MB's Video Game Classics: Pokemon Red / Blue / Fire Red / Leaf Green - Music Banter Music Banter

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View Poll Results: Rating?
1/5: Not Worth Playing 2 25.00%
2/5: Not Very Very Good 0 0%
3/5: Decent 0 0%
4/5: Very Very Good 2 25.00%
5/5 : A True Classic 4 50.00%
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Old 07-08-2018, 11:48 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default MB's Video Game Classics: Pokemon Red / Blue / Fire Red / Leaf Green

Probably in my top 5 favorite Pokemon games of all time. The originals and the remakes are both fantastic.

4/5 since gen 3 is my favorite Pokemon gen.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:15 PM   #2 (permalink)
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There are several games in the running for my most played ever, but honestly I think Fire Red might be it right there. I've put over a hundred hours into it countless times in months-long marathon sessions so many times over the years. Pokemon Red was my first Pokemon game and my first team was the only one I ever got to level 100 cause every game since I keep restarting. Loved that game to death but Fire Red has running shoes and so many other features that it wins hands down even over nostalgia, and Fire Red has mad nostalgia going at this point anyway.

Favored team: Arcanine (my ****in' boi right thur), Dragonite, Scyther, Kadabra (no one to trade with, for Scyther as well ), Lapras (I think, it's been awhile), and Tyranitar.

Current team cause I've been playing again: Blastoise, Primeape, Nidorina, Raichu, Pidgeot, and Arcanine, I've been using a team made almost entirely of Pokemon I could catch before fighting Brock. I had a Beedrill but Beedrill proved too garbage to be worth the frustration and I didn't really want a Butterfree so I went with a five Pokemon team for a while. Then I was just like, "**** it I want an Arcanine".

I also have a "team" of five Meowths I use for training along with whatever Pokemon I'm trying to level up. Meowth has the Pickup ability that gives it a 10% chance to pick up an item whenever you win a battle, and that includes berries, nuggets, and PP Ups, so while grinding for levels I also grind for items. Realizing I could do that was an amazing moment. BTW I have 1 level 14 named "Lieutenant", 1 level 12 named "Sergeant", and 3 named "Private". Because I'm stupid.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:19 PM   #3 (permalink)
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That whole Pokemon thing happened a bit late for me. My younger brother was into it, but I grew up with He-Man and Ninja Turtles and Magic the Gathering instead.

I do like the idea of a turn based game in the style of these, so I don't know. Could be my type of thing. But really, so many of these video game classics entries presume you grew up with Nintendo, and I very much didn't.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:22 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Solid lineup. One of my all time favorite games is fire red and I started Pokemon around when red and blue came out. However I instead decided to get Yellow, which was still really good. I did love starting with Pikachu as well. But yeah these games are not only great, but fire red and leaf green easily take the spot for best remaster of an original game ever. They basically kept it all for nostalgia sake but made a ton of quality of life improvements. Plus, it was really fun to play through the remasters and play the original story in color. I thought that was awesome. I don't remember most of my teams but I do remember having a powerhouse Vaporeon that I had traded all the way from ruby and sapphire to x and y. I still have my copy of X and I bet that Vaporeon is still there.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:23 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
That whole Pokemon thing happened a bit late for me. My younger brother was into it, but I grew up with He-Man and Ninja Turtles and Magic the Gathering instead.

