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Roemilca 02-09-2009 06:46 PM

My Weekly Top Ten Albums
Alright, so this should be interesting to do. If I'm doing this wrong, or if it's in the wrong place, please just tell me. Anyways, on to business...

I think I should start with last week's top ten, seeing as it's Monday.

Week Of February 2, 2009

From First To Last - Heroine
Alright, so last week was a pretty depressing week for me. I broke up with my girlfriend who went to a mental hospital later that week, two good friends of mine died in a car crash. I felt that I needed to listen to angry, rage music, and that's when I starting actually listening to this album. Departing from From First To Last's more calmed down Dear Diary, My Teenage Angst Has A Body Count's post-hardcore with some punk rock, and even shoegaze influenced album, and removing the screaming vocals, this album constantly has a static going on in the background to set a pretty tense sound. Then they add distorted, heavy guitars, a bass that will blast your ears off, and actually whiny vocals, but it sounds more like the lead singer's extremely mad at someone the whole time, and he's pretty much singing it at their face. It can get pretty repetitive halfway through the album, but it's rather short, so it isn't a problem getting through it.

Pink Floyd - Pulse
One of the few albums that I haven't actually bought or downloaded yet, I only have a few songs from it, yet I've been pretty content listening to what I do have of it. I'm not sure if this is a live album or if the songs I have just happen to be live and they're incorrectly labeled, but it sounds great either way. This has quickly become one of my favorite Pink Floyd albums (nothing beats WYWH or Piper for me), and the version of Shine On You Crazy Diamond I find much better, more epic, than the one on Wish You Were Here. I've been listening to a lot of prog rock lately, but this is definatelly one of the better albums. I'm surprised that I'm giving it such a low spot on the top ten, but I guess it's just because there were new albums that caught my attention, and I guess I just needed another type of music to give me a better mood this past week.

eating.seats - Secrets About September
Another great prog rock album, they're shaped around the style of, ooh guess who, Pink Floyd. They have a signature style, though, and they really know how to make you want to sit down and listen to the entire length of their songs, because like most progressive bands, they tend to have long songs (around ten-twelve minutes).

Guybrush 02-10-2009 03:25 PM

Pulse is indeed a 2CD-live album (and also available as a concert video). I got it when it was new and it had a nice, red, little pulsing light on the spine. Despite not being a big fan of live albums, Pulse is really good. The songs are a bit of a mix. Cd1 starts off with Shine on You Crazy Diamond and has quite a few post-Waters songs on it. The second album starts with a run through the Dark Side of the Moon which is absolutely fantastic live and there's also a very nice version of Wish You Were Here.

I would recommend it to all who like Pink Floyd.

Also, nice to see another journal I can check up on. Congrats and good luck! :)

Roemilca 02-10-2009 03:54 PM

Armor For Sleep - What To Do When You Are Dead
Although nothing special, it had been a while since I had listened to this album, so when I found it last week, of course the first thing I did was put it in my computer and listen through it. I'm not sure if this is on my top ten for last week because I just missed this album and it brought back memories from (try not to laugh) three years ago, or because it's an enjoyable album. Either way, it's a great listen, good, solid post-hardcore/punk that's more on the alternative side.

Rendezvous With The Kidnappers - Alabastard (Single)
Although this isn't anywhere near a complete album (one song), it has been the single most addicting song I heard all past week. Progressive rock/experimental, these guys sound like The Sound Of Animals Fighting. I'm still finding it hard to believe that it is possible for five minutes to go buy as fast as they do when playing this song (I feel guilty for putting it in a 'top ten album' thread now).

Four Year Strong - Rise Or Die Trying
BAM, and the album is set and going. I'm not really sure what this would fall under, I guess it's like a mix of electronica with post-hardcore, punk, and pop-punk. Anyways, whatever it is, they're good at making it. This album starts hitting the ground and running, and doesn't slow down until it reaches the end, and even then, it ends when you least want it to. Great stuff, I'm glad I found out about these guys.

jackhammer 02-11-2009 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Roemilca (Post 593393)
Alright, so this should be interesting to do. If I'm doing this wrong, or if it's in the wrong place, please just tell me. Anyways, on to business...

