't have someone to share that gold with. Seems simple. Yet it's an important lesson to learn. Even lone wolves run in packs sometimes.

Originally Posted by RoxyRollah View Post
IMO I don't know jack-**** though so don't listen to me.
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Old 05-12-2013, 11:23 AM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Considering how long you've been away, this is a bloody amazing entry! One man's developing musical tastes in a single entry! Amazing stuff. If you have no objection I'd like to use this as this weekend's Showcase on the Journals Update Thread. Totally bravo, man! Totally! I pretty much hate/have no interest in ninety percent of the music you wrote about here, but that doesn't matter: a good entry is a good entry regardless of the content. Excellent stuff.

Welcome back!
Thank you!

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
Nice entry. It's always interesting to look back and see how our musical tastes have changed and expanded over time. Oddly enough that Talking Heads song was a big part of my high school experience since I played it every morning while getting ready for school.
I agree. I figured it'd be an interesting entry, considering how varied my taste in music is. Yesterday I looked into getting some Bhangra and Qawwali. I don't know what informs what I enjoy anymore. It's all messed up.
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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