I do like the idea of a turn based game in the style of these, so I don't know. Could be my type of thing. But really, so many of these video game classics entries presume you grew up with Nintendo, and I very much didn't.
Yeah there's a lot of Nintendo ones. That wasn't my intention. Nintendo is just known for making so many true classics that it's hard to narrow it down.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:28 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kiiii View Post
Yeah there's a lot of Nintendo ones. That wasn't my intention. Nintendo is just known for making so many true classics that it's hard to narrow it down.
Plus most of you apparently had Nintendo consoles when you were kids. I grew up with PC games. I've had some NES and SNES emulators installed sometimes, so I've played some of those old 8-bit and 16-bit games, but it's just not really my frame of reference.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:32 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
Plus most of you apparently had Nintendo consoles when you were kids. I grew up with PC games. I've had some NES and SNES emulators installed sometimes, so I've played some of those old 8-bit and 16-bit games, but it's just not really my frame of reference.
Ah. Damn. I guess I just grew up in the primetime of gaming or something. I was fortunate though because my parents didn't make a lot back then but they still managed to always get us the new console for christmas. From the first NES all the way to the original Xbox.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:36 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MicShazam View Post
That whole Pokemon thing happened a bit late for me. My younger brother was into it, but I grew up with He-Man and Ninja Turtles and Magic the Gathering instead.

I do like the idea of a turn based game in the style of these, so I don't know. Could be my type of thing. But really, so many of these video game classics entries presume you grew up with Nintendo, and I very much didn't.
Bruh Pokemon is amazing. RPGs are great but an RPG where you have literally hundreds of options to make a team while doubling as pets is ****ing crack.

Originally Posted by Kiiii View Post
Solid lineup.
I think my first team was Venusaur, Dragonite, Alakazam (found a random person with a link cable), Raichu, Arcanine, and Gyarados, and that was the only team I ever went to level 100 with cause afterward I just wanted to restart constantly cause restarting Pokemon is one of life's great joys. And eventually after playing so many games I levitated to Pokemon with the highest stats and now that Fire Red team is my most nostalgic. I just wish I had two GBA's so I could get Alakazam and Scizzor. Scyther is great but definitely the weakest link in my team. Its just so ****ing cool though. Easily the coolest Pokemon of all-time.

Also Gyarados is the most overrated Pokemon ever. Yeah it's beast but it's a water type (a special attack-based type) with mediocre special attack but high regular attack even though it doesn't even have particularly good attack moves. That is stupid.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:37 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kiiii View Post
Ah. Damn. I guess I just grew up in the primetime of gaming or something. I was fortunate though because my parents didn't make a lot back then but they still managed to always get us the new console for christmas. From the first NES all the way to the original Xbox.
My parents couldn't afford things like that, so I got an old, used Atari 2600 when I was 11-12 years old. I'm not old enough to have grown up with Atari, but it's my earliest gaming experiences, just because it was what they could find for me. Well that, and the Commodore 64 and Amiga 500 games I'd play at friend's places. These two girls we'd play with when my parents went to visit theirs had a Sega Master System. It was like some next level **** compared to those crummy old 80's machines I'd usually see.
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Old 07-08-2018, 12:41 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Bruh Pokemon is amazing. RPGs are great but an RPG where you have literally hundreds of options to make a team while doubling as pets is ****ing crack.

I think my first team was Venusaur, Dragonite, Alakazam (found a random person with a link cable), Raichu, Arcanine, and Gyarados, and that was the only team I ever went to level 100 with cause afterward I just wanted to restart constantly cause restarting Pokemon is one of life's great joys. And eventually after playing so many games I levitated to Pokemon with the highest stats and now that Fire Red team is my most nostalgic. I just wish I had two GBA's so I could get Alakazam and Scizzor. Scyther is great but definitely the weakest link in my team. Its just so ****ing cool though. Easily the coolest Pokemon of all-time.

Also Gyarados is the most overrated Pokemon ever. Yeah it's beast but it's a water type (a special attack-based type) with mediocre special attack but high regular attack even though it doesn't even have particularly good attack moves. That is stupid.
Never liked Gyarados much since he was technicely a flying type and could get hit hard by almost anything. Lapras was a beast if you lvld it up and same with Tropius. I always enjoyed restarting pokemon games and going with pokemon I never usually go with. I ended up with a pretty beastly Gardevoir doing that. Had to farm for a Raltz tho and that took forever. I remember getting my Groudon to lvl 100 and stacked him with Eruption, Thunderbolt, Blizzard and Earthquake. Nothing could kill him.
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