I think I should start with last week's top ten, seeing as it's Monday.8.
eating.seats - Secrets About September
Another great prog rock album, they're shaped around the style of, ooh guess who, Pink Floyd. They have a signature style, though, and they really know how to make you want to sit down and listen to the entire length of their songs, because like most progressive bands, they tend to have long songs (around ten-twelve minutes).

I would be very interested in hearing this. Any links?

kthedrummer 02-11-2009 08:02 AM

Pink Floyd Pulse is all live and has a complete Dark Side on it as well as kicking off with a great version of Astronomy Domine...If I knew how to send it to you I would...but I haven't figured out how to do that yet...It came out in 1995 or late 94....great record.

TheBig3 02-11-2009 08:02 AM

So I didn't actually read this blog yet, though I intend to, but I did feel obligated to ask (since I haven't read it) if you intended it to say...

"Ton Ten Albums" or if it shoudl be "Top Ten Albums"?

Trollheart 02-11-2009 11:12 AM

Echo the comments of others here --- nice to see a new, potentially interesting journal we can all check in on, and, perhaps, contribute to occasionally. Looks like you're going for the coveted crown of Jackhammer Junior with that eclectic taste, there! Not a bad thing to aim for, at all...
FYI, for anyone who doesn't know, Waters does a great version of DSOTM on his "In the flesh" double live CD, and it also features most of his back catalogue as well as a lot more Floyd music he was involved in, like "Set the controls", "Pigs on the wing" and "WSYW" as well as a great version of "Dogs". Well worth a listen.
(Anyone wants it upped, let me know...)

Roemilca 02-11-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 594508)
So I didn't actually read this blog yet, though I intend to, but I did feel obligated to ask (since I haven't read it) if you intended it to say...

"Ton Ten Albums" or if it shoudl be "Top Ten Albums"?

"Top Ten Albums". I'll see if I can fix it.


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 594469)
I would be very interested in hearing this. Any links?

It's available for free download on the band's website.

jackhammer 02-11-2009 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Roemilca (Post 594597)
"Top Ten Albums". I'll see if I can fix it.

It's available for free download on the band's website.

Many thanks for the link and I have fixed the thread title.

Roemilca 02-11-2009 01:40 PM

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
This is the reason Pulse was so low on the list. As good as Pulse may be, it doesn't carry the intensity that WYWH carries, and the two-part Shine On You Crazy Diamond is just incredible. It's my favorite Pink Floyd album, by the way.

Anthony Green - Avalon
Happy music was the better stuff of the week for me, it really helped me get over everything that happened. Although this album feels a bit melancholy at times, it is overall a happy album. Great acoustic stuff, completely different from Saosin or Circa Survive.

The Sound Of Animals Fighting - The Ocean And The Sun
An amazing experimental prog rock project, too bad that this was their last album. Features members from Finch, Circa Survive, and RX Bandits, just to name some.

Nevershoutnever! - The YIPPEE EP
So later during the week, I found out that listening to angry music wasn't going to make me feel better. That's where this album came in. Catchy as ****, and just really happy, upbeat acoustic/electronica music.

New top ten on Saturday!

Rainard Jalen 02-12-2009 01:31 PM

You listen to as many as 10 previously unheard albums a week? Sccarrry...

Roemilca 02-12-2009 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 595308)
You listen to as many as 10 previously unheard albums a week? Sccarrry...

Not all of these were previously unheard, some were just on my top ten (Heroine, The YIPPEE EP, etc.)

But yes, I'll usually listen to around 5-7 previously unheard albums during a good week.

Alfred 02-12-2009 09:02 PM

Very nice, I will be looking into some of this.

Rainard Jalen 02-13-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Roemilca (Post 595502)
Not all of these were previously unheard, some were just on my top ten (Heroine, The YIPPEE EP, etc.)

But yes, I'll usually listen to around 5-7 previously unheard albums during a good week.

I envy you.

Guybrush 02-13-2009 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 595665)
I envy you.

What .. can't you listen to new music?

Roemilca 02-14-2009 11:29 PM

I'm moving to a new house, so if I don't finish putting up my top ten this weekend, that's why.

Week of February 9

Blink-182 - Take Off Your Pants & Jacket
Ah, blink-182 brings back memories of when I was a kid. Which is kind of scary seeing as how explicit their lyrics were for a little kid to be listening to. Happy, upbeat album, slows down towards the end, has sentimental songs. This is where blink-182 turned to everyone and told them they could make sentimental, heartfelt mature songs.

Armor For Sleep - The Way Out Is Broken EP
These guys were in last week's top ten also, but this album is so different from the other album that I can't compare them to one another. This one is happy, pop-punk/rock, and just happy music. There's not a single sad or slow track on this EP, which is unlike Armor For Sleep. Good uke-like song (Know What You Have). Great stuff.

The Secret Cancer - We're So Lost...
Indie/electronica project, at least I'm pretty sure it's a project and not a band. Either way, so fucking catchy, can't help but singing along. He doesn't go over the top with all the electronica fx, it's pretty damn good. Funniest thing is that he has zero plays scrobbled on the page, no picture up, nothing. Apparently he wants everyone to spread the album around, so if anyone here wants the music... ;)

jackhammer 02-16-2009 05:38 AM

The eating.seats album is bloody good. anyone into Floyd and mellow Porcupine Tree, Riverside will love it. You can download it from their website for free too.

Alfred 02-16-2009 10:27 AM

I listened to it, but I'll probably have to listen again to get the full effect.

Roemilca 02-28-2009 12:31 PM

Sorry, still haven't gotten my computer up. I'm using a library computer right now. Anyways, I'm thinking of making a top 25 to make up for the weeks I haven't done and the week I get my computer up and running again.

Roemilca 03-07-2009 10:31 AM

Sorry for all the emptiness on this music journal. Alright, here it is, Top 25 Albums.

Weeks of February 15 - March 15

Above The Sky - Demos
Okay, so I'll admit that this is MY project, but still. I think it's actually pretty catchy. I put FR3$HHMANN up on myspace, you can check it out there if you want to.

Rendezvous With The Kidnappers - Turbulencia
Think The Sound Of Animals Fighting's Tiger & The Duke and The Ocean & The Sun put together. This would be their beautiful-little-sexy-baby-hell-of-an-album. Name says it all. It's violent, progressive, and just plain amazing. Fans of TSOAF and other experimental projects will love this.

What Happened In Vegas - Promo CD
Pop-punk band that used to be progressive post-hardcore? Anyways, like this cd, but I like their earlier stuff like We'd Look Stunning and Attention Attention.

Various Artists - Glitch Village Vol. 2
Fun stuff. Minimalist, bitpop, etc.

The OK Corral - Promo CD
Pop-punk at it's best. Definitely an under-appreciated band. The promo cd is up for free download on their myspace.

Nevershoutnever! - The Yippee EP
It's already been on my top albums before, but this is some seriously catchy stuff.

The Sound Of Animals Fighting - The Ocean And The Sun
I'm sorry, this album just never gets old.

Mercy Of The Fall - Dear Diamond Princess EP, MOTF EP
Chelsea Grin - Chelsea Grin EP
Miss May I - Miss May I EP, Demos 2008

To each their own, right? Well I'm a fan of metal/deathcore, and these are pretty much some of my favorite bands of that genre, so top four, here you go.

Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist
I don't even know why.

Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Great album. The first DCfC album that I've gotten and listened to, actually. Not sure what the old stuff is like, but I'm willing to give it a listen.

Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
I was holding a grudge against this album for the past two years, and I don't even remember why. I picked it up from my local library to give it a listen and return it, but I think I might up buying it from them. Amazing from start to finish.


gotjuice 03-07-2009 04:44 PM

I didn't really like Narrow Stairs, didn't click with me except for a few songs.

If you haven't heard anything else by them, I'd recommend Transatlanticism.

Roemilca 03-10-2009 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by gotjuice (Post 609278)
I didn't really like Narrow Stairs, didn't click with me except for a few songs.

If you haven't heard anything else by them, I'd recommend Transatlanticism.

I heard one song from Plans, and a few songs from We Have The Facts, And We're Voting Yes.

Roemilca 03-15-2009 02:14 PM

3/15/09- Updated Top 25.
Don't think I stopped working on my journal just because there's no posts. This top 25 special is just taking longer then I wanted it to.

Top 25 special on Page 2.

Roemilca 03-23-2009 05:44 PM

Weeks Of March 16 & March 23, 2009

Radiohead - In Rainbows
Fifteen steps, then a sheer drop. By far my favorite Radiohead album, followed by Amnesiac.

Hey Monday - Hold On Tight
Paramore rip-offs, pretty much, but SO catchy. SO catchy, that they're going on this

Hellogoodbye - Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!
Remind me again why this guy has a full band now? He is so much better in this album than in his new EP.

Husky McDump 03-24-2009 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Roemilca (Post 620831)
Week Of March 16, 2009

Radiohead - In Rainbows
Fifteen steps, then a sheer drop. By far my favorite Radiohead album, followed by Amnesiac.

Have to go, i'll update later.

In Rainbows is a great album, great choice!


Roemilca 03-27-2009 02:50 PM

Attack Attack! - Someday Came Suddenly
Catchy post-hardcore/electronica album. Something you can actually dance to haha.

Modest Mouse - The Moon & Antarctica
A classic for any fan of Modest Mouse or the indie genre in general.

Nobodys Hero - This Is Who We Are
Decent post-hardcore. Been there, done before, but still good. What I can't believe is that they're not signed by a label.

Roemilca 04-10-2009 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by gotjuice (Post 609278)
I didn't really like Narrow Stairs, didn't click with me except for a few songs.

If you haven't heard anything else by them, I'd recommend Transatlanticism.

Now that I've heard other albums by them, I have to agree with you. Right now, here's the order of best to least favorite DCfC albums. This is just a little side-post, I'm not turning this journal into something else, and this is just my personal opinion. I haven't even heard all of their albums, or all of the songs on some of these albums, so keep that in mind.

Narrow Stairs
Forbidden Love
You Can Play These Songs With Chords
We Have The Facts, And We're Voting Yes
Something About Airplanes

Roemilca 07-03-2009 12:06 AM

Oh wow, I had completely forgotten about this. Well, here we go:

Week of June 29-July 4th, 2009

Circa Survive- Juturna
Not sure what this is... indie, I suppose? Or experimental? Whatever it falls under, this is one amazing album. Do I like it as much as On Letting Go? Maybe not, but it's still a fantastic album for this week's top ten.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Raise Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
It's just that good.

Black Eyed Peas- The E.N.D.
Seemed like a dissapointment when Boom Boom Pow came out, but Black Eyed Peas finally hit the sweet spot with songs like Electric City, One Tribe, and Generation Now.

Chelsea Grin- S/t
Get 'em dancing around like ***s, but hey, catchy "cybergrind" is so, so, good.

Iron & Wine- The Shepard's Dog
Hey, is this quality music? In Roemilca's top ten?!
I think so.

Roemilca 10-16-2009 03:40 PM

I'm just not going to let this journal die off. :yeah:

Week of October 12-16th, 2009

Iron & Wine- The Shepard's Dog
Amazing from start to finish. There's really nothing I can say about this album, except that it'll probably stay in my top ten every week.

Rendezvous With The Kidnappers- Turbulencia
This album will never get old.

Porcupine Tree- Deadwing
PT shows their more accesible, alternative rock side.

Deltron 3030- S/t
One of my favorite hip-hop albums of all time. Word is getting around that they have finished work on the follow-up album, after almost ten years.

Kid Cudi- Man on the Moon: The End of Day
Hadn't really gotten into it when it came out, but I've been listening to it more now. Nothing special, decent alternative hip-hop with some beats supplied by Ratatat.
And that brings me to...

Ratatat- Classics
Funky, hip, you name it. Ratatat hit the big one here, but there's still room for improvement. Good thing LP4's just about ready to be released.

Modest Mouse- The Moon & Antarctica
It's Modest Mouse. Why in the hell would they not be in my top ten?

Above The Sky- Starlit.
Hasn't been released yet. Yes, I made it, but I actually really like the way it turned out. I mixed post-rock, electronic, hip-hop, classical, trance, progressive rock, and house into one.

Death Cab for Cutie- Transatlantacism
Best DCfC, hands down.

The Mars Volta- Frances The Mute
I'm getting realllyyyy into TMV right now.

I'm not done yet. I have to go but when I get back I'll finish up this week's top ten.

Roemilca 03-10-2013 06:11 AM

It's been a few years since the last time I worked on this thing. I guess this is a note to the mods of Music Banter asking if I could revive this.